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LINK Democrats Predict Speedy Impeachment Inquiry Lasting Weeks, Not 'Months'

If This doesnt succeed in removing him and Pence from office this is a really bad thing.

He will have it to use as proof of his innocence and rabid witch hunting Democrats for the entire general campaign!

The only good thing about the impeachment process (other than removal which has always been considered unlikely) would be the idea of long drawn out inquiry into all his crimes keeping them fresh an in the news for a long time. Keeping the media focuced on the fact that he is a criminal.

This does have a different feel to it than it did with only Mullers investigation back up claims his misdeeds.

MsAl 8 Sep 29

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The Dems will make this last through next Summer. This is good fodder for the 2020 Primary Season. (now)

Rondo Level 4 Oct 3, 2019

Removal is unlikely with the current makeup of the Senate. Moscow Mitch has already proven he will ignore Trump's wrong doing, and he will require fellow Republicans to do the same or else. We can also count on conservative media to defend Trump and ignore facts as well. They will all concentrate on attacking Democrats and the legitimate media.

Yes that's my point. I don't see how they could avoid it though. Media pushed the impeachment narrative hard and they couldn't really go against the public about it. I just don't see it working out well and he really needs to go.


The current GOP says you cannot indict a sitting president. This is how Trump remains in power so far and is the real Teflon Don. This is why the Mueller report went as it did.

In Trump's Ukraine phone call he is plainly asking "something for something" and shortly before that he withheld money from the Ukrainian government. The Ukraine will investigate in their own way now with hopes that in the end they will get the money. Anyone can see that Trump is asking a foreign power for help in his upcoming 2020 re-election campaign. This is illegal and against our rule of law. This is enough to remove Trump if people simply take a stand of "country first" and just be adults and grow up. If Trump is removed Pence will still be the one to fill in as president. This is true whether we like it or not.

Biden was VP under Obama when he threated to withhold the Ukraine's money if they did not fire a special prosecutor investigating his son. They fired the man and put Biden's son on an oil company board of directors. Please note that Biden was not running for POTUS or re-election at that time regardless of what you think of this complicated deal in American politics.

Trump and his supporters miss this point deliberately. They too have "Trump Derangement Syndrome" in so much that anything about Trump is also about those before Trump. It's all others in government, Obama, Hillary, etc. and never Trump. The swamp that poor Trump is trying to drain here is a plea to get rid of his competition for the upcoming 2020. This all came public in July and Rudy and the others behind it should have known.

Sometimes you just can't fix stupid.


Why not let the voters decide instead of the looney democrats in the house? I hope this idiotic impeachment attempt blows up and the democrats lose the house.

There do need to things in place in case we accidentally vote in an actual criminal who wants to destroy the American People. I just don't see them doing their job in this case.

You do realize that term "Loony Democrats" came out of the original Eugenics movement... Rather disgusting.

The voters put the democrats in office to represent them and they are doing that.. Also, the impeachment, whether successful or not, won't result in anyone being removed from the house... They stay or go based on future elections...

The thing you have to ask yourself is this. Was I so adamant about letting the voters decide when Bill Clinton was under impeachment investigations? Or when certain GOP spokesmen were questioning Obama's place of birth?
I recently had a long conversation with my brother. Unlike me, he leans heavily to the right and is very no-deal Brexit. He questioned the right of the UK supreme court to rule on the PMs proroguing of parliament. So I asked the same. "Would you feel the same way if Boris`s predecessor May had used similar tactics to force her deal through?"
The courts are one way to keep the executive within the law. Considering how many of Trump associates and former staff members have been convicted. I cannot as an outsider think that this is just fishing. If you can't do the time...


Do those of you who were of age during the Nixon impeachment, do you see many parallels?

I wasn't but Ive heard alot about the proverbial "tipping point" in regards to public opinion. This does feel different.

Thats me though. My stream of media and info tends to trend liberal. I see alot of Fox news at work though. People who watch fox news just see their guy getting attacked and a corrupt criminal Joe Biden. And they vote.

I also don't see him stepping down any time soon...

Some parallels but so many more Criminal acts.. This one is so much more complicated and has pieces all over the Globe so so much more. Guessing he resigns like Nixon so pence can pardon. Except in this case pence is guilty of impeachable offences also just like Holman was. Then they would need another Gerald Ford. Lots of moving pieces here we will see.

@Sierra4 - There was some vote taken in the House - possibly in committee (?) - on impeachment. I agree it never got to the Senate before Nixon resigned. I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been at that time.

One thing I've heard pointed out is that Nixon knew he did wrong. Trump has absolutely no moral compass- if he wants to do it, then it's ok as far as he's concerned.

