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Dating Trans

Would you date a Transgender male/female? Why or why not?

JaymeDanielle 5 Mar 9

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Love is love.

What's in our hearts transcends what's between our legs.


Yes. Gender is a social construct. Like who you like. Dont think too hard about it 🙂


I did, for over a year. Being one myself, it worked out quite well. We had reasonable expectations of each other, which a cisgender partner often doesn't (such as waking up to a bit of beard stubble, and in their case, short hair, the following morning.) You'd be surprised how many trans people would answer 'no' to this question, though. Well I certainly was.


Sure, why not? There are so few people I encounter that I’d prefer to be with rather than myself. No need to limit my options.


If you really like someone and/or fall in love with someone, does it really matter? No, it doesn't and yes, I would date a Transgendered person.


Yes. I've only ever dated cis people, but sure. I can't imagine being trans, but refusing to date someone because they were trans. ?


As a panromantic I'm attracted to all genders and gender variations, but not sexually to any, since I'm a demisexual (only sexually attracted to someone after a courtship of over a year, and then only to that one person).

I'm also a partial transmale, and I'm still attracted to my ex, who is now transtioning to nonbinary female. He/she asked again last night for us to get back together and since I have to move back to the US soon, I need a roommate with whom to share expenses.


Ive never dated a trans person to my knowledge, but I would definitely go for it knowingly. I prefer them for who they are as a person. If you can get along really well, then everything else will fall into place


I’m not sure. I’ve never dated a trans male or female, though I’ve talked to a few trans women. I guess it depends on attraction. I’m bisexual and whether I want a particular partner of either sex depends on a number of factors.


A transwoman, yes. not really interested in anyone's penis just now, unless they're cis and hung!


If I was attracted to a trans person, then that would upset some assumptions. And if, in turn, she was attracted to me then I see no reason not to proceed with a relationship.


If I am attracted to that person, I don't see why not. Never really thought about it.


Tricky question, I have friends who have completed gender reassignment and some who only went part way. I could not date friends who I knw as male previously though in all other respects I consider them female now. I have a friend who was female for most of his life, and I treat him as a male to the point we almost come to blows in arguments. If I met someone who presented as a woman, had completed reassignment and I was attracted, then found out she was transgender, yes, I would probably continue dating.

After "re-assignment" she would then be transexual.

@Skeezwazzle Julia Serano used that definition in Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity, but she admits that the terminology has changed between her 1st and 2nd editions (2007 vs. 2016). In the movie Boy Meets Girl,
the pre-op trans main character, for whom the screenplay was written, described herself as transsexual.

I'm fine with the term transsexual, but don't use it to describe pre-op trans women unless they specify it. Many trans women don't like it because of connotations that being transgender is mostly of a sexual nature.

Most (not all) post op trans women that I know currently use the term transgender to technically describe themselves.


If happen to have had a few teans friends. I woudl hnto have a problem datign a trans person if there was a mutal attraction. I dont' see what the big deal woudl be.


Don't know. If there was attraction? Never been in that situation.


I really want to be the kind of feminist that says “of course, people are people” but I am really attracted to manhood and also to, well, manhood. I’m being snarky but I like masculinity and also the physical parts that usually come with it. And I can’t picture engaging in a relationship without either.


No . My wife said I not allowed to date .

Good call 😂


What is between the legs is not as important as between the ears. But then I don't date so.......


Yes cause i'm bi so it would not matter anyway


Absolutely!!!!!! I'm a transgender female to boot


That's a really tough question. On one hand, I want to say that if love happens first, then genetalia be damned. On the other hand, I know there's a possibility that finding out somebody is trans may affect how I feel for them. I probably would issue a "no" of caution, just to keep everybody's feelings in-tact.


Not my persuation

But this guy is.......Used to be from Iran 😛

hahaha Yup 😀

the usual stereo typical guy, just using passive listening. Yes it's stereo typing guys but that is somewhat their nature. Listen to just the beginning of a problem and start solving it without know the whole story.


I don't think so but never say never


If she has the right parts, and she's attractive to me, then sure! Why not?


Fully transitioned I would have no problem at all but I'm not sexually attracted to penises. They kinda gross me out. So I don't know if I could date them. I guess it depends on how I otherwise feel about them and the kind of connection we have as to whether I coukd get past that.

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