Whether life can be said to have some sort of meaning (whether by some god or by choice of the individual) does that actually matter in the grand scheme of simply living your life and trying to get the most out of it.
Bertrand Russell's wife once said to him: "What's the matter Berty?" He replied: "Never mind, it's the mind that matters."
I heard that someone said that using your mind to understand your mind is like a chief inspector of police who is looking for an arsonist and the arsonist is the chief inspector of police.
To the extent that thoughts prevent you from enjoying your life will the search for meaning be meaningful? Not to be able to sit in a garden or by a river with a fishing rod and quitely contemplate the moment without identifying every flower or plant in your vicinity by reciting it's Latin name is without a doubt, a sad state of affairs.
I live my life trying o get the most out of it. After three close calls I live each day to the fullest.
I think we each have and determine our own meaning(s), and that they might extend or incorporate family, friends and other people.
But overall, I don't think there's more than that.
My life, for instance, is ultimately unimportant.
Oddly, I find comfort in that thought.
If it matters to you, at the moment, only THEN does it matter, and in the next breath or moment, it may matter not ! We each find ourself to be the center of our own universe and from that point we see the world and its people swirling around us, each with their own agenda. if from THAT point you can conclude that it matters, cool !!!!
Meaning has been a struggle lately. On one side, I really want there to be more inherent meaning in life that I just have to find...but looking for it makes me anxious and unhappy. I try to ask myself what is important to me on each day and let that be my meaning. I live each day into my answers til the doors unlock.
With happiness (for me,) everything is meaningful because it is part of the univese. With depression and sadness (for me) very little is meaningful.
We give our own lives PURPOSE. Living a good life is intrinsically meaningful.