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What if God is the wrong thing to call something?

Just a "what if" question, what if something were to exist that has a cognitive mental capability BUT it was not all-powerful, it was not spread out to infinity in every direction, not all-present, and what If it didn't know everything but still caused people to call it God? That something has abilities to interact in ways with people but people cannot force its interaction.

What would a consensus be of this yet to be scientificly discovered thing that causes some people to say something exist?

Word 8 Nov 11

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You mean like Jim Jones of Jonestown, or David Koresh of Waco, or Joseph Smith and the Morman Church or Charles Manson and the Mandon Family?

No, more as to question a demon possession. With such high occurrence of these cult leaders fulfilling biblical prophesy of last days saying the are "jesus" .. or do you think they read biblical end times prophesy and say "I want to be that character claiming to be Jesus to decieve people then be killed" do you think people read biblical prophesy and actually want to do that?


I think most are pathologic narcissists (like our President) that convince themselves of their own self importance. They have read the bible, believe some of what the read, but at some point realize that some people are easy manipulated and can be conned into believing in a messiah figure. They become the messiah and create a self-fulfilling prophesy using the bible as a means to an end.

On a side note, given hypotheticals; given the right circumstances Trump could easily step into that role (in fact to a certain extent he has with his supporters). How many Evangelical pastors have said he has sent by God, and Trump has repeated that sentiment himself.

@t1nick as to one issue, is anyone going around saying they are Harry Potter God incarnate?

Second issue. For christianity it is biblical to support "powers" of government "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: Roman's 13


Yes, if you reject the paradigm completely, it loses all meaning and power. I reject the paradigm


I can see why you go by the name blahblah.... this is just that!

Nailed it!


It would have to exist first, before I could even acknowledge it.
Until that happens, I won't even consider it as an option.
I do not engage in hypotheticals when it comes to this kind of thing.

I understand you want direct knowledge "if" it were to exist. So if it were to slap you cross the face and leave a supernatural goo substance you would have direct evidence. Where as a verbal claim that someone else got slapped but was slapped silly and did not have the wherewithal to collect sample of supernatural goo substance., you are not interested in discussing. I understand. With out supernatural goo substance people may think you are crazy and threaten mental hospital confinement.

@blahblah As well they should.



Seems a pointless mental exercise to me, postdating an unknown unknown and attempting to name it while unknown.


Sounds like most of the gods out there, I'm thinking the non-christian and non-muslim ones. (Even the Jewish god wasn't omnipresent (lived on Mt. Siani or seems that way), wasn't all knowing (didn't know about Adam and eve eating the fruit), wasn't all powerful (lost to Chemosh in 2 Kings 3). Sounds like you are describing one of the older, more human-like gods.We seem to call those "myths" and other similar terms. But sounds a lot like Thor, Zeus, the great white buffalo lady, etc. to me.

Great white porcelain God aka toliet? Maybe?

@blahblah You better show the great god Ralph some respect or he will visit you with his vengeance. So many mix up his holy alter with the godhead.


What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on the bus? Trying to make his way home......................

God likes ski ball.

I like her singing better .

How about this one, it might work.

I found God on the corner of First in Amistad
Where the west was all but won
All alone
Smoking his last cigarette
I said where you been?
He said, ask anything


"What is my granny had wheels, that still would not make her a wagon"
Montgomery Scott

If we had some bread we could have bread and jam if had some jam.


I believe there's a branch of philosophy dedicated to naming things...i forget it's name....

Nomenclature the devising or choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline.

@blahblah sometimes my sarcarm is too subtle.... 🙂


Why do you think Star Wars was so big? - its because many knew the concept of God was wrong - but "The Force" was something they could relate to and could believe in.

gater Level 7 Nov 12, 2019

Ruach is a force; kinetic energy like breath, wind or a storm.

Ruach is what is translated into the English as spirit.

It's not per say they got it wrong, but it is wrong because there is difference in translation words used. Simular in ways perhaps but still different.

star wars is so popular for several reasons - stars and planets are REAL. space travel is REAL. aliens are real.

jeebus is NOT REAL.

@uuberdude thank you for spelling "per se" properly, but i question your use of it in this context. mmmm


How certain u are that there are no gods ?
U : 0%

Depends on how you define "God". As it could be defined and has been defined Gods of some definations do infact exist.

As explained below, people are Gods. Jesus, lord of host most High lucipher the devil,  is of the Angelic host. People-Gods could decide to end Christianity. Angel worship isn't recommended.  No wonder Jesus has not showed back up. 

God defined as a word of open definition and usage, in that any person could give any usage or define it in any way, whether logical, provable, real, surreal or not. 

There are some things labeled by this word that have more popularity than others. There are groups of people that give a certain definition to this word that the agree on and follow for that group. There are those that would say there is nothing in existence that this word would properly label. 

There are those that do not have evidence for a reason to label anything with this word. There are those that could never know what to label with this word. 

A very uncommon word for how it is used comes from Germanic origin of meaning to call or invoke and now in fact exist as a word in English spelt with the letters G, O, and D. 

I created Taco God. Taco God is real. Taco God is a person. Any person that has eaten a taco is a Taco God. Tacos are real, people are real and people really eat tacos.

Taco God is not evidence for ANY OTHER GOD but it is in fact A God. And it only takes one God to give evidence that atheism is illogical by defination. Because atheism by defination says: no gods exist. Taco God is proven to exist.

Taco God is backed by peer reviewed text that has been peer reviewed for 1000s of years and the text is the most copied world record holding text of its kind. Taco God is real and really exist. Atheism Illogical.

I created Taco God. Taco God is a person. That person has eaten 1 taco in their life. Have you eaten a taco in you life? You then would be a Taco God. Millions and billions of taco gods exist because a lot of people has eated a taco. Taco God is everywhere, almost omnipresent even. Taco God knows almost everything, nearly omniscient,


No such creature exists or will ever exist.

Wrong, but thanks for your input.

@blahblah You seem to be still looking for a divine delusion.

@wordywalt you seem to not have any ideal what I am looking for

@blahblah And don't really fucking care. Bullshit still smells like bullshit no matter how you package it. 🙂

@Sticks48 sounds like like bullshit to me.


It's not a what if....

Then what , you say?

@blahblah I say blah blah

@IamNobody might work, them holy rollers try the speaking in toungs stuff. Let me know how it works for you

@blahblah Naahhhh... IamDone


Like a fish, a worm, or a mosquito 🤔🤔🤔


If this entity is not falsifiable or have falsifiable properties, capacities or interactions with reality, this entity is not different from an inexistent entity in the science POV applyinf Occams razor.

Independent of what you call it.

I tried schick razor or was it Gillette's. " The best shave a man could get" did not work on a God thingie

I thought it was funny, the last post best shave ...

Anyways,. Occams razor short version?, people claim something has interacted with their thoughts it gets called God a lot. These invasive thoughts have a track record thru historical records and old documentation that follows thru with the same theme as the plot of the "thing" develops. Much can be described as a psychological meme. The meme of sorts, has a development and evolution of sorts that can be seen with simularity thru out history and modern times.

@blahblah Applying