I’ve finally gotten around to setting up more of my profile. It seems like the community is growing. How would you suggest I make the most of it with the goal of making friends and/or potential dating prospects? Many thanks.
Regarding trying to become more of a non-conformist. I absolutely recommend it, but be prepared for lots of blowback from some folks.
Non-conformity is most definitely frowned upon. Even here.
It's worth it though. I'm much happier going against the grain as often as possible.
Hey, you didnt say "welcome to the asylum".
Don't I know it!!! I'm a firm believer in exterrestrials and they have been visiting Earth for centuries maybe longer. I've been call a nut many times.
It doesn't sway my opinion in the slightest. Considering there is at least 2, 000,000, 000 stars in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in the Universe, it's terribly short sighted to think Earthings are the only advanced society.
I see you’re being a very naughty boy again...trying to lead a newbie astray! What would Petunia say?
@Marionville Petunia is hiding my Agnostic.com t-shirt.
@WonderWartHog99 She wants to wear it herself maybe!
@Marionville She's not a fan of social media.
@WonderWartHog99 No...but maybe she’s a closet Agnostic!
@Marionville She's so deep in that closet, she does needlepoint bible verses to hang on the wall. She likes to go to a restaurant where ever square inch is covered with scripture and Christian sayings.
Food isn't bad. It's all the cooking you'd expect from a home cooking place in Dixie.
Free beer is always a great place to start.
IMHO, I think the best way to go is just be honest when chatting,commenting etc.
I've through time have gained quite a few friends that way.
And if there are those that can't handle your honesty, then it was never going to be fruitful anyway.
I think a lot of people here are smart enough to know when some one is just saying what they want to hear as to just be liked. That's a big reason I think it's best to just really speak your mind for better or worse.
Yes, doing so has had some block me. Yet, I've also gained friends as well.
That is how I am IRL also.
Don't be afraid to communicate with those outside your area. It worked for @DharmaBum50 and I. After 3 visits (8 weeks total) and a year of communicating honestly, we live together since late April. Good luck!
I second that enthusiastically!
I've found that when you jump into some different groups and respond to comments you tend to make friends a little quicker. There are quite a few different groups to choose from so look around and find some that interest you and start writing. There are a lot of really great people on the site. Good luck.
Get involved. Get to know as many members as possible.
Good luck...! Lots of advice below, I see you especially like @WonderWartHog99’s tips!
To learn how to gain points and the perks of different levels:
Open your profile. On the right, find the heading, Level.
Click on your underlined points to the right of Level.
Voila! This will take you to the Levels Page.
getting the most out of ag dot com requires putting the most in. follow the good advice in items 1-4 of WonderWartHog99 below. realize that the rest of the advice is a joke and laugh but don't do it.
Thanks. But I like #5 and later.
@MarkDixon it depends of course on what you actually want from the site whether that's your best option.
Attend local Atheists events in KCMO KCKS and invite all there to expand participation here like you are now
You're off to a good start! Welcome!
Thank you. Nice to meet you and to be here.
Saying you are a non-conformist in you bio is a good thing and it should attract more folks that it turns off. I would get rid of any photos showing you with women as it might make it look like you are already in a relationship. Women are often easily discouraged or suspicious of men who say they are looking to date and have pics of them with women, doesn't matter even if the woman is your sister or daughter. Talk in your bio about your background or lifestyle. Best wishes.
I’m in an open relationship(s). Full disclosure is important in consensual non-monogamy. Nothing to hide.
@KnowIngGlance I hadn't thought of that, so what you're doing makes total sense. I just assume everyone is monogamous until I hear otherwise. Until recently, I had never even heard of poly relationships outside of the Mormons, of course. It's a different world from when I grew up......not saying that any of that alternative lifestyle stuff is bad, just something new to get used to.
If you are wanting to date, two of your photos (you and a (same) woman are visible. That implies a current relationship.
I’m just guessing, but that may. It be the message you want to portray.
I’m in an open relationship(s) as disclosed up front in my bio. Nothing to hide or shy away from.
Put an ad in your local paper inviting non believers to the website. It's a crap shoot hoping someone living near you will just happen to stop by.
Interesting idea. Thanks.