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Are Atheists racist

I ask because a couple who live in my building are rabid racists and told me so.But then they heard me tell aJehovahs Witness no thanks I am an Atheist they said "hey so are we".How do the two go together..Atheism and racism?

Gatman11 4 Oct 22

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Yeah. Racism is one of the core tenants of atheism. It in the manual right after the best ways to cook and eat babies.

Deep fried in salty butter! Yum!

Best answer ever! 😄


Are atheists incompetent with technology? I only ask this because I'm aware of a person who says that they are an atheist and they actually posted the same message 4 times in a row to an atheist web site.

Not necessarily, but possible


Although I know many who cite their religion as an excuse for their bigotry, I don't think the ignorance of racism or any other form of bigotry is limited to the religious. Anybody can be an asshole.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 22, 2019

Atheism is a statement of a position on a single issue, the acceptance of the existence of god(s).
Atheism is not relevant to ANYTHING else.


Why has this been posted 4 times?

Last time it happened to me, my "something" was on the blink... i kept hitting the "post" button thinking it wasn't responding, then all of a sudden it did, for every time I had hit the to have never found how to delete. Some of them

@HankSherman it had happened to me too..but I go back and delete all but the first one. I’m on the app on an iPad and it’s easy to do.

@Marionville some us got it, some don't, and some just won't....the kind of world we're living in now


Are cats bicycles?

Your comment reminded me of this:

@joeymf86 Or as I have heard said many time "If my auntie had balls she'd be my uncle"


I think you should post the question 3-4 more times.... 4 isn't enough.


The question is ; Why does htis post show up 6 times in a row?


Can atheists be racist. Yes.

Are atheists racist? No.


You could rephrase: "Can there be racists among atheists?" or "Can you be atheist and racist?" . The answer would be yes, as there might be among Chefs, football players, doctors, priests, scientists...One thing has nothing to do with the other.


Atheism is simply the lack of belief in any gods. Other than having that in common, atheists are a varied lot.

I would like to think that someone who is able to think rationally enough to not believe in gods would be rational enough to see the folly of racist thinking--but, sadly, that is not always the case.



No. Being an atheist does not automatically make you racist.

Atheist are better educated and more liberal than Bible believers.

10 Facts About Atheists

"Self-identified atheists tend to be aligned with the Democratic Party and with political liberalism. About two-thirds of atheists (69%) identify as Democrats (or lean in that direction), and a majority (56%) call themselves political liberals (compared with just one-in-ten who say they are conservatives).

" Atheists overwhelmingly favor same-sex marriage (92%) and legal abortion (87%). In addition, three-quarters (74%) say that government aid to the poor does more good than harm."



All cats have four legs. My dog has four legs so it must be a cat.


"Te atheist community would seem like unlikely soil for right-wing ideas to take root. Polls consistently show that the nonreligious are among the most progressive demographics in the United States. Taken as a whole, they’re peaceful: the most anti-war, the most anti-torture, the most anti-corporal-punishment.8 They’re far and away the most pro-choice.9 They’re strong supporters of LGBTQ rights and immigration.10 And of course, separation of church and state is a classic liberal issue."


There are racist assholes in all walks of life, including atheists. Unless YOU are racist too, that was kind of a weird question.


Is there a glitch? This was posted four times.

With that said, religion (or non-religion) has nothing to do with racism, sexism, misogyny, etc. You have bad people everywhere.


Racism is usually based on ethnocentrism or Eugenics. The religious just back up those debunked theories by adding in that god ordained it to be so.

There are some dumb, stupid, uneducated, intellectually lazy and/or ignorant atheists out there. Atheism by itself doesn't automatically denote intelligence.


Some Atheists are racists because the only thing you establish when one labels themselves as an atheist is they lack a belief in a God. All other personality traits are open.


I see the term 'Racism/Racist' as being little more than a bit of bullshit, politically based propaganda simply because WE ARE ALL of exactly the same RACE, i.e. THE HUMAN RACE.

Yes the politics of conquest is the racist claims one color is deserving to kill and steal from natives of different color


I'm sure the Venn diagram will have some overlap.


Anyone can be racist. Unfortunately religious people don't have the racist market all to themselves.


I think an atheist cannot be racist.


Since 'Atheist' is not some kind of monolithic group with the same beliefs and attitudes, the question is meaningless.


While I don't see what I'm about to say as actually playing out and being true...I might be inclined to argue that based on many of the underlying tenets of racism, such as superiority by breeding or overall IQ of a race, it'd be sure as hell easier to argue racism from an evolutionary standpoint than from that of a bible that implies all were created in the image of Gawd.

Really though... I think the two concepts (atheism and racism) are not mutually exclusive for one to hold. If they had branded themselves "secular humanists," then there would be a mismatch on the order of a christian going to fight the war on terrorism. But.... atheist v racist...I don't immediately see a conflict.

"it'd be sure as hell easier to argue racism from an evolutionary standpoint "

Maybe. You have to cherry pick your facts and ignore a lot of history to argue inherent superiority of any skin colour.
It's fun when white supremacists brag about how superior whites are and you tell them Africans and Asians created civilizations, empires really, while Europeans were still living in mud-huts.
I have yet to hear a racist argument that doesn't have an easy counter.

Creationists I've talked to believe in micro evolutions like intelligence; so if you could measure who has the highest IQ it wouldn't be much of leap for them to jump on the discrimination train.


Sounds like your neighbors are just twats

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