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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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I'm open, but generally I don't initiate any discussions about it. Among certain of my more seemingly close-minded professional contacts, I steer away from the subject as diplomatically as I can. But if I'm asked directly, I will plainly and unabashedly state that I am an atheist.


I am very open about being an Agnostic. Some of my so called friends quit speaking to me because of it. I guess they were not that good of friends. I have had bible thumpers try to argue with me over it, but I prevail and they get mad and walk away swearing to never speak to me and I say THANK YOU!


Completely open since I was around five. I see no reason to hide my beliefs from anyone. If your beliefs are strong enough and supported by reason, critical thinking, and skepticism, you should be proud and willing to be open about your beliefs.


I am open, I live in a small town and I do not gab about it if someone ask what is your religion I have no problem saying that I am agnostic. I have always dislike those people that go around and try to convert you to worship their demigod. Or join their faith. First thing that come in my mind when those people come around is what can I say to get them to leave quickly.


I'm very open about being an atheist agnostic. I find no shame at all in it and if people don't like me for it then it's their loss. I am who I am and people should accept me for who I am I accept them for who they are.


I am an open agnostic with family and friends, but closeted at work. I don't feel comfortable discussing religion at work so I just don't say anything.


Open. I will openly mention that I am an atheist if I feel it flows naturally into making such a statement, and I post my atheist views on FB but I don't go out of my way to let everyone everywhere that I am an atheist. I meet a new person, they won't know I'm an atheist until something justifies my bringing it up.


Open to the people close to me . I have no desire to advertise my non belief for the same reason I do not care to hear about OTHER people’s beliefs


I am an open agnostic, but I don't were a sign an advertise. If someone is pouring on the gospel, or church identity then I will tell them I am agnostic. Usually the conversation ends there. I wouldn't mind further inquiry, but most times the conversation is dropped, the subject is changed.


OPEN! Because I am an american and I have the right to be and believe what I want and have researched!!


Open but it's trickier for my kid. She was hassled at her last school for not going to church and has lost a few friends at her new school by being open about it. She's only 7. I suggested to her she might want to keep it to herself at school (very small school in the South in the woods!) and her response was "I don't have to pretend to be like them. It's ok to be different". (So proud)


I am an open atheist because I feel that I have a right to show the religious crazies around here in oklahoma that people don't need a god to be good people. I volunteered at the local soup kitchen until they found out I was an atheist. I volunteered at the local thrift shop until they found out. So now I spend my free time with my kids and their friends keeping them out of trouble and keeping them busy. A few parents know I'm an atheist and I don't do anything to hide it but mostly they just ask me not to say anything to their kids. I have no issues with that request and even correct my kids when they speak up.


MILITANT ATHEIST in that I go out of my way to respond to the 'buffoonery' (nice description memetolva) that some people claim as true and right. Respect for individual beliefs is one thing, once it enters into policy or practice that effects others, then I speak out. Their are some incredibly dangerous people in the world today, many are driven by religious delusions.


I'm an open atheist with my family and friends. Generally, I respond by letting people know I'm an atheist when they start justifying their bigotry using "The bible says..." I let them know that I believe all religions are equally foolish.


Open to friends and my brother. Family and co-workers not so much. My company is full of crazy religious people, it's just easier to not talk about. Smile and nod, just smile and nod.


Open. I don't hide it, though I don't go around shoving it in people's faces.


Open...even became an ordained minister in the Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster to flash my ordination card at religious co-workers and such.


Open atheist mainly because I am not bothered to talk about it to 'anyone of any religion or none' if they want me to. I actually don't think its a very interesting subject I'd far rather talk about everyday things. I was brought up in a small suburb of London & religion was never really talked about - because it was personal. I now live in Northern Ireland where its a great topic of interest and seems to define people - as in 'I'm this not that' I find it difficult given that there is only one specific difference between the two ways of praising the same god and I sometimes think it isnt about the religion at all but a bit like a need for difference to maintain a sense of self.


Open but not obnoxiously so. I don't fear or care what others may think about it. It's my right to believe and ain't nobody's business but my own(to quote an old Howlin' Wolf tune).


Out since kindergarten. Religiosos are often aghast that they "like" me, having thought we all were hiding horns & cloven hooves. Why am I out? How is the species supposed to evolve without secular humanism? If I lost any friends because of my beliefs they were not friends. They were doctrinaire. It was I who could not take their constant evangelizing, attempting to save my wretched soul. I did not attempt to convert them. But boy oh boy the onslaught of pressure became unbearable.


I firmly believe in being out and proud about everything, including being an Atheist. Most believers don't hide their beliefs so why I should I hide my lack of belief. Being visible and striving to be a decent person is how people's opinions of Atheists will, hopefully, change.


I am as open with being an atheist as I am open with being a gay man.


I don't hide that I am agnostic but usually only mention it when when someone tells me about their religious beliefs or experiences. I politely tell them either that I am a non-believer or I don't believe in a God or gods. If I'm pushed on the agnostic part, I tell them that I only say I'm agnostic cuz I believe in possibilities. That I think it's more likely that aliens exist than God does, and no one has found aliens yet that I know of.


i flaunt my heathendom whenever the opportunity arises 🙂


I'm open about it. I think that if I am open about it, and there are other people around when I say it then maybe it will encourage someone else to admit it that may have wanted to, but are afraid of the consequences of saying it. Power in numbers and all that!

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