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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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For the most part open. Those that I told are my friends, mom, dad and my stepmom and stepbrother. My mom told my grandmother and I have no clue who she told so its just safe to assume I'm out to my moms whole side of the family. I told those I felt I needed to be honest with and when I wasn't open it scared me. I had three panic attacks before I was able to tell my mom.

Wow, three panic attacks! Glad you overcame it.


I don't usually tell people about my religious/political beliefs unless they ask. My family knows I don't believe in God(s) but they just think I'm 'confused,' so I tend not to talk about it at all. But if someone really wants to know they're more than welcome to ask.

Something how believers seem to think non-believer are the confused/delusional ones.


Living in the bible belt where it's hard to throw a rock without hitting a church, I'm still in the closet to about 80% of the folks around here. My parents weren't religious and didn't go to church except for funerals and the odd wedding. My maternal grandparents, however, were Fire Baptized Holiness and church services my Granny took me to as a child scared the crap out of me. Kids around me were being scared into belief. I was lucky and got scared skeptical. Most people I knew were fairly smart and logical on everyday things but when it came to religion and their god, those same people were dumb as a sack of rocks it seemed. Logic was out the window. I learned that if you ask too many questions in church, you don't have to go to church anymore.

I bet you have lots of interesting stories you could share. When time permits, if you feel inclined, please educate me/us on some of the "scared into belief" stories. You can share it as a post, as part of this thread, or my inbox. Just a request ????????


I don't broadcast it but I would say 99% of the people that know me know I am Atheist/Agnostic.


I'm open about it with friends and family but I keep it out of work for the same reason I don't talk about my Politics and my Sex Life. Although if I'm confronted with a direct question from a coworker, I tell them I'm "not religious".

I agree, and personally believe it should be discussed at work. However, if asked I will tell also. Welcome to 🙂


I'm open with everyone, all the time. It got exhausting to hide, and when I grew up and had my own life going, I didn't really have a reason to. I've lost friends and my relationship with certain family members has suffered somewhat, but I reached the point where I was willing to take that risk in order to be my authentic self. That sounds really douchey (I can't believe I just said "authentic self" but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Having the character and courage to be your "authentic self" is commendable! Welcome to


I don't really talk about it much, since I live in Tennessee. I've masted the art of talking about Christianity with believers without ever mentioning myself, but if they ever do ask, I do tell them I'm an atheist. Usually they never ask though, because of the speech I deploy as a matter of convenience.

Derek Level 2 Oct 2, 2017

Would it be dangerous and/or equal to career suicide to not hide it where you live?


I own a business in the Bible Belt. sigh. Closet it is for me.


Closeted agnostic. I do not want to lose love or respect of those that I love and respect. This subject is too complex to bring openly to those I love; it would hurt them so terribly and I don't want to lose them, their love or respect and I don't want to argue over endless elements.

Your approach is difficult different than mine, but I understand.


Belief has divided the world and pits one belief against another. Like my page on facebook: []

I agree (“Belief has divided...&rdquo😉, but do you have a direct answer to the question at hand.


I see no reason to hide. If we all had the courage to come out and call things like they are perhaps one day all religion would fade away and society could concentrate on important things like climate change.

its frustrating living in a world where people think god is real. I agree with you, if people lived with reality instead of thinking all things that happen because its "gods will" or whatever.. the world would be a better place.


A little bit of both. I'm open with my family and close friends. Most of my old church friends have no idea. If it comes up I'll tell them. Otherwise I don't push the issue. Of course, I was the same when I was religious.

That’s great! Nothing worse than those who impose 🙂


I'm an open atheist.
I remember as a small child sitting in Sunday school and thinking, "They're making all this stuff up just to trick us small kids." However after hearing that my parents and grandparents believed it, I spent years trying to believe and was convinced I might go to hell because I had doubts. This sort of brainwashing is an awful thing to do to any child.

Indeed it is awful 🙂


I'm 61, way past needing someone else to validate my thoughts. I simply don't care, it doesn't affect my life to admit I'm an atheist.

same here. I don't care what people think, its not my problem.


I came out of the non-believer closet in January. I had to wait for my daughters to leave for college to do so. Boy oh boy did it stir up some noise in my small community in south Arkansas. 99% of people here would say they don't know an atheist/agnostic person. The few, very few that are here must stay in the closet or risk their careers and family.


I don't hide it, but I don't push it onto my religious acquaintances and friends either. Some of my best friends are deeply religious, they know my belief/opinions, but we love each other like brothers and would do almost anything for our group of friends. So, y'all tell me, does that mean I'm open or closeted?

Hi Bob. Interested in your comments. I too have lots of religious friends and its great when you can discuss openly the topics on your mind. My religious wife is leaving me for a minister. Two families have been split apart. She is leaving because she sys she has more in common, which I get, but do see religion as ruining and spoiling a perfectly good relationship.


Open. But for business reasons, I try to keep it quiet. I live in the bible belt.

It is the same for me. I only told a coworker because I was asked directly.


I'm an open atheist. I'm not terribly vocal about it, but people that know me will know that trait about me. Most of my friends are not particularly religious so it makes it a lot easier.

none of my friends are religious either. I have a co worker that spends his sundays listening to lies in a baptist church, I don't get it, out of 2 days off a week you waste one of them LOL


I wouldn't go on an Atheist Pride march (if such a thing exists LOL) as I don't think it is something to celebrate and it is not a headline label for me. However, I might mention it if asked or in a discussion involving religion.

I would go on that march 🙂


I don’t get in people’s faces but:
I would join a march.
I would be in a debate if asked.
I have a bumper sticker that announces to all that “I am going to hell in every religion”
I try not to inflame reactions while not backing down from argument.
I try to keep a sense of humor.

gearl Level 8 Oct 23, 2017

I want one of those stickers.


I'm in a place of questioning and share with close friends about what confuses me about the supposed character of "God" and why the planet is in a state of pollution and corruption.
The jury is still out.

All the best in your quest.


open and proud. it actually helps prevent religious conversations around me. there are even a couple others at work like me 🙂

Grats on finding the coworkers!


open atheist/humanist. I'm a humanist chaplain now and working to spread seeds.. A guy last week was shocked and he said "how can you be a chaplain and not be xtian?"


I am both open atheist and open religious person. I tend to find it funny because people feel that I broke the law of the excluded middle. Its almost a funny case of geometry showing its ability: mind blown... In essence, being open or closeted about anything from sexuality, belief, personality, etc is always a game of egos. But I don't see why not pretend to have an ego for everyone for the fun of it.

argo Level 4 Nov 3, 2017

I've been atheist for most of my life. I've skipped the closet phase. I've been a believer for a total of 8 years, which were 3-11 grade, at which point my common sense kicked in. I didn't think I was super outspoken in hs. However, I got a total kick out a message I got when I first got on Facebook from a hs classmate, asking me if I was the one he remembered as being a "die-hard atheist". I felt quite happy that this is how he remembered me. Ironically, I was attending the national CFI conference when I read that message, so I couldn't help but crack up. My response was, "Yes, I am. Glad that this is what you remember about me."

Wow Katherine! You are everywhere. Your energy level must be phenomenal. You are very active here as well as at school, with humanist and atheist , etc. Keep it up! I have two weeks to go before grad school ends for summer. Still hoping to meet you before you vacation!

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