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What's an example of UnIntelligent Design?

Intelligent Design was the creationist defense to evolution. Non-theist refute that the design is actually not intelligent at all.

Here are some examples off the top of my head:

Nipples on men (serve 0 purpose)
Pandas (from their eating to their reproduction)
Siamese twins
The vulnerable location of testicles

Any others?

silvereyes 8 Nov 16

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Actually, the location of the testicles is quite ingenious. Sperm are heat sensitive. The scrotum is flexible skin lined with sheet like muscles that expand or contract to maintain the perfect temperature for sperm cell development and preservation. They are also more easily protected at that location. They are a perfect example of evolution since pre-descendant animal life have their testicles similarly located. Tits on a man or more appropriately, nipples are very sensitive to touch and manipulation of them causes arousal with subsequent erectile function. You see the fact that everything has a function (yes, even the appendix and the adenoids) supports the value and necessary existence of evolution. Mistakes occur for environmental and genetic reasons. Evolution allows for the continued survival of those mistakes which have a positive effect on our existence. Well,, what about cancer? Intelligent design would never have come up with that while evolution was quite capable of suchba result along with all of the other mutations we know about. Complex processes seldom have opposite mirror image designs. That is the real fallacy in trying to explain away evolution by suggesting another path for life development. Creationism is an outright lie based on religious dogma. Intelligent design is likewise a non-starter in that there exists no intelligence to perform the process. Thusly, there cannot exist a mirror image unintelligent design outside of simple wordplay. Hence, no examples possible.

thumbs up!

Loved your answer


Wisdom teeth and appendixes are a pretty stupid design if somebody designed it.

Mr_Dj Level 5 Nov 16, 2017

The human eye. I mean, it's an horrifically inefficient design.

The human spine. It's a quadruped's spine. It's not suited for a bipedal species.

@Decieven Our spines are a mess. It’s a wonder we can even walk, says Bruce Latimer, director of the Center for Human Origins at Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland. When our ancestors walked on all fours, their spines arched, like a bow, to withstand the weight of the organs suspended below. But then we stood up. That threw the system out of whack by 90 degrees, and the spine was forced to become a column. Next, to allow for bipedalism, it curved forward at the lower back. And to keep the head in balance—so that we didn’t all walk around as if doing the limbo—the upper spine curved in the opposite direction. This change put tremendous pressure on the lower vertebrae, sticking about 80 percent of adults, according to one estimate, with lower back pain.


Kurt Vonnegut Jr wrote a book called Galapagos in which he argues that intelligence was an evolutionary mistake. It's my favorite book.

It's tough to even pick a favorite among Vonnegut's books. I like Slapstick and Cat's Cradle the best. God Bless You Mr. Rosewater is a pretty good one too.


There's that way-too-long nerve ending in the giraffe's neck. I can never recall its name.

Also it's just weird that we have sex and also excrete waste with the same organs. I mean, no city planner would have an amusement park and a waste disposal site in the same location.

And my nipples serve a purpose, thank you very much.

Dylan Level 5 Nov 16, 2017

The platypus.

Betty Level 8 Nov 16, 2017

My favorite monotreme. This intriguing mammal is indeed "The Creationists Nightmare."

the platypus is one of my favorites too. I find them to be the cutest odd looking animals. 🙂

@Hellbent Lucky you to have seen one up close. I'm jealous. 😉

@Hellbent Oh my, she was holding them! Made me want to reach right through the screen and cuddle the shy one. 🙂

4's that simple

SAJ46 Level 2 Nov 16, 2017

Religious people.


Wisdom teeth, apparently.
The platypus (except for Perry)
Panic attacks
Weed (If it's the devil's lettuce, then why'd you make it!?)
My libido
People who voted for Trump
People who still support Trump
The sticky hands you get from those quarter machines. Their whole purpose is to stick to stuff, but upon sticking it will inevitably accrue dirt and grime. Before you know it, it doesn't stick anymore because of too much grime on it. They're not washable. What the cock'nuckles, man? The very thing that they serve to do, just renders them obsolete in a matter of minutes. I know it's just a quarter, but it's the principle of the matter, Allah.
Seizures (that's a good one)
Past the 3rd season of True Blood
The duck (taken from Casually Explained on YouTube)
Why are we the only intelligent(ish) species in at least a 1000 light-year radius?
If sucking on cow-titties is so healthy, why is, literally, half the human species lactose intolerant? One of those gots to go, Zeus.
That one genetic disease that makes you live only to around the age of 8, but you're almost completely paralyzed and probably in pain. Forgot what it was called.
Human tailbones
White Complex Tachycardia (I don't know what it is, but I heard it on House; let's throw it in there), cuz fuck you, Great Ocean Spirit.
That thing some people call "free will," if it is what I think it is, as opposed to what I think it's not, then you done goofed, Xenu. Now, we're all up into disproving yo ass.

