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LINK Evangelist Declares White House To Be "Holy Ground" And Commands "Demonic Networks To Be Scattered" - Joe.My.God.

It is amazing to me that anyone takes these Charlestons seriously.

snytiger6 9 May 4

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LOTS of people are taking this stuff VERY seriously.

As far-fetched as it seems to a rational person, there are an awful lot of people in the US who are more than willing to go to war for "god and 45".
Dismiss that idea at your own peril.


The deep South may be full of really stupid and ignorant folks, but the Southeast is full of CRAZY MOTHERFUCKERS!


Leave it to the Xians to hold the most godless man ever elected to be the second coming of Jebus.


The "holy ground" was originally, a neighborhood of eighteenth-century 'New York Towne', where prostitution flourished. It was centered around where Trump Tower stands today.

Still is today from what I understand....


I wish extraterrestrials would come, pick me up and get me off this planet I have to share with the zombies.

Wow, that was an interesting thought. Great job.👍


This coming on the heels of Trump's personal attorney admitting he helped cover up Falwell's brief stint as a amateur porn star I find quite hilarious...

Falwell the son? I seen some stuff recently about his personal trainer and the pool boy! Never heard about the porn star! I hope this POS gets his just reward someday!

@bradnyijuan Trump's attorney bought the photograph evidence it seems which makes him a porn star...


Next thing we will hear is that they will have an exorcism there.

They have. They claimed to cast demons out of the white house. Obviously that didn't work becaus eTrump and his cronies are still there.


Here is an example...why this WH and adminstration has run amok! They have god on their side and the rest of the Country has just been overtaken by the evil forces...or devil for short. They see their place in the ‘big house,’ as god’s answer to their prayers! This is manna from heaven for this Country’s Evangelicals...and it is now a force to be reckoned with, as they suddenly have the ‘golden goose!’ Just try prying it from their iron grip and you will see the wrath of god, smite you (their view), it will really be some earthly man made vengeance that will come your way! It is a depressing picture...these people will die for THEIR cause! But, before that...they will cause great harm to our social order!


Colbert had a video that showed just exactly how much Individual-1 knows about religion. Nothing. Doesn't seem to be able to even fake it very well. "Christians" don't notice? They do, but support his inhumanity anyway. It's embarrassing that a president of the United States can't fake Christianity any better than this.

Colbert nailed it as usual!


Wonderful! Now Trump and his cronies have to get out. 😛


Unfortunately they take themselves very seriously and we have a POTUS who has given them carte blanche to spew hatred.


Hitler declared Germany to be Holy Ground which would last 1000 years!

We all know how that turned out!


That Paula White beeyotch is a quack!


It's just unreal that this is real.

Yeah, the U.S. leadership seems more surreal than real. It is as surreal as an Ayn Rand novel... only the rich are the ones beign unreasonable in real life.


Unfortunately, everyone is allowed to be stupid and, unfortunately, stupid can’t be punished. It does make me gag and turn the page/channel.


Strictly speaking the evangelist are protected by freedom of speech as well, so they can say whatever nonsense they want. That's the whole point of freedom of speech, to protect the one we despise the most. Just so be clear, I don't agree with their holly BS statement by any means but like it or not, they have the right to be that stupid.

@altschmerz well, that's your freedom of speech. I don't like it because you are not comparing apples to apples but it is your right none the less

@altschmerz Again, that's your freedom of speech right. However, I don't have to agree with you

@altschmerz ok, now we can turn the page and move on. Nice talk actually. Cheers !!


There must be a place in a padded cell for her somewhere


Ofcourse they say that, when you control a group of people, uneducated and you want to keep them happy for your own interests, you can say anything weakness and pile with nonsense, and this monsters will eat some people reason. And there you got it. No mistery involved here.


Sounds like a voodoo witch doctor but then most do


Then there is this one... [] The only "god" Trump acknowledges is himself.


Total ignorance... How can any normal person fall for,this shit

They aren’t normal, that is the problem!

I would not be surprised if it comes out tha tthey have had some Lewinsky type moments together.


I gotta get some 'Resurrection Seeds'! They sound fabulously vague. 😏😂🤣


You are right! However, there are people who take Bernie Sanders seriously, too!

zesty Level 7 May 4, 2019

@altschmerz nobody is making demon free zones for Bernie

@Count_Viceroy Asshole Bernie wants to make gun-free zones all over. More dangerous!

@zesty we have them already. All over.

@Count_Viceroy Yes. Hence the mass shootings.

@zesty I long for the days when nobody was shot

@Count_Viceroy When was it?

@zesty those wonderful days before gun free zones.

@zesty I can sure remember when guns were not ‘romanized.’ And, when people weren’t nearly so fearful of their neighbor, that they kept a gun on hand, just in case.

@zesty Very few mass shootings happened in a "fun free zone. In cases where schools had armed guards, it just made the guards the first targets. It didn't sto shootings form happening.

@snytiger6 Respectfully disagree. Most shootings happened in gun-free zones. Armed people - if we just let the terrorist execute us, no resistance, no shooting back - is this the solution? Please!


The sad thing is that fellow Evangelists will harken to it, in their delusional way.
How about Evangelists are the demonic networks?

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