@JonnaBononna - I think Trump thinks of himself as being in a category above most people - the rules just don't apply to him. It a symptom of his malignant narcissism.


By changing the "investigation" to an "Inquiry" the House has more power to subpoena people and evidence. There are a lot of potential Articles that can be used in the Impeachment many of which are still under investigation. So if they do this wisely a full vote will not take place for some time. I don't think Pelosi will take the short route on this, I think she takes the long road and milks the publicity as long as possible. Then Chief Justice Roberts holds the Trial which the Constitution says "Must be" held so that would also take some time. I guess we will see history in the making. Dozer says he still feels the same!

Yes that's what I was hoping for. A long drawn out ordeal exposing new layers as we go along to keep it fresh. This article seems to suggest otherwise. Unless of course they come up with a complete victory and remove him I think it's really a bad way to do it.

@MsAl Pelosi didnt wait this long to just blow her load in one article she isnt that lame. tRump will continue to talk and Tweet himself into more and more corners until the GOP turns on him and that is the critical thing here. I am guessing that the GOP'ers facing re-election figure out they do not want to be attached to tRump as that is a loosing situation and then they turn. This next year is shaping up to be exciting to say the least.

@joe1334us Is true and he's already throwing Pence under the bus. He is going to get very ugly and spill all of everyone else's dirt in the process.

I do wish the aim was to draw it out though. Rather than be quick.


Mueller might as well have been a whitewash. He took a view of his charter that was so narrow as to make his investigation meaningless. To say I was disappointed would be an extreme understatement.

Mueller had spoken a few years earlier about the biggest threat facing our country from a law enforcement standpoint is the Russian mob. It would not have been outside his charter to investigate Trump's ties to the Russian mob, and bring them down.

Instead we got a mealy mouthed, half-assed "investigation". Complete bullshit.


I have a friend on facebook who is from one of the former republics of Russia. He was married to a Russian woman, had nuclear security clearance for the US government, traveled extensively doing work for nuclear companies and knows folks back in Russia. His contention, even before Trump was elected, is that Trump is owned by the Russian mob who propped Trump up when he was almost out of money years back. My friend has laid it all out, showing obscure ties to money trails (bank of cyprus), oligarchs, trips Trump took (again, back in the past). The trouble is, it takes a good deal of work to tie the threads together and most people will not do the work.

@yamaha45701 - I suspect Trump's connections to nafarious sources (like the Russian mob and/or Putin) is why he is fighting to keep his tax returns secret.


why would it be bad to have him take depositions under oath?

If he is not to able to actually be removed from office he will loudly proclaim this exonerates him. It will work because that's how the media works. He is a genius at spinning his crimes to his favor.

@MsAl you have been conned by him into believing the guy is a genius, he is a moron and his narcissism will be very helpful during depositions because he will incriminate himself some more, regardless of the outcome, him sweatin bullets while being interrogated by peole like Kamala and other trained prosecutors is what I am looking forward to

I get absolute lady wood imagining him testifying in front of Congress without his lawyers and daughter-wife to curb his outbursts and remind him to stay consistent with what he said 2 minutes earlier. I picture him completely decompensating, and blathering so incoherently that even his base can't deny the incompetence. A girl can dream.

@Emerald so can a guy

@Mofo1953 He may not be a genius but he has been extremely successful at using bad press to his advantage. It works every time. Ignoring that and calling him stupid doesn't change it.

@MsAl - Trump has had lots of experience over decades spinning bad press to his favor as well as how to surpress unfavorable information (mostly using payoffs).

@MsAl he won't have Fox news in the Senate while he testifies under oath, he will have to face skilled hostile prosecutors, completely different situation and when I called him moron, not stupid, because moron is way beyond stupid, I call it as I see it, at the end we will both see for sure won't we?

@Mofo1953 Yes, but it doesn't change the fact that if the Senate doesn't vote to remove him he will claim it is a win.

Fox is the main news source for a large of the population and they will report it as him being bullied by loony Democrats. They will show a few clips of him looking OK and a big bunch of any dumb or corrupt thing a Democrat has done to totally drown it out.

I hope I'm wrong.

I'm terrified. I'm a bisexual atheist with Guatemalan kids, and I believe the s scientists about climate change.
He has got to go.

@MsAl he can claim whatever he wants and he probably will just because that is his con man nature, Fox is already in turmoil and key people are feuding with each other, the people who have brains will confirm his treasonous behavior, and some of the doubting MAGAs will see him as the emperor with no clothes, if that happens I'm happy.

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