Love it. @silvereyes.

‘Life sucks. I present to you: weed.’

Yes. ????


First off, gotta argue your examples ..
Nipples on men: A lot of women seem to like them, and when she's tickling the nipples as you're busting a nut, the pleasure is twice as high. Nipples are therefore justified.
Pandas: Pictures of pandas have been shown to get ladies "in the mood" - pandas are justified.
Cellulite: Try tickling it while you're busing a nut, it does the same thing for women that their tickling your nipples does for you (it's like kissing their tits)! Justified.
Acne: If you're ugly, there's nothing going for you quite like an insecure woman with acne.
Siamese twins: Depends on how they're connected & what's available for tickling (ok, I'm having a hard time with this one) ...
the vulnerable location of testicles: Actually, this one IS intelligently placed, just keep her happy and they are safe (there are multiple medically sound reasons for their placement).

Unintelligently designed issues up for discussion:
Sex organs duplicating as urinary tracts: Really? It's like saying, "Please give me a disease"! (N.dG-T issue)
Separate waste disposal units of the body (bowel vs urinary): Think about it, if they were combined, it would be like having your very own, built-in bidet ...
Baldness: Ok so not only does my head get cold, but I can't get a lady willing to warm it either!
Republicans: HAHA, just had to throw politics in the mix!


Most of my favorites already listed, but I haven't seen this one: Breathing and eating through the same orifice. A lot of choking deaths could have been avoided with a more intelligent design.


The human species itself due to the fact it evolved in a way that it became the dominant life form on earth and therefore ultimately upset the natural ecology which will end up destroying all plant and animal life .

I agree. Sad but true.


One sci fi author used the premise that any civilization reaches a point where the technology advancements or population growth, basically wipes them out.


Intelligent Design is an example of unintelligent design.

Kmpck Level 1 Nov 16, 2017

How about crows? Pointless and just annoying lol


The fact that our pleasure centers and waste disposal organs in right next to each other. At least we're not one of the unlucky species who have a cloaca.


Nipples used to be used when we were still one sex. Testicles need to be on the outside so the sperm don’t die of heat. Siamese Twins are an anomaly.

Again, why can't God defeat the sin?
The problems of intelligent design are the exact same as the Problem of Evil.


about testicles... they have to be next to the Penis for Effect. About Unintelligent Design.... Facundo Cabral said... "A Table without Bread". I say... "A Life without a Witness"


humans and most species are not any sex till they reach a certain age so men got nipples before they were male just in case. all mammals and many creatures reach a part of time in the womb when they are all very similar to each other. all things are an unintelligent design that just works for some time even if its 50,000,000 years like dinosaurs. millions if not billions of species must die right at the start when they are single-celled or die because of another creature coming along that is much more adaptable. there were more than one human type creatures. the American grey squirrel is killing out the native red squirrel. pandas are for sure with koala bears a dead end species because they specialise. look at all the ilands rats, cats and goats tore up and killed the native species on. look what cats, camels, pigs, kain toads and goats oh and humans are doing to australia.




Cave fishes( have eyes but no eye sight)
Whales(have hip bone)

  • The "male g-spot" (i.e., the prostate) is buried in the rectum.
  • Ear hair and nose hair are out of control as men age.
  • Eating, drinking, breathing, and speaking all use the same tube, increasing the chances of choking to death.
  • Tonsil rocks exist (and if you're blissfully unaware of what these are, don't look it up).
  • Hemorrhoids affect a huge percentage of people.



my favorite is from degrasse tyson "putting the entertainment complix in the middle of a sewage system".


How about (human) children beign born helplessly dependent for the first several years o life.


An Octopus's alimentary canal goes right through the middle of its brain.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 16, 2017

Natural selection is considered unintelligent? My balding head is pretty unintelligent at times.

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