Always for the good guy except in certain movies where he is a bungling oaf and the hero is the bad guy.
Depends on the scenario really..though lately I generally root for anyone but the cops..
Lol it’s always hard to watch hot people die.
@EmeraldJewel indeed boo
Depends. I like anti-heroes. But rapey, icky villians do not get my vote...
The female lead in Science Fiction, no matter good or bad. Most anything else, whoever has the best lines.
I mostly root for the villain.
Usually the good guy - in today's sci fi movies it can be hard to establish who is who.
When I'm watching a show such as Ray Donovan, there aren't any "good guys." Just evil and lesser evil.
The one that is the most human...and who I can relate to more...depends...on the individual character
It depends.
I loved the character The Comedian in Watchmen. He’s a bit of both. Which makes him the most interesting character.
I just watch the movierooting for fictious charactersseems pointless since the outcome is predetermined. I like to watch and figure out the ending well before the movie ends.
Depends who's philosophy I relate more to. Or if the villain is hot I usually cring when they're beaten/killed. :/
If the villain is an equal-opportunity hater (just a d-bag to everyone as opposed to one group) and has a complex story/character, you can bet I'll be rooting for the villain or at least feel for them more. So sick of these simple/one-dimensional, boring, ultra-vanilla, goody-two-shoes heroes. I wanna see some grit and some nuance!
Typically the good, but every so often the bad lols
On a side note - I am dying in your eyes. <3