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I have learned that rejection is just another lesson in life. I never doubt myself. How have you been rejected ? The pain is only temporary.

Wildgreens 8 Mar 15

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I do my best not to impose on people and just be myself. I hate the way a lot of woman are treated by a lot of men I really do. I love sex and women im atracted too but im very aware of who does and who doesnt like me even from a glance. I don't get rejected though either. I respect prostitutes but couldnt do that myself because I wouldnt want a women pretending to enjoy something that she probably isnt and I want them to fancy me or im not interested. I don't understand rapists etc and men intimidating women especially if there in a position of power. its fucking creepy. I know im not young anymore and I know im at best average to look at but my moral code is fully intact. im realisticly going to stay on my own but its ok because id like some female company but don't need it.


Many times...just keep going,move


Of course I have been rejected. It hurts for a moment. Maybe 2. But then you start to see the lessons, begin to let them sink in, and then, move on


Your question reminded me of this TED talk.


It is hard. That is why I don't put myself out there anymore.


The tendency to reject is human...but is our duty to allow the others the honest and silent chance to change our minds about them. SSC


The worst rejection might be separation and divorce. It's not just the separation, yet how the other caused it and when he/she says they are done and never want you back. And other things, like they never gave you a chance to fix it. The pain is temporary, yet while in it, it feels like it's gonna take too long. This is me right now.


The pain is "only temporary" if the rejection is not constant....but if you are being constantly bullied (yes, bulling is rejection) it will mark you deeply and maybe forever.

I had a student who was called "narigueta" (big nosed) during her four years of HS. Once she told me: "I will do anything to buy myself A NEW NOSE." Two years after she graduated, she went to the school to show me her new nose. She looked beautiful and said to me "Please, don't ask me how I got the money."

As I said, the pain of rejection not always fades away.


Everyone has.


For me, rjection seems to be the default position. I've rejected a gazillion times. Acceptance that lasts is the needle in the haystack.

Zster Level 8 Mar 15, 2018

When I was younger I took rejection a lot harder than I did as I got older and came to realize that it was for the most part just the bruising of my ego.
I would not compare what I have gone through with a child being rejected by a parent or other caregiver which is something that can leave deep slow to heal scars on the psychy of the child.


The Buddha taught that while we wish to be rid of suffering, that suffering also guides and motivates us. The way to truly be rid of it is to seek being rid of all attachment.

It's a wise course. All you can really control is the way you see the world and the way you behave. When you actually change your mind it changes everything.


Even Publishers Clearing House has stopped talking to me.

I've gotten 3 entries in the past 3 months. I think they only reward people who have money already lol

@Piece2YourPuzzle Did you order magazines?

@BufftonBeotch No lol. I never buy anything from them.


I don't get rejected a lot. I tend to play it safe. Im pretty reserved. The closest I've been is being stood up or we just stop talking.

It's pretty hard to take an interest in someone in the first place (at least in my case). I like to think I have an eye for people who are special. If you've taken a chance, you've done your part. It's out of your hands and up to the world


When talking about love and relationships, rejection isn't so bad. I've come to realize I don't want to be with someone who doesn't want me, so I'm not going to fuss if I get rejected. Now, on the other hand, if we're talking about major things, like a job interview, and I'm rejected, that might sting a bit. Just me? I guess in some things we can be pretty hard on ourselves.

Yeah, getting rejected for a job sucks... A lot...
Even more so if you have all of (or more) the qualifications they are seeking.


What other people think of me is none of my business. If I groveled before the opinions of others I'd never do anything in life.


Rejection? As a friend? A lover? A mate? What are we talking about here?


I have been a gluton for punishment, but I'm beginning to learn how to move on and forward, it gets easier with age and time.


I now look at rejection as a clear message that this wasn't meant to be. It's information which will help me to finally find success.

This is no different than Edison knowing, definitively, 999 ways to NOT make a better lightbulb. Eventually he found the right way to achieve that goal. So, with each attempt, he was one closer to success and he knew a wee bit more than before.

That's a good way of looking at it.

I'm Team Tesla myself but Edison contributed what he could.

@BufftonBeotch I am a Tesla fan too. Though, their rivalry, I think, pushed Tesla, and team Edison (Edison ran a shop full of indentured geniuses, HE didn't really do the work, though he DID do some of it, and certainly some key elements, his tack was to buy anothers work and take credit wherever possible... I really need to read more on him as I realize that this is based on snippets of readings that may or may not be reliable, so, caveat emptor... that said, several sources coming out with eerily similar pictures so...) to achieve more than either would've accomplished alone.

I love the macabre irony of Tesla 'losing' the war for the electric chair, proving that Teslas form of energy transmission was safer than Edison's. 🙂

@Gnarloc That electrocution of the elephant breaks my heart.

I forgot about that angle of the story. sorry if I hit a sore spot.


I've been rejected in as many ways as you can think of. Eventually it stopped bothering me.

Yeah... There comes a point when you just stop caring.

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