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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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I'm very open about it. Why shouldn't I be? There's too many 'Christians' shoving their religion down everyone's throat, so I feel that I should be a voice of reason.


Im very open about my atheism, christians can rave and shout about they're ideals, if they can why can't I.


I am a proud militant atheist. I never hide it, even from devout religionists.


Honestly closeted


I'm quite open about being an atheist, why worry not really an issue.


Open only to the people most close to me,and the few that share my beliefs.Unfortunately most of the people I am around and know are believers,so I do not bring up the subject of atheism because I am not into a hostile reception.


I'm very openly atheist. I've lost "good, loving, caring" christian friends whom I've had to block on social media because of the constant hate and threats they give me for no other reason than not believing in their fairy tale.

It's not much of a loss to me because I've found that the more you push those people away, the better life starts to get. I'm not talking all theists though. There are some that don't care and as long as they aren't shoving their religion down my throat, we get along great.

I don't fear the religious in the slightest though. I know more about their book than they do, and can make them look pretty stupid if I have to. Having the knowledge behind me helps to be as open as I am.


I am an open atheist. As a result, I was instrumental in freeing two different theists from the clouds of their faith based delusion. This takes hundreds of hours but is worth the effort as for one, his life has become better as he no longer has nightmares of his chruche's warnings of burning hell forever. All those I have freed have thanked me for allowing them to see the world without having to hate anyone that is not a member of their faith. I don't openly debate all religious assertions but often point out mistakes in the baseless assertions of the religious. In some cases (at work) I usually quietly ignore the nonsensical assertions of the faithful but will respond when directly asked a faith vs science question.


Open and I have never felt I had to hide it, but then, I live in the UK where religion is not hugely important to many


For my safety, closet


I'm mostly a closeted atheist. I never lie about being atheist and if it comes up I tend to tell people I'm "not religious". But all of my family members are Christian (as far as I know) and as far as I know all of my co-workers are religious and nearly all of my friends are religious. Unless the topic of religion comes up it just doesn't seem worth mentioning.


In the closet. I don't want to lose the the people I love so much.


Closet. Family and close friends know but the community does not. Reason: Safety


For a long time, I kept it to myself. I'm from the South and lived for a number of years in a Muslim country (ESL Teacher), then got in a relationship with a religious person. Now I'm much more open about it.


I'm open in so much as if I'm asked but apart from that, I have the same beliefs as my dogs or my fish. it works just fine for them.


I am definitely open I am to the point in my life where I don't need anyone's approval I am not afraid to speak my mind on any subject

Tovie Level 2 Nov 25, 2017

Open for sure, pretty much always. That being said it's not necessarily something I immediately bring up, it's just that whenever the topic does come up I make sure it's known. I really do wish that "atheist" were the default assumption of people's religious beliefs though, I always feel extremely uncomfortable when people assume I'm Christian.


Open. In this day and age being closest is old school, backwards. What's the point of progress if you can't express yourself.


i am open about my agnosticism. I really don't believe in a Traditional God figure, but there are too many unanswered quantum anomalies to have a dedicated belief one way or another. I am open about my beliefs because I don't care what anyone thinks. If people wanna follow Jesus then let them follow the bastard for all I care. I just can't be moved by something so trivial.


Quite open now. I de-converted eight years ago, and kept quiet so as not to upset my elderly parents. But they are gone now, so I'm wide open about it!


I live in the sticks of Ohio were everyone is a baptist i am a closet agnostic and a closet Marxist to admit to anyone of the 2 would be to be shunned and discriminated against.


If I am asked, I tell people. I will only voluteer that information if the other person is assuming I am a Christian and is using my lack of comments as agreeing to thier point of view. As in "We are all Christians here.". "Um, I'm not a Christian".
Tends to kill a conversation pretty quickly.


I don't advertise but I don't hide the fact . Living in the Bible belt I get invited to churches all the time I just say I'm not religious and I'd be a hypocrite if I did attend .


Open but I don't wear it on a T-shirt. Some people have figured it out and some have not.


I am open but I don't shove it in peoples faces.

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