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How do you react when people say “ I’m praying for you “ ?

Some of my friends ask me, how as an Atheist do you react when people say they are praying for you? Do you get upset?
I tell them I always say Thank You. I take it as their way to say “ I care for you” , and it doesn’t upset me.

Greysdad 4 Mar 8

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It useta make me mad. I think thats a phase that agnostics/atheists/antitheists go through. Borne out of frustration more than anything else. "oh really? pray for me?? take THAT religion". But later we figure it's just kinda silly. Thats like Breakin up with your ex or something. I just thank them for the thought even if it was pretty hollow and self-serving. I just don't say the hollow and subserving part out loud. I can dwell on the fact that they wished me something that they considered positive which is cool and they can believe they made attempts or advances in converting the heathen. Doesnt hurt me a bit. They can believe whatever crap they want - just examine their belief system! It can be a win/win.


If given in kindness I give thank you. If they are snotty about it, then I tell them "And I'll dance naked in the woods for you!"

BillF Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

It's just how a person of faith wishes you well. I've never seen it as a reason to get offended.

Rilos Level 2 Mar 9, 2018

For the most part, I just say thank you. It's rare here in the UK anyway. Occasionally, if their comment is a preachy one lambasting my non-belief, I may respond "Thank you. And I will think for you."

Now THAT is Funny ! 😉 ( I'll have to use that one )


It depends on the context. If it is someone concerned about a health condition or other problem I may have, I will smile and accept their good intention. If it happens in the course of a discussion about religion, and they say that to mean that my soul is headed for hell, and their prayer may save me, and they say it in a holier than thou tone......then I might give a little taste of something like this.... " If there actually is a just and all powerful diety who will judge us, then your contorted religion would be an affront to him. And you would be better off praying for forgiveness for yourself".


I say thank you. Whether or not we agree on religion is not the issue. What matters is that they care enough to wish you the best. I'm not here to fix the world. I just have my beliefs. They have theirs and if they wish me good will then I say thank you


That is basicly what I do. Most folks are just trying to be nice.


Depends who it is. A religious nut I work with said to me when she found out I was a non believer, I replied don't waste your time she could not believe me and thought I was having her on....


No one I am close to would say that to me. However I see it on line and do not ever say it myself. I send positive thoughts.....

yep - I say sending good Vibes 🙂


My initial response is to roll my eyes. It's a knee jerk action. I grew up in church. I've prayed over many issues and nothing happens. So these other people are doing nothing to help the situation.


I just say thank you. I know they're only wishing me well in their own way.


Ditto. Unless it was meant to be disrespectful.


"That's nice" or "bless your heart" is my usual standard answers, as long as I perceive they are trying to be comforting with good intentions. But if has to do with pushing their religious agenda then its a "don't bother!" I can and be condescending if need be no problem.


Exactly if you don't make it a big deal if you don't make it a big deal.


Exactly if you don't make it a big deal if you don't make it a big deal.


You are right if it doesn't bother you, you can allow

Uday Level 2 Mar 9, 2018

I say, "Thanks," and move on with my life.

Gohan Level 7 Mar 9, 2018

My response has always been that they can find better ways to waste their time and energy.


It really depends on my mood when I hear it, the circumstances, and the person saying it. My responses will vary. Most times, I don't respond at all because it's pointless.


Thank you. As misguided as they are it's comimg from a good place.


When people say that "I'm praying for you" I simple tell them Thank You, someone needs too. We all have to believe in something.

Tippa Level 5 Mar 9, 2018

I don't get in the way way of them learning but I don't do any teaching I save my own mind saying thankyou nad not meaning it - I remember the bit in the film of george Orwells Brave New World , Wehn at the end they asked him what 2 and 2 were and he said 5 but under teh table he had four fingers out.


I ask them to make sure they write a letter to santa for me as well


When it comes from a friend who's genuinely kind or a client I've learned to appreciate, I accept it as a gift because that's how they mean it.

When it's delivered surreptitiously by some clown (no offense meant to clowns) standing on a street corner I reject it with a glance, a frown, a shake of the head. (50yo saving my energy for other encounters lol)


I say "Thank you" but actually saying to
myself, "what's wrong with this person?"

I say thank you because I know what is wrong with those people: they don’t think for themselves! So I mostly feel sorry and I know I am being condescending, but they don’t know.


I was in school a few years ago and a girl asked if she could pray for me... I said yea. I didn't know that she was going to grab my hand and do it right then. it was pretty awkward. a couple days ago a guy I know said his wife prayed for me and I was like - "that shit don't work". but if anything happens that is along the line of what they pray for it's like impossible to convince them that it wasn't thier prayer that helped.

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