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LINK Do you believe President Donald Trump is racist? | |

Small town Nebraska newspaper has a poll, Do you believe President Donald Trump is racist? Wanna help out?

HippieChick58 9 July 20

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I believe he is racially prejudiced and discriminating. In this way he is racist, although the poll is worthless because of so many definitions of the word "racist" -- from the old one: he who subscribes to and implements the theories of racial superiority and consequent oppression (no matter what color you are); to the other, modern extreme that says all white people are racist because they indirectly benefit from the aftermath of slavery.


It's appauling how such a racist got elected. His campain strategy is passing on hate and lies.


No question about it, of course he is & buys his way out of everything, or pays someone else to make things go away.


Yup major racist and Nazi

bobwjr Level 10 July 20, 2019

The real question should be "How many times does Trump have to tell you he is racist before you believe him?"


He is a hateful racist bastard who has been protected by personal wealth,as well as his rich associates.He has never had to face any repercussions for his wretched behavior😠


There is a lengthy article in today's Times about Trump. None of it very flattering. He is described as either an incompetent buffoon who blunders his way from one disaster to another or a scheming calculating populist genius. probably the truth is somewhere in the middle.
There is a quote from Prof Louis Gates of Harvard who says he is not a racist in the accepted sense of the word but an opportunist as he is not principled enough to be a racist.
Many of his supporters are racist or at least resentful of the perceived advantages given to ethnic majorities over the past few years and he is playing on this to his advantage


"Believe"? He IS a racist. There is nothing subjective about it.


There was no "ah, duh" option.


Ohhh I need to share this !!

Ohub Level 7 July 20, 2019

Unavailable due to legal reasons! Pips

Amisja Level 8 July 20, 2019


zesty Level 7 July 20, 2019

He has been for decades.

MizJ Level 8 July 20, 2019

Yes, Trump is a racist.


195/31/3.... Yes, No, I don't know.

YES... Of course he is a racist!

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