Death by fire or death by drowning are my two biggest fears. Believe it or not being eaten alive is scary but not my #1fear. When I'm dead I want to be eaten. Give back something to the Earth for all I have taken.
Do not fear it at all. The human body will remove you from the extreme situation as it always does. A nasty death will put the brain into a state of shock and you will not be aware of the event itself. To conquer death all we have to do is die. That is a line from JC Superstar
@maturin1919 I do not know, we have never spoken to one who went through it. But yes I firmly believe the mind removes us from the trauma. Like with an accident you see about to happen to you. Time moves slow and the detail is incredible. If you had an arm severed you would be in shock and not feel the pain. Pain is felt by a brain that has the facility to do so. IN emergency or trauma, the brain takes energy away from all things that are not relevant to survival.
Well, I am one not interested how anybody wants to die. Including my loved ones... It is personal you know? Maybe you don't know. I am one of those that talk about life... about living... about things to do while alive. I am not one of the dead so... not my lane.
Fire and being eaten by an animal.
Burning to death is actually pretty quick.
I witnessed 3 individuals burn to death while I was in Iraq and surprisingly there was no screaming
Come to find it out it's not the fire that kills's your own body. When you start inhaling flames your body closes the airway in an effort to protect you don't burn to death... you suffocate...and plus you would be very surprised how much trauma the body can endure and you feel no pain because of shock.
I don't know because I am told that drowning is quite pleasant and that being in a fire is pretty quick as you lose consciousness I don't think we have any animals that eat us here - like bears or alligators unless they escape from the zoo. I think the worms eating me is good enough for me then it will go further up the food chain - something will eat the worms- prefer to just go in my sleep really though!
Ive been living with death as a partner in life for quite a long time . I did tend to freak out at times, fearing the unknown inevitable stuff. We walk or run through life , generally careless about death, it would seem the older we get , that some of us start to fear what is obviously closer to us now , than has been for the earlier stages of our lives. At 17 Iwas wiped out in what was initially classed a fatal motorcycle accident, screwed me up for years, that life had almost ended and Iwas not even aware it had happened, until being all messed up in a hospital. In my 20's Itripped in a factory into a band saw, it was going to decapitate me , so Ipushed myself away from it , sawing a bit of my thumb off in the process << a large bit . In my 20's Iblew up my garage with me in it , trying one of my own experiments liberating Hydrogen gas<< It did it so fast it heated up and self combusted << very spectacular it wass to<< servere burns and a lot of laughing, ( Iwas young and foolish and it was funny it exploded too me ) . Then at 31 Iwas sitting on a combustible item << a Buses fuel tank, when it errupted, shattering my lower half an blowing bits out of me, that used to live on the inside , to the outside . My point being is this, when death comes , you won't see it or hear it , or know its there . To fear an obvious thing in life is not rational ? At death your brain will release a chemical to calm you down , to stop you suffering psychological trauma as you pass , so you pass peacefully. In drowing , you pass out fast without oxygen , the panic is pre acceptance of death , in a fire if the smoke does not kill you , breathing flames will stop your alvioli working, ( gaseous exchange ) and you'll pass out fast , and if your being burnt, ( I have experience in this twice ) your body releases chemicals to ease the pain. My view is not to fear death, but wait for it to come , to be able to walk on the final adventure into what thus far , is the unknown. I also feel , your character is tied to the physical body , a manisfestation of your consciouness and only required to carry this body through this existance and be able to commincate with others etc . Our thinking self apart from the physical self, Ifeel is what remains constant, not this perception of our temporary self, in the realm we are presently occupying
. Love and peace too you all. Don't fear death or waste time thinking about it , when it comes, Idoubt you will even know its there . I will personally rise up and take it hand , what a relief that will be
. I lived my life , like a race horse with its blinkers off , for the first time in its life. I ran hard and Iran fast, However , this has turned me into a pack mule in old age
carrying around the burden of all my injuries, Ive incurred from all of those falls Iendured in that great race ?? << yeah right , ermmm there never was a race or a rush, ( heheheheheh ) but hey Ilike to do things quickly << or rather Idid
. I am at dead slow to almost stopped here in life now and Ilove the lack of activity, or disasters that are likely to happen , now Ive stopped being an idiot
. Don't worry about things that can kill you , think about all the things that can make you a better person or enjoy life more . Think Positive not death
I don't fear death but, the one that I find the least appealing is the common in this age, a death confined to a bed in an extended care centre with a failing body and a sharp mind. Give me a rock outside looking up at the stars on a clear winter night.
I fear no death it is a path we must all take it's the one thing that is guaranteed
You say that, but there must be a path to death that would be less desirable than another. For example, dying after making love is better than being devoured by an army of Australian's jack jumper ants. Or tied upside down on a tree while a wild boar eats your face away. There are many ways that should cause you to fear death and the ones I just listed are insignificant compared to some other terrifying scenarios out there, from people with a far more warped mind than my own.
I don't fear it, as I know it's inevitable. All I really ask is that I go with dignity. People hate death because it is an ugly truth whereas life is a beautiful lie, people's fear is caused by what they think will come afterwards and that they aren't ready to leave yet. I'm always ready and I don't mind what, if anything, come after.
Why fear death? It will come and it will hurt your body is stopping all function but your brain lives on for seven min after death on the most powerful psycadelic drug dmt the drug of the soul naturally experienced only at birth and death for seven min each time....think about that you die here no longer matters
It depends. If I'm burning alive, I'd rather be frozen. If I'm freezing to death, I'd rather be burned.
Mostly, I fear a death without a fight, even if it meant pain. If I died in my sleep, that would suck.
Dying alone. The physical part doesn't scare me, it's the emotional life that leads up to death that absolutely scares the ever-loving crap out of me.
Eaten by fire ants.
I literally thought that just as I scrolled down to your post. I had been thinking about being nibbled to death by corgis
I'm answering my own question because I had another way I would not want to die. Being trapped underground alone with no hope of rescue in a dark cave, sandwiched and stuck between two rocks unable to move. Left alone to slowly die of dehydration and loneliness.
Something painful or that would leave me open to abuse, like dementia. Otherwise I don't fear death.