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Find agnostic doctor

I'm looking for a new family physician but I would like to find an agnostic one. Wondering how to go about finding one? I would like my doctor to be a person of science and I would like to speak openly and frankly to my doctor without fear of being judged by someone's religious morality.

scubafan 3 Apr 4

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My doctor is a Republican and Greek Orthodox. I even like you as a person. I do not believe his religious or political beliefs lower his standard of care for me. People of all beliefs often want to be the best they can be and that's what you want from your doctor.


If a doctor was to treat you, physically or mentally, outside the bounds of "best practice" he/she is committing malpractice, period.
You have no right to ask, as he/she cannot.
Plus, do you think that 8 or more (many more!) years of medical school, plus constant scrutiny during those years, would not leave an impression?


I don't discuss religion nor politics with my doctor. I go twice a year for prescription refills and to give them blood samples.
My chiropractor has talked about church and all that, I just listen and that's it.


I'm not worried about that, prefer one with knowledge to keep me alive and healthy

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 26, 2020

Great question !!! You probably will have a greater number of Atheists primary care providers in Canada than here in the defacto theocracy of USA...... criminal theocrats and religious fanatics TAMPON TERRORISTS have murdered 9 gynecologists and bombed 56 women's healthcare clinics since 1971... ....most however were not Atheists and # 9 Dr Tiller was Lutheran..
.... a female xian terrorist (redundant lable) shot him in both arms and is no longer in prison for her attempted assassination.... a scum of the earth xian stalked Dr Tiller for months and this excuse of a male is in prison for life after putting a bullet into Dr Tiller's rear skull while seated in his Lutheran Church pew.....Accordingly Doctors inside USA rarely advertise their Atheism and opposition to religious interference of any medical venue.... I went to the United States Supreme Court protecting secular medicine: CARTER v Broadlawns....join a face to face Canadian Atheist membership organisation or just walk up to available doctors 6 feet away and ask them for their professional opinion regarding Atheism..... asking for Agnosticism is usually a dodge provoking question while Atheists unafraid will be proud to report religions and alleged gawds are ineffective as placebo in medical situations


My primary care physician is a born-again Christian - he knows that I am a non-theist and we've never had a problem. He embraces science and he embraces the research that I do when he might be too busy to do it himself. As another member wrote - the majority of the nurses I've encountered down south tend to be Christian more than anything else and they do employ their most popular phrases but none of that bothers me as it certainly does not diminish the level of care they provide. I would not disqualify someone simply because they have faith.


I suspect my family practitioner is. Not sure how to broach that subject though.

Just ask, Doc, you are a great physician and I am an Atheist grateful for your care....are you an Atheist also ?


I've never had a problem like that with any doctor. But oh crap the nurses here in the South. "God bless you honey or they've gone to heaven or god will take care of you just believe" it angers me. And it's unprofessional.

I've learned to ignore God bless and have a blessed day.


I agree. I'd also like one not getting kickbacks from the pharmaceutical industry

I hope your medical progress has not been sullied by annoying believers in Texas


Doubtful any medical practitioner will divulge any personal information.
I share very little about my personal life.
I also don’t care, talk, think, or consider anything at all about a person’s religious beliefs.

A true professional practitioner’s religious beliefs will have zero conflict with your beliefs.

My goal is to provide educated unbiased care.


Thanks all for your input


A tad off topic. For anyone looking for a secular therapist, checkout

JGal Level 7 Apr 4, 2019

Now that you bring it up, I don't recall any Doctors claiming to be Christian. I'm sure they're out there though. Maybe they don't talk about it because they want to be taken seriously.


The doctor I have is a Christian, and she could care less that I'm an atheist. She has told me that she's there to give medical care, not to convert.


There are xtains who will only see Drs who agree with them, muslims who do the same, hindus, etc... so join the club, i guess.


Or, and follow me on this, you could just find the absolute best doctor you can and agree not to judge each other's beliefs.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 4, 2019

Have absolutely no desire to judge their beliefs I just want my physician to be a person of science and don't want to be judged for my lack of religion


Agreed, Likewise, I would much rather have a doctor who has a fundamental understanding of evolutionary theory and the evolution of humans.


I’ve not once thought about my doctor’s stance on religion.


I have had doctors of all backgrounds in my many years. Sure, most of them were Jewish but that's just the way it was back in the day. Never have I discussed religion with a doctor. Well, with a doctor that was not a chiropractor. They tend to run heavily Christian but so long as they put my vertebrae vertical again I don't much care.

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