It really has to be somewhere public & condusive to conversation. Assuming you have some inkling of what the intended is interested in, pursue accordingly. A date is a bit like an interview. A getting to know you forum. Every lady is different but a good date is a discovery if mind sets are compatable. We all like to eat but not the same cuisine. So a restaurant to her liking is a good start. Then you can find out what she has interests in & go from there.
I can't speak for others...& haven't been accused of being "a lady" in a long time but...
I like going someplace where we can actually talk. Nothing ungodly loud or crowded or someplace where you aren't suppised to talk.
If its a 1st meeting, I usually suggest a book store/coffee shop. If he says he isn't "a reader", we probably are not going to get on well. If the weather is nice, the park or a local hiking trail on the river or maybe the heron rookery. A trip to the museum or the historical society or one of the local historical cemeteries. Or even grabbing a bite to eat at a local restaurant where they have free salsa lessons & dancing. Something fun.
Like date-date? Or just first meeting off a dating site? For first meeting I prefer something casual like a coffee shop or happy hour. For first actual date something you’re both interested in. Music festival, zoo, art museum. Something fun.
Part of our first date (we've been together 20+ years now) was ice skating at an outdoor rink and a carriage ride. We went out to dinner and I winged it from there. The date ended at sunrise.
She said it was greatest first date ever. I was looking for activities that would allow us to speak but not require us to all the time.
I think really there are many right answer.
Ice skating...nice!!!
It was just before Christmas in Dallas and there was an outdoor rink downtown.
Speaking for myself and since this is the first date, I prefer coffee at a nice coffee shop.
Have you asked her what she likes? One woman may like coffee shops, another may like parks etc.
Probably some place I can't afford.
@silvereyes yay silver eyes. You are my kind of girl , if you were looking. Haha.nBut casual is the best first date option hands down. Buttoned up fancy country club pinky in the air , doesn’t mean you have to wear your best underwear.. is to much ....or tea. A smile and an ear . By the third date your taking off your gear. .or you running for the stair.
First date or first meeting?
If it is only one of the first times you have met, somewhere public and safe for her.
If you already know her and wish to impress, somewhere no-one else would have taken her.
That way, even if nothing comes of it, she will have unique memories of the outing.
Most online dating advice books recommend a first date meet casually at a coffee shop near the woman's home, in public, in separate cars. If you hit it off, you can take a walk after, or make a date for later.
I learned the hard way that even a second date can be dangerous for women, so they might opt to keep the separate car and meeting in public rule for the first few dates.
Take me to the ocean. Pack a thermos of hot coffee and a blanket. Heaven.
When I'm first meeting a woman I try and figure out the sorts of things she might like from the conversation. If she likes something I like too, that's a good sign, and it becomes something that we can do on that first date.
The women, not being dumb, usually figures out what I'm fishing for from her, and offers up candidate locations and activities of her own. After all, she wants an enjoyable date too. The art museum seems to be a relatively common one.
So, after I became single, I bought myself a membership. A whole lot cheaper than tickets every time.
Reading this thread I feel like a spy. Nawhaha
Date? What's that? I have honestly never been on a date.
@Shelton in school, I was the outcast's outcast. I was teased unmercifully for my entire twelve years of grade school. So, no one even wanted to ask me out, if they were ever interested, for fear of becoming a target. After that, all of my relationships started day one. No courting, dating, etc. And, when you're homeless and dating someone, the people around you refer to your partner as your husband/wife the moment you start dating. It skews your psyche, as well. So... life happened.
My boyfriend took me to the movies (when I still identified as female), and I think that that's a lovely place to start.
I think movies can be good, if one uses the movie as a springboard for further conversation.
@ErikGunderson Oh, most definitely! My boyfriend used the movie to talk with me for hours afterwards. xD