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How do you deal with Christmas?

Serious question, and one I'm sure gets asked every do you guys deal with the social conventions that surround Christmas? 95% of the people, I know, celebrate Christmas and the other 5% celebrate things like Yule; Solstice; Hannukah; etc. What if you just don't care about all of the hype and commotion that leads up to this day? I'd love to hear some of your thoughts and insights on this.

AgnosticJeff 4 Nov 8

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I travel. Anyone is welcome to join me. Petra, Jordan, Morocco?


I handle it with food and presents!


I made a compromise with my ex--she could have a christmas tree if I didnt have to have lights on the outside of my house

lerlo Level 8 Nov 8, 2019

Personally, I enjoy xmas... it’s never been a religious celebration to/for me. I have great memories from my childhood... my children, family, friends... of course I hear the baby Jesus stories... yeah, yeah, yeah, I just smile, say cheers, have another cocktail. I still decorate a tree (fake) and all the other junk, good excuse for a gathering of friends, less decoration in recent years... thinking about it, I do much the same every day, just don’t do all the silly decorations.

Tomas Level 7 Nov 9, 2019

Take your days off. Do fun stuff. Go back to work. Nothing else applies.


The history of the holiday, which was actually a pagan holiday . . .
Christmas is used to sell christianity, just like a whole lot more of their paraphernalia - I do not celebrate it, I consider it nothing but one more tool in their long list of tools to gather more sheep.


Well, I used to celebrate it when my daughter was alive and as a reason for giving gifts and having a big feast, etc, NO REligion in it of course, but stopped it when she passed away in Jan.2001 until my nephew, Henry came on the scene in 2013, since neither his parents nor I are anything remote close to religiously inclined in any way, we simply do it for his benefit MINUS any references to religion.


I don't deal with it, I enjoy the party time. Who doesn't like to party???


It is mostly a secular holiday in the UK. although I believe that some churchgoers still attend a Christmas eve service.I doubt if even the kids at school enacting the nativity really know what it is supposed to represent, so eat drink and be merry.


By buying myself some treats, being glad the days are getting lighter and avoiding my parents’ offers to go to church. This year I’m going to the pub for an extortionate dinner.
I believe there is some fun to be had at work with days off and gifts.


I largely ignore it. If someone mentions it, I ignore it or steer the conversation away. I consider it a success if i get people to not think about it or talk about. If someone "merry xmas"s me I say, "Inshallah!" LMAO!


I look at it as a family day, like Thanksgiving but with presents instead of food. 🙂 I enjoy Christmas music, even the songs with religious lyrics; I just enjoy the melody and the memories rather than giving any weight to references to "Christ" or "angels"


I wake up, get out of bed, drag a comb across my head. That being said I attempt to take a photograph of the solstice sunset over Lake Erie some years that works and sometimes it doesn't, we still put up lights we still put up a tree it brightens up the house, is there any Christian stuff there? no, I think not, we eat we party we have fun. And then on New year's I change all the batteries in the smoke alarms and remotes that way they're ready for another year of excitement. Everyday is what you decide to make of it. PARTY ON GARTH. 🌞


Just go with the flow


Christmas is consistent with a culturally costly monetary commercial business propaganda to entice people to spend money they often don't have. In our Christian civilization the masses have been conditioned, mostly by upbringing, to the point of feeling obligated to celebrate Christmas based on a myth so that society can be controlled in perpetuation.


Just enjoy the secular part of Christmas and ignore the baby Jesus, star of Bethlehem, three wise men, virgin Mary nonsense.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 9, 2019

My daughter and her kids live a couple of hundred miles away. I send her money in early December for their Christmas. Then I try and get through it. When my kids were little and living here, I went all out. Since my son's death in '01, my heart went out on the whole thing.


Eat, drink and be merry ....just like everyone else. It’s a holiday, I enjoy it, even the carol singing..especially the carol singing, as I’m a choral singer! We were an atheist household, even in my childhood, and we always celebrated Christmas with present giving and the usual festive cheer, why should we miss out on it?


A neighbor has a bonfire on winter solstice for people to burn shit from the previous year and drink his home brew (good stuff). If I manage to see family or some other event for Xmas, then alcohol is involved.


I haven't liked xmus since I was a kid and had to go to church on my birthday (it's xmus eve and I was warped a catholick...)
I usually ignore the hype while enjoying the food (I love fish), but get disgusted by the overindulgence and marketing that capitalism pukes on us during the "holidaze"... sometimes I'll reply "hail Satan" to "merry christmas" just to piss off the fake ones... we Atheists know that neither the christ nor The Satan existed, and surely not some fairy tale cloud- floating fuck that likes to kill babies and collect foreskins as a hobby..... my 2 cents for the boatman's fare, coz imma going to hades, if it even exists....
....naw, it's just another fairy tale to scare children at night and to keep the people quiet so those in power might reap the benefit if exploiting an already oppressed populace.....


Traditional with my children and grandchildren - tree, presents,etc


I don't care about Christmas any more. When I get an invitation to have a meal with friends, I go but I don't care any longer. Last year I worked and I'm scheduled to work this year.


I don't do xmas at all! Its another day for me and my family is good with it! I will go to a social event with my friends, But I rather work on that day!


Avoidance.. Now that I’m no longer responsible for raising children, or participating in such stuff with in-laws, it’s become ‘me time.’ No seasonal cards, decorations or party attendance … but a strategic focus on natural occurrences in natural settings ..and getting myself into some of that.

My now young adults will check in on the Winter Solstice (the reason for the season), as that’s what we’d focus on back in the day, but society appears oblivious.. It’s nothing more than ‘so many shopping days,’ to most. And though I’ve attended events on the Solstice, most settings and participants are drenched in C-mess regalia with conversations centered around ‘where are you going for C-mess?’

Back home, it’s prettymuch radio-silence to avoid the hype. But, I’ve gotten good! Yup, Nature pulls me through! Family knows to leave me alone. I’ll get gardens tilled, oil changed, trees pruned, leaves raked, taxes started, letters written, music blasted, beer drunk, ice cream disappeared, movies watched, streets walked and people avoided 🙂

...then it happens.. Happy New Year - and back to fuckin normal! I’m thrilled, everyone’s depressed, the days are ‘getting longer’ and Spring’s on it’s way … another trip around the Sun 😉

Varn Level 8 Nov 9, 2019
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