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What options are there like scouts

I would love to enroll my kids into scouts but are there any less religious options out there?

Honorabledougn 6 June 18

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Sadly it seems that religions infest most things like Scouts, etc, these days though when I was younger and joined the Scouts here in Australia religion wasn't so obvious within it.
Later I joined the local State Emergency Service Group and was amazed to find that religion was, at that time, a definite NO Go zone because we were ALL there simply for the purposes of rendering assistance to those in need during disasters, accidents, etc, no matter their affiliations, etc, to religions or whatever.
Perhaps you might try setting up a similar system/group with other parents, etc, in your area as an adjunct to the Emergency Services available and as a kind of Junior branch of them, it IS a much more fulfilling thing, both personally and group-wise, than Scouting ever was imho.


The American Humanists have an outfit called the Navigators. They have resources to help you set up a chapter.


I have never heard of scouts being as religiously based operation. Maybe it is different here in Australia. I certainly hope so as my little grandson is going to be a cub (baby scout) when he is old enough.

Jandii Level 4 June 18, 2019

they don't push it, but if you do a little digging you will see it, unless they have changed some of there other policies, I'm not a fan of their LGBTQ stances in the past


I volunteered to be a cub master. They loved the meetings I organized, praised what I was doing for the kids, and after several months, they started asking me why they didn’t see me in church on sundays. They said it was a good role model for the kids. I told them they were wrong and resigned....


I don’t know how it is today, but the scouts were pretty secular when I was a kid.

i see you were not in the Mormon end of


Find a troop or pack sponsored by a fire or police department.


The junior college might have elective for kids.

azzow2 Level 9 June 18, 2019

I’m not sure if 4-H has a religious aspect.
Boys and girls clubs might have some options. Perhaps there’s some local organization that gets kids outside?

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