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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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I have an "Evolve" fish on the rear window of my truck.


I'm closeted. Im not ashamed, I just don't feel like debating. They'd be more hung up on me not believing than I would be with them believing.

I understand the need for religion, the need to create order out of chaos but they wouldn't understand me NOT believing. My closest friends are religious, I think they may feel like in not a believer, but they aren't sure. My husband doesn't even know.
I just don't want to deal with the stigma.

But really I'm never asked so I don't volunteer the information.


I am a pretty open Atheist. I was raised Baptist until one day I sat and read through the whole Bible and realized it's just not morally right to me.



Closeted to many but not all. Dying to come out fully but grew up in a very Catholic country so surrounded by theists who won't get or support it. I'm giving less of a s**t the older I get and want to be fully out soon. Nobody ever asks but if they did, I'd be honest that I don't believe in God. The look on their faces would be priceless.

Bebel Level 4 Nov 19, 2017

When I told family I was atheist I asked if god was all good, all wise and all powerful. They said yes. Then I asked why god made Adam out of dirt, Eve out of a rib, but had to rape a virgin to make jesus. It didn't sound very good, very wise or very powerful to me.

Then I pointed out that Satan killed only 10 people in the bible while their god murdered millions with floods and fire, turned people to salt, murdered innocent Egyptian children and asked them if they weren't, in fact, mistaking the evil, petty one for the good guy.

They stopped talking about religion to me and never bring it up now. I


I was an open agnostic and humanist until about the age of 40. I made a mistake in getting dragged into Christianity and then moved to another state where I joined a small church (even worked as the assistant to the pastor!). I've fought hard to 'wake back up' this last year and now have come full circle back to agnosticism. Now though, I'm in the closet to all but my mother (a confirmed atheist) and my kids (who didn't grow up with Christianity and thought I just lost my mind when I became a believer). All of my friends, really everyone I know where I live, is connected with the church and I don't feel comfortable at all in letting them and other believing members of my family know. I'm so relieved to find this site to have others to talk with as I am really isolated.


It always depends on the situation. If I need to confront someone with it I will tell them. If I feel comfortable with telling them I will. If it feels like I'll just be spitting in the wind then it's none of there damn business!

'THEIR' damn business. Grammar and spelling errors do bother me. Especially when they're my own!


I am a mostly closeted Atheist, because I am a teacher in Texas. I have been blasted by strangers when in chat rooms for "ruining children" with my views, and Texas is a Right to Work state. That means they can just non-renew my contract for any reason. I would prefer to remain employed. However, I was raised in and out of the JW cult, so I have been subjected to that religious bigotry and hatred all of my life.

What an unfortunate circumstance of your employment. And growing up JW, you must have so many unique experiences!


I am an open atheist. I lost most my family and friends over it but I stick to my believe.

Good for you. If they can't accept you for who you really are, that's their problem.


I am open to those closest to me. The community I live in would probably burn my quirky ass at the stake if I was completely open.

I know that feeling!


I don't dichotomize it to begin with. I bear no responsibility to declare my stance in an imaginary battle. The people who are making unsubstantiated claims are the ones who have to defend their positions.

skado Level 9 Dec 27, 2017

Interesting viewpoint, and quite right I think.


I'm an closet atheist, because my religious family would freak out. I have enough stress in my life. I plan to come out some day. Maybe before the year ends.

Apparently we are in the End Days (again, yawn) so you may want to get cracking on that. Otherwise The Rapture could be embarrassing.


I am an open Agnostic Atheist. I think that when people get more comfortable with the idea that good kind and intelligent people have no beliefs in dieties they will be more open to questioning their own ideas.


Open, especially to those strangers I do favors for in public that think I must be a Christian, cause I am so nice....shocks them for sure.


Open but not evangelical about it. Not averse to slapping overly idiotic religious nuts about on the head and shoulders with facts if they get too mouthy about their fantasies.


why would anyone be a closet atheist? That would mean you do not truly believe in yourself. Religion is based on blind faith and with that , the atheist are based on facts and reality. I am so very proud I have seen the light and am a non follower of religion of stupid god tricks.

EMC2 Level 8 May 1, 2018

I can see why people in some circumstances aren't open about their atheism or agnosticism.

I have a friend who needs church resources to help fight addiction and an acquaintance who is getting education money from their church.

Thank god (probably Set) I've never had to hide my faith in FSM!


Open atheist, closeted antitheist because I don't want to explain to strong people with fragile beliefs how religion (actually, those who use it as a tool of controlling others) is the main reason the world is on such a desperate state as it is. They never take it will out rationally, and tend to double down on their cognitive dissonance, which would be the opposite effect I intended by sharing my opinions with them in the first place.

That's supposed to say, "is in" and "well or" not "is on" and "will out" lol. Sorry about that. I'm on mobile...


I'm completely open despite living in the Bible Belt. Fortunately, my field (computer technology) isn't conservative, and I don't rely on anyone who is going to freak out about my lack of belief for anything.


Not in the closet, and l don't boast about it. If it comes up l have no problem discussing the subject.


I plainly feel and have expressed to all my family at every funeral I am asked to do eulogy or in my sons case I chose to do his eulogy. I ask no favors or forgivess I am an upright honorable man do stands up for underprivileged or senior citizens. I give best wishes as to prayers because I pray to no god who took my grandma at 45 my niece at 15 or a month ago my son at 35,

Wow man, I am sorry for your pain and loss. I'm down in Jackson, but make it up to Mayfield to get my RV services from time to time, as well as hit Eddyville and LBL during the summer. Hit me up if you know of any cool events up your way. Always looking for open and genuine friends.

Take care!


Closeted....I’m just beginning the detoxification process myself and I want to be 100% confident and ready for the huge amount of backlash that is sure to come when the curtain is finally pulled back. My children are my main concern. I’m trying to do what’s BEST for them.

Kids are the most important priority. I admire your commitment to their psychological wellbeing.


I don't shout it from the rooftops but if asked or the subject comes up in conversation I have no problem telling.

Same here


Open and proud - as Paul1967 is!

Draco Level 6 Sep 26, 2017

open as it seems so obvious that I donot feel like hemming and hawing.


I am open about my beliefs. I believe in the scientific method and evidence based reasoning. Being confrontational with believers is not my style, unless I am being confronted or someone tries to dictate how things should go based on their religious dogma.



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