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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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I'm an open atheist because I think it's important to force people to accept me how I am, or get out of my life. I refuse to let societal expectations dictate how I express myself.


With family I am more closed do to there beliefs.
If asked I am open.


I am an open atheist. I think the world needs a healthy dose of skepticism


Absolutely 100% open atheist
Cause why not


I'm pretty open about it because I'm not very good at hiding things about myself for very long. I'm very outspoken and proud of my beliefs.


Completely open. Life is too short to live a lie.


Proudly open to all in all situations. It usually stops unwanted conversations with people who think it is there calling to convert anyone who doesn't follow there teachings and donates to the Con men on high. Mostly my own relatives! I don't condemn anyone for there beliefs but I love to debate. I have yet to be engaged by anyone as soon as I mention the facts know to science.


Openly humanist/agnostic. Seems rare in my area and representation is important. Also nips religious-based event invitations in the bud.


Very open atheist.


If I worship anything, it is truth. I am open about not having spiritual beliefs of any sort.

I love my country and am proud to stand and put my hand over my heart to say the Pledge, but I leave out the "under god" part which was added when I was young, during the Cold War, to distinguish us from the "godless Commies."


I tell people what they need to know, basically I can convince people I believe and that I don't believe. Depends on what I have at stake and if there is a benefit to me appearing religious vs not.


I wouldn't call myself closet agnostic since most people who know me, know I question religion. But I am careful how much I do say on this matter, as so many of my friends & colleagues would be upset. And I just don't want to go there.

ags2 Level 5 Dec 12, 2017

Both. I work and live in a rural community and have a somewhat public position. I am not open about it with anyone but family and friends usually although often many of my employees know.


Closeted. I have no interest in hurting the feelings of people who are close to me, at some level, but do not share my views. Hence, my pseudonym.


Because it's a no brainer. Can't smell it. Can't hear it. Can't touch it. Can't taste it. I just can't see why I should waste my time. Even if something like it actually existed, so what? I personally don't have any use for something messing up my life any more that I have already done.


OPEN! I have nothing to hide, and am very true about myself with other people..and i am a NICE, GOOD PERSON!


I’m open about who I am and what I believe, but I’m not the type to force my opinions on others.


if someones asks I will say otherwise I won't say anything.


I had been more or less very Open for at least 45 plus years I guess. But I don't try to bring it up. I recall arguments in junior high and high school. I was very solid even then... without doubts once I stopped praying at night before going to sleep.


Very open. I totally feel I have an ax to grind over the religion that I’ve been exposed to.


Depends on whom I am with. I don't intentionally offend anyone, but sometimes it's very hard to keep my mouth shut when the religious babbling starts.

Marty Level 1 Dec 20, 2017

Closet, because my family and my job would be at risk if I come out right now. I told an atheist friend of mine that atheism would become the 'marriage equality' conflict for the next decade, only that we (atheists) would not get the same equality because unlike gender identity, we do make a choice to be atheist. His reply? "Once you have the facts, is it really a choice?"


I am openly atheistic; as I feel strongly that people should witness for what they believe; and even more adamantly, I eschew superstitions and all the harm they have done, are doing humanity. Put another (positive) way, I urge other people to become themselves; to learn ways of knowing the universe that are real... to live their lives apart from mythos, deal with others humanely, improve the planet.


I am an open/active atheist, trying to be less confrontational & trying to "learn" Street Epistemology". I just got an "atheist atom" tatooed on my right forearm as a conversation starter (& because it looks so good! LOL). I will not hide, tho I try to be understanding & respectful, because as xtians are supposed to do, I disagree & dislike & disbelieve the viewpoint & religion, not necessarily the person who holds those views.


Open. Why? Life’s too short to hide your real self.

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