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Is Greeting or Being Greeted Import To you?

When you encounter someone in public, do you tell them "Good Morning"? Does it matter to you if someone tells you "Good Morning"?
I have encountered people who think its rude to not "speak" or say good morning.

I, personally do not tell a person "good morning" unless someone tells me first. I basically could care less if a person speaks or not.

I have worked in hospitals most of my working career. At the begining of my career, I would always be the first person to speak and say "good morning", but not anymore.

I have spoken to people and they have look me straight in the face and said nothing. So now I only speak when spoken to.

What do you think? Does it matter to you at all?

twshield 8 Mar 7

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When I was working, I was the one everyone hated (teased) because I came in cheerfully wishing everyone a Good Morning! LOL But I think, it's contagious. I didn't go in with that purpose in mind, I was honestly cheerful, but looking back, I'm glad I did. I don't work now, but when I'm out, it is rare that I don't greet the people I encounter, whether I know them or not. 🙂

@Shelton, Good Evening to you! (in my most cheerful of voices. LOL)


No. People talk too much. Where I live I think people confuse being friendly with liking the sound of their own voice. 😛


I greet customers of course but if I am super focused, I fail to greet co-workers sometimes.. Some of them get pretty butt-hurt over it.

I have a member of management that cannot do a damn thing until he walks entire store getting his good mornings from everyone. If you try to talk shop before the greetings he makes a big deal out of it. Then wonders why I call him a child and have no respect for him


I say good morning to people all the time. Some reply some don't, I just think they must have something on their minds. Maybe they are having a bad day. I don't think it's rude.


Greeting yes, I greet too.


If I speak to someone and they ignore me then yeah it matters to me. If you make eye contact for a couple of seconds, it's the polite thing to do. It's kind of like someone not saying thank you when you hold the door open for them.


I think it's common courtesy to give salutations. If they respond well and good. If they don't still well and good. I want to think that simple greeting could brighten their day or night.

Just a salutation and I'm off. No small talk after.


Its nice if you know someone and run into themto say hi -I try to be friendly in public. My sales personality.

thanx @twshield always


For me, it depends on the person. If I know them pretty well, I'll say "good morning", if I don't, then I might wait for them to say it first. I'm an introvert and not really a morning person, so most times I don't want to talk in the morning. If I do say it and they say nothing, it'll probably bother me all day lol!


No, not at all. I'd rather be left alone than to bother with small talk.


It is show's respect for each other by recognizing our humanity.


I think cheerful greeting is very important; it's a show of goodwill. When I was leaving the last place I worked, some of my colleagues did say that they love my cheerful greeting. I remember someone saying that my cheerful greeting usually makes her day. We should give this kind of greeting to people. It doesn't cost anything and it has emotional benefits too.

obis Level 6 Mar 7, 2018

It is, if a person greets you with out prejudgment it show a kind of maturity and a mutual respect is formed regardless of your differences.


I try to greet everyone I know in social situations. But I often miss greeting some people. I don't try to greet strangers outside my immediate area in professional situations.


I live in a friendly area, it is uncommon not to greet or be greeted when passing someone, even the teens who normally are the trouble makes in an area will mostly say HI or ask how someone is. HOWEVER, drive 15 miles north, cross the border and people will avoid you , walk out of their way not to past you and never make eye contact.


I live in a small town, even going to the grocery store to buy milk (or in my case Perrier and limes for my Tito's Vodka) takes a half hour, everyone just yaks and yaks at the checkout, about anything at all, so you can not be in a hurry, if you are, you're one of the few. I love it, Its a pretty friendly town I live in.

@twshield i know, but you get used to it, the speed limit in town is 30 km/hr. LOL You just can't be in a rush here! Everyone chats away, no matter where you go!

@twshield You can always tell when people drive here from Vancouver, they drive like maniacs haha, I saw a bumper sticker that says, "Relax, this ain't the Mainland" I need that sticker!!


Yes. It is acknowledegement that one exists and has some value in the social context. A person who does not respond to a greeting is telling you more about themselves than anything else.


It matters to me. I am currently a triangle living in a trapezoid neighborhood. I don't have any worries... These are my neighbors and I want them to have at least one reason to smile. Whether they reply or not is immaterial.


I'm not much of a talker so I find it to be annoying at times. I'm all for politeness and all so I will return a greeting. I've found that introverted people come across as rude to others when this situation occurs, but I think others need to take into consideration some people find it difficult to match their enthusiasm for greetings.

The first time I noticed this was a trip to Augusta Georgia, everyone in the south will greet ya with good morning or afternoon etc etc. All this is fine, but when you feel pressured to return the greeting every twenty feet walking up the street it get a bit taxing. I ain't got time for that lol. I came to the conclusion it really is a regional thing and that some of us west/east coasters find it a little irritating.


I always speak or hold a door open in passing because I never know what another person is going through and a small seemingly insignificant act can make a difference sometimes, If they don't reciprocate I can't worry about it. Again we never know what is going on behind someone elses eyes


Nope. I find pro forma verbal communication maddeningly inane. I speak if and when I have something to say that matters to me.

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