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Ok what do I say/?

Has being politically correct gone to far? There are many situations which I no longer know who say. How do I approach a lady I do not know,Miss,mam you there,. Can I open a door for a lady as I do for a man? Is it ok to disagree with someone's position without being called some name Commie,quack,bitch,bastard ,asshole, liberal commie, socialist nut case etc.Is mentally ill correct for a nervous breakdown,autistic,bipolar?Help!!!

Marine 8 Mar 11

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"Excuse me?" No pronoun needed.
The person who gets to the door first should open it
Disagreements should not arise unless the person is using hate speech.......then you can interfere as you like. Yes you will get blowback , but IMO it is important to speak up in the face of blatant crap.......and whatever they then say , consider the source!


I could write a dissertation to answer this but I shall deal with just one. Mentally ill is not appropriate for someone with autism. It is a condition, hence autistic spectrum condition, that involves the wiring in the brain which can lead to perceptual differences to that of neuro typicals (Normal people) The best way to address someone with autism is to ask their name, then just give them a bit of latitude with how they respond, assuming they do.

We have an autistic child in the familly who is now doing just great. He completed college which was a great help in turning him around and helping his condition.

@Marine I work with adults with autism and my eldest daughter has Asperger's (High functioning autism) and it's really good to hear about your son and his accomplishments. I've found that what usually inspires 'normal' people will do the same to someone with autism they just show it differently and giving them strategies to cope with areas of stress can also provide long term benefits. Don't forget you're a parent of someone with autism, that's makes you the expert, you have insights that a lot of academic experts don't. My best wishes to you and your family 🙂


No, it hasn't gone too far. The main takeaway of political correctness is not to be an asshole, misogynist, racist, or ableist, so no. It's not gone too far at all.

You still have not told me what to say. I have never used any of the words you described!


I don't bother with political correctness. I just get on with my life say what I want, if I offend them, that's their problem not mine. After all, what is politiclly correct one day, might not be politically correct the next.

So you'd call a transwoman a tranny, or call a woman a "little lady?" I think not. It's good for people to learn respect for others.

Tell what to say. I have never used the words you point out.

@birdingnut No I wouldn't.


Maybe it's best just not to say anything anymore - if you will feel offended by other people feeling offended. 😛

Not me them!


Just yesterday there was a post on here about women don't want to be called ladies or girls so you're already politially incorrect. Bahaha. It's always something I say ladies or I call young ladies girls sometimes because I'm old. I never heard before yesterday of anyone being offended by that.

Now you have and I was chewed out for opening a door for what I thought was a lady!

Do you think "Human being of the opposite gender" will do?

I was in that conversation too, and I don't know why so many women, at least on here, object to being called lady. I don't consider ma'am or miss an issue either. A former co-worker born and raised in the south was taught it was polite to refer to women older than herself as Miss first name. Her intention was sincere and respectful, why would I be upset by that?


People will answer this with 'just be considerate' or words to that effect, but they're falling into the 'just' trap that they want everyone else to avoid. What they really expect is mind-reading which, as we all know, is impossible.

My only concrete advice is to open doors for everyone. It's only polite. If they don't like it, it's on them. As to the rest of it, I remember my Aesop--if you try to please everyone you'll end up pleasing no-one.


Don't ask me, 🙂

jeffy Level 7 Mar 11, 2018

It's you know certain things are offensive to certain people, think of a better way to say it. If you don't know, say whatever you want, you'll find out if it pisses someone off soon enough, then adjust. And here's the thing, if anyone calls anyone a name, you can't learn a thing from that individual, not one thing.

I never thought calling someone a lady was inappropriate

If she does, then it is, for her.


Yeah pc has weakened the herd. Only a matter of time, now.


Don't worry about what you say and do. Be you.

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