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I really liked this post.. had to share.. pretty much sums it up for me anyway.

mistymoon77 9 Mar 6

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I did it for all the hot chicks



I enjoy reading the old testament - but for its history. I enjoy laughing at the early begats and their ages. Surely they meant "moons" not years? (Thus 980 becomes 75 years.)
It has also been a useful reference work for archaeologists, and I love that stuff.
Then there is the social commentary on attitudes to slaves, concubines, assassination and murder, you name it.
However, the new testament I find boring!

Damn straight (pardon the pun). I was encouraged to read the Bible in my confirmation class at the tender age of 13. Within a year I was an atheist. Took a few more years to 'come out' to my family, though.

@Petter Me too, I find it fascinatingly obscure like looking through a dirty window at a by-gone age. Some of the early rules make sense, like bury your poo outside your camp. You just don't find many Christians doing that these days.

@Petter, @JeffMoffat Are you RC Jeff?

@Amisja Nah, good little Anglican, me. Rather than just learn the cant, we were encouraged to actually read the Bible and learn about the history of the church. Look how that turned out.

@JeffMoffat I was brought up in the CofE tradition but no one pushed us to read anything.

@Amisja I was baptised into the RC church, but fell out with its dogma during my latter teens and over the next few years became ever more atheistic.

I was confused, so I read the Bible a few times so that I would understand. One day, with the Bible in my hands, I cried and cried super hard for all the confusion I had had. It was gone, the confusion, that is. Since then, I'm continuously amazed and dismayed with the level of deceit and/or stupidity displayed by individuals of my race, including me in the past. I'm sooo glad to have discovered this, but only because I reached a point of discomfort was I able to.

Good points Petter

@Petter, @Captnron59 I wasnt raised religious and never have been but I do rememeber about expecting talking snakes at the Chester Zoo. Very dissappointing!


I love it when xtians assume that I'm angry at god. I swear to nobody, I am not pissed off at your imaginary friend any more than you are upset with Santa Claus for shit you didn't get.

JimG Level 8 Mar 6, 2018

For me, the ability to sin without even doing any harm is the hook.


I went because all the cool kids are atheists.


None of my family are religious in any way and when I first went to grammar school our R.E teacher gave each of us a random passage out of the bible and we were asked to comment on it for homework - My text was about Rahab the Harlot - I asked my dad what a Harlot was and he shuffled around shiftily and theb wrote a letter to my teacher saying that if she was going to teach this stuff then she was going to have to explain what a Harlot was , because he wouldnt. I don't remember being enlightened by a red faced teacher.


I feel almost bad for changing the number of likes from 69 to 70, because I'm 12. 😀
But yeah, 100%. This is what they sell in church concerning atheists, and it's how believers approach the conversation and end up looking like idiots.
"Jesus never said follow Xtians, he said follow me."
"If you left the church bc of bad xtians, your faith was in them not god."
"You're just angry at god"
"You hate god."
"You just want to sin as much as you like."
"Where do you get your morals?"
Interdimensional Eyeroll


That covers it for me. The problem was that it took me so damned long to come to this conclusion. Now I have people looking at my age and saying I'd best turn that atheism around. One believer I have known since age 12 tells me that "one day I'm gonna wake up in a place I don't want to be." OK. If I die how am I gonna wake up?


Those of us who are educated and basically intelligent are the ones who not only question, but make the effort to find answers are the ones who are far more likely to know the truth. Christianity specifically, was created by Constantine and with one motive. He wanted help controlling the common people.


So... If you're mad at God, you can't actually be an atheist...


How very true.


Spot on!


Twoblues are misleading-whoever put this together-needs a class on graphing.

Very true. I hate those presentations that don't take into account the importance of contrast.There' room here for a brown (and a black, if you don't mind an overriding non-colour.) Perhaps we atheists should be a black circle!!


I really like it too !


I'll be darned, and I'm not a sock.

I'll be dammed, and I'm not a river.

Good one. Wise asses rule!

I'm not darned.

But are you holey?


The inquisitions gave rise to the attitude expressed by many today. Absolving heresy and free thinking across Europe gave Xtians the ball and they ran with it. Imagine a society where intelligence and true freedom ruled. If there is a god then we are it. When in a debate and questioned about my beliefs I say that I serve no master, giving them a little something to think about. Proving or disproving the existence of a god is a waste of time. we're (atheists) here. let's just lead by example how good life can be without being enslaved to a deity.

completely agree with you, sadly we are dragged back into the mire by greedy politicians/businessmen that breed hate and starting wars


Traumatic experience and anger with god combined with my previous cognitive dissonance over religion and led to increased investigation. Negative feelings are insufficient to sustain my present position. Philosophical, historical and scientific arguments are the basis for my views.

"Anger with god" Do you mean you used to uncontrollably curse at god loud ? What a coincidence! I used to do that too every time Murphy's law prevailed - which was most of the time. This is a short comedy YouTube video about this subject:

@rayfunrelax I MISS YOU, GEORGE!


Yep I.m true blue too.


This is the one answer they never seem to get, either. It's assumed that if we did our homework we'd be good little believers, too.


Blue all the way since around the age of 12

Same here.


cute, but pretty simplistic

marga Level 7 Mar 6, 2018

ya, I thought so too but still think its neat..


it is called logic!


I've read the babbling book of BS a few times and knew from the get go that it was nothing but nonsense!


Good answer!


Good one !

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