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What's the best thing about being single?

There are many pros and cons to single vs. married life. So, what is awesome about being single?

silvereyes 8 Mar 2

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80 comments (51 - 75)

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I win every fucking argument between us = me and I.


Not having someone constantly whining that you don't spend 24 hours a day with them, or being in an abusive relationship, or being able to completely oogle other men and hard core flirt.


No poopoo mens undies to pick up..

Some of us men pick up our own poopoo undies. In any case, my wife would not do it for me. I remember a conversation early in our relationship where I asked her if she did laundry on a specific day. My intent was to not make her have to fight for the washer and dryer, by doing my laundry on a different day. But she thought I was assuming she'd be doing it. She just matter of factly said she wasn't doing my laundry for me. I laughed and explained myself and it's been no problem ever since. I even take her stuff out of the dryer and fold it for her once in awhile.

"Young Frankenstein" reference.... 🙂


I get to pick which side of the roll the toilet paper goes on.


Never watching sports center. Not knowing who is in the Stanley Cup Play Offs. Knowing exactly how much Ben & Jerry' Colbert Ice Cream there is in the freezer at any given time


I'm retired and now have the time I needed as a young adult to "find" myself.


The "when, where, what" I want, mainly coming and going and sleeping.

I can adjust some on other things.


It's an interesting question and honestly id rather be in a relationship without being married as that piece of paper destroys


For me, it is the removal of the burden of worrying about and supporting other people. I have only me and a dog to feed and exercise.


Single means ive got the reserve to wait for REAL love.


Not getting guilt tripped about being busy.

That and my bill at Taco Bell has decreased a few dollars per visit.


I can do whatever I want when ever I want to do it, and sleep diagonally across a queen size bed, and snore my head off if I want too. Haha

Sacha Level 7 Mar 2, 2018

Not sharing my bed...and not smelling someone farts


I can be selfish again! I can run around naked with a feather duster stuck in my ass to do housework. Listen to music without hearing 'I don't like that'. I don't have the conundrum anymore of 'Where you want to eat'. Me: I don't care. 'Cmon...where you want to eat'. Me: Doesn't matter where I'll find something wrong with it. 'Nah...pick someplace'. about the Mexican Inn. 'Oh...I'm tired of that place and that waitress kept looking at you'. Me: Just order a fucking pizza, ok? SHEESH!


Getting the bathroom all to myself and any time I wish. this is a solid advantage after you've been a dad with 4 kids.


The only thing I could say would be I am free to date if the right person comes along, other than that, my life is not as free as one would think, so many kids, pets, chores, obligations.


I can order a lot of food and pretend half is for my husband but I don't have a husband and now I can eat a large pizza and pasta all alone without judgement


Not waking up in the middle of the night because she shoved her tiny ice cube feet between my thighs or even higher!

@silvereyes Then there would be a socks rule implemented for you missy. Lol...Or some trade off would be negotiated. 😉

@silvereyes I wouldn't want it any other way!


Looking foward to marriage


doing what i like when i like really


I can fart and belch with impunity and the only ones I bother are the cats.


What I like the most about being single is not having to deal with the problems and compromises and adjustments required when living with someone. On the oher hand, it can get lonely at times.


Others have already done the best things about it. The only problem with it is that it gets old over time.


I guess everyone has a different idea about this. Most of it is just being selfish and self centered. When you get to be my age you may look at your tree of life and see it's barren, devoid of any fruit and all the memories you'll recall would be centered around you. Oh sure, you'll remember all the one night stands, but you'll hardly remember the names.


There's not a whole lot to be recommended about it, but there are some things. It affords me the chance to be better acquainted with myself. When you are with somebody, a great deal of your energy goes to pleasing your partner, or at the least negotiating workable compromises. Now, I do the things I do, for me, and I have a much faster feedback loop.

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