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Do you give to beggars?

If yes, why?

If no, why not?

If only to certain beggars, why those beggars and not others?

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Jnei 8 Mar 23

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I do not judge. Need is need.


It depends.I was at a pet store last week and a begger was out side with his dog. I did not trust the begger but felt sorry for the dog and gave the guy a whole case of caned dog food.


If somebody has the fortitude to stand by the stop sign on a xway off-ramp in cold rainy weather they must really need it. I give a buck or so.


I give to beggars when I have the means to do it. I am poverty stricken myself, so I do not have much to offer at times.


Absolutely not most of those people use the money to get high with.

What's wrong with getting high?

@tymtravler When there are people genuinely in need of food everything.


Not money, but my daughter has friends who volunteer at a homeless shelter. Occasionally she asks me to donate something that is urgently needed by someone there, shoes, coat, whatever.

JimG Level 8 Mar 23, 2018

I live in a mecca of the West, a hotbed of tolerance in the midst of the bibibble belt.
I expect to be homeless one day due to persecution of baby boomers. I try to make friends for when I join them.


The area I live in has a real problem with panhandlers... The local government put up signs on almost every intersection asking people not to donate to them, and includes phone numbers to call for help. Hard to feel sorry for someone sitting under a sign with instructions on what to do if you're homeless.


Almost never carry any cash to give away.


I live in a small town and haven't seen someone asking/needing money since moving here from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, in 1986. There we saw them often, usually along the beach. We have homeless who have a place to go to sleep at night, but they cull the dumpsters (garbage bins) for things to sell. The Salvation Army serves lunch daily and some churches serve dinners. The resident Pastor at our local college offers a dinner every Monday night during Fall and Winter semesters for anyone who feels like joining for religious fellowship. We don't see many who have nothing and nowhere to go, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.


Totally depends on how I’m feeling that day and if I get a good feeling from them.


If I have loose change in my pocket I'll sometimes donate that if the person asking isn't obnoxious in any way.


I donate food, clothing and household items to people I know in town who need it.

That's a lovely and very wise way to go about it!


I do - just small change in most cases and if they then go and spend it on alcohol or heroin, at least they got the money given to them rather than having to carry out a (possibly violent) crime to feed their addiction.

I give more to female beggars. Life on the streets is tough, but it's a whole lot tougher if you're a woman.

Jnei Level 8 Mar 23, 2018

I've donated condoms to a local group that gives them to homeless women.


Sometimes I do.

JVee Level 4 Mar 23, 2018

I live in a country with an extremely generous welfare system, we have free medical, we have lots of emergency assistance programs, I work on many of them myself. I do not believe it is good to feed peoples habits.


I do. There is a homeless man that I see around town and when he gets low on insulin he holds a sign up that says "need help paying for meds". I always try to give him money when I see that he's low on medication. It doesn't bother me that some people would try and abuse my kindness. I gave for the right reasons and my conscience is clear. If someone is pretending to be in need then that's something they will have to live with.


We call them panhandlers in the US. I don't donate because it's impossible to tell those legitimately in need from those who are unwilling to help themselves. I have seen professional panhandling take place where people were dropped off at strategic locations by a large van and placed. Really?


I would not use the word "beggars" but someone down and out, needing assistance or help.

In the UK, it's widely used and not considered pejorative.

@Jnei The US is not a classless society in reality, so "labeling" is frowned upon. That may seem like an oxymoron, but It's not.


I used to give to beggars because I felt lucky not to be on the street like them. However, over the years, I began to realize they need to help themselves (if they are able bodied). I also think maybe half of them use the money for their addictions which I don't want to be a part of. I think most people can find a job doing something if they try hard enough.


Yes. Because I've been there.

It's the only charity I trust. Buy someone a meal or bus ticket. Many offer to do odd jobs.


Explain me... what kind of beggars? Professionals? Needy? Homeless? Alcoholics? Drug addicts? Organized? Hungry? Unemployed? On welfare? Just plain lazy? Amateurs? Dissabled? Gamblers? What kind you talking about?

Let's just say people who ask you for money without providing a service or goods in return.

@Jnei around capital beltway is the franchise of some russian ladies working in shifts.


The last beggar I gave money too I found later fucked up with a needle hanging out of his arm. I normally get them something rather than money.


Not always. But I figure if the change in my pocket is gonna break me, I've got bigger problems, so what's the harm? I've also taken a hot meal to a group living under a parking garage when it was ridiculously cold outside. Least I could do.

That is a different story, if I see a kid in need I would do the same.


Usually tickets to public transportation or a meal.

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