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"Has Evangelical Christianity Become Sociopathic?"

I think this article sums up why many are leaving the fold. The hypocritical nature of it all is a real stomach turner. This doesn't mean everyone leaving will become an atheist or agnostic, but it does show a pattern in the U.S., and I'm sure in other countries as to why the younger generations especially are leaving churches.

A quote from the article:

"The evangelical Christian message is loud and clear. They care for no one but themselves. Their devotion is to the version of Christianity they have created, which calls for ruthless abandonment of immigrants, women, children – even their own – and anyone else who doesn’t fall inline with their message. Social justice, which is mentioned in Bible verses over two thousand times, has been replaced with hardline political ideology. Principle over people. Indifference over involvement. Judgment over generosity."


SteveB 7 Nov 12

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Yes. Evangelicals are nuts, generally. They've taken the ancient myths and legends to the sick extreme. If there were a Jesus he'd be ashamed and doing a 'face palm".


That and the entire Boomer generation.


And that seems to me to be what unites “conservatives” - a lack of empathy. Liberals, while sometimes misguided, attempt to make the world better for all people. Conservatives want to make the world better for themselves and people like them, even if it’s at the expense of others.

Exactly! Well said!


I think it has yes. It has been politicized beyond recognition.


In short: yes. And the voters who support their candidates are as well.


There isn't any difference either you accept their beliefs or go to hell. That has been the message of all religions in some manner. Religion is a business made of power to subjugate others. At this time the evangelicals are using their power to invoke their way of thinking on the rest of society. The separation of church and state is being challenged. They are as cruel as others have been in the oast.


Evangelism is advertisement, convincing yourself by convincing others, and Jesus himself is quoted as saying 'Lead by example' or some direct metaphor. Their own book cites their behavior as an advertising gimmick and inappropriate behavior. You know, because i actually read it. Mic Drop


Yes, for the following reason: If you confront an evangelical with "ruthless abandonment of immigrants, women, children – even their own – and anyone else who doesn’t fall inline with their message" then the answer you get will be "the people who do that aren't true Christians."

I guess that qualifies as sociopathic...

I also think that it contains some of the Narcissistic traits.


I don't think there has been all that great a change in Christianity specifically and religions in general. Whenever there has been an opportunity to gain political power presented, they have all attempted to move in. Some have succeeded.

I think we are more aware of their shenanigans now because of how our communications have continually improved. If any of them sees any chance at establishing a theocracy, they jump at it. The current evangelical assault on the institutions of law, politics, and social existence is a reaction to an opportunity. It is dangerous indeed, and it demands that those of us who see it for what it is stand in the way to not allow it to happen -- because it will if we don't.

Answering the question as it was written, religion has always been sociopathic in one way or another and to varying degrees. It is in the nature of what religion is and does.


I wanted to say "Duh" (tongue-in-cheek, not to be obnoxious). I don't think it's possible to run from reality as they try so hard to do, and not suffer some sort of psychological damage it. It's dangerous, and it affects all of us. As American citizens, we become unwitting visitors to their mental asylum.


Yes serious religious people are mentally challenged by ignorance and upbringing..


A damned good statement!! In the US evangelical Christianity is the number one threat to democracy, our civil rights, independent reasoning, science, and civility. In other words, it is "a pox upon our house."


Christianity has gotten so strange. When I went to Sunday school as a boy, we sang Jesus loves me and, it was all about compassion, now christianity seems to promote hate and violence. My mom and dad who are pentecostal minister and wife think Trump's a great man of God. When I got whipped for saying and doing a lot less.

anyone who thinks Trump is a great man of God is lying to himself or herself. Down deep they know that is not true if they have ANY capacity for morality and reason. They have become such ideological "true believers" who are trying to create a theocratic state that they have betrayed the tenets of thie religion. I am sorry for them, but also fear people like thyem greatly.


No. They’re just very self serving and delusional.

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