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Alright... let's go there.

Polyamory vs. Monogamy
or however you want to phrase it...

Do you believe that we as human beings should be progressing towards POLY type relationships - not expecting one person to meet all our needs, and not being expected by one person to meet all of their needs...

Or are you solid in your monogamous ways?

I was seeing a fella who is poly, and it gave me a lot of anxiety... but I'm not sure if it gave me more or less anxiety that if we were doing things one on one. He was honest about his activities, and when he was with his other girlfriend I would feel sick...but at least I knew what he was doing, and he wasn't just 'out with friends' for me to imagine if he was lying or cheating. Yes, I know I have major trust issues with men, that's a much deeper and longer story.

But how do you feel, what do you think?

doglvr1882 5 Mar 4

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sORRY still believe in monogamy.

Me too


I discovered that I don't have any sexual jealousy at all. I really don't care what a partner does with who, sexually, as long as they're honest about it, and they're sensible with respect to infection risk.

Where I can get jealous is over the emotional connection. This became very clear when it became obvious that my ex would rather spend time with her 'friend with benefits' than with me. They'd constantly be texting and phoning, acting like teenagers. Then our (mine and her) trips to Amsterdam became their trips to Amsterdam, and so on.

So I think poly would only work for me in the sense of 3 (or more) people, all with an emotional connection with each other (or at least all with one with me.) I could be the hub if it suited the other parties to be spokes, but not the other way around.


If all parties are fully invested in it, I can see where it would be beneficial to all involved- even the children since more loving adults cannot be bad for child.


From a health/phylogloy stand point monogmous is the best. If you are into fantasies fulfillment then a Ménage à trois might be for you.

Is there a study behind your comment about monogamy being best? Just curious why you think that to be universal.

@Roadster Have seen several friends float around to different partners they always seem to be the most unhappy the ones that are true to one partner seem to have better optimistic views. Also observing nature the animals with the bigger brain power like birds seem to survive better in a mated relationship.

@azzow2 bonobos


I think that as a society we need to be more open. Tho I'm not at all a fan of Mormons, nor do I think that their polygamy is fair to women, I don't know how it's the government's business unless Food Stamp fraud is involved or abuse of the women or the kids.
I think it has to be up to the individuals in any relationship & I agree honesty has to be the foundation.


I think individual humans can progress towards polyamory, monogamy, chosen singledom or whatever they like, rather than "we as human beings" aiming en masse for any one of them. Personally, I can't imagine being anything other monogamous (and if my partner can't meet all my needs I'll make compromises, just as I hope my partner will for me, because I believe that's how relationships work), but what other people do is up to them.

In the case of your ex, did he tell you he was going to be polyamorous at the beginning of your relationship, or later on? If it was at the start and you went along with the relationship knowing that to see if you could live with it, fair's fair (but I'm glad you got out of it - or I assume so, since you said "I was seeing" - as you clearly weren't happy). If he announced it later on, I'm even more glad you got out of it - if I'd been in your situation and he'd announced it after letting me believe I was in a monogamous relationship with him, he'd have been straight out the door.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

@doglvr1882 Sounds like you had a lucky escape. Unfortunately, some people are very skilled at appearing more honourable and trustworthy than they actually are, as you no doubt already know, and we all make the mistake of misreading what people are really like sometimes. Hopefully, the next man you meet will turn out to be much better!

@doglvr1882 Wow, he sounds like a catch - I'm amazed he even has to ask for women's phone numbers; I'd have thought any woman who knows him would be throwing herself at him! Better luck with the next one, then!


Poly for some, mono for others. People are different. We don't need a uniform mating requirement.

I agree. One thing is that poly and mono should probably not be together.

@DelilahJones33 I've noticed that can be a difficult combination, but I wouldn't universally call it a bad idea. A very few monos are actually okay with a poly partner who can still fulfill all their needs. Many monos just accept their poly mates to be poly because they love them that much and want them to be happy more than they want all of their own happiness met. Some polys act mono for a mono partner, and some are okay with that while others feel stifled and resentful. Some polys try to get their mono partner to try to be poly. Seriously bad idea - that has less success than conversion therapy, which is a complete sham if not abusive.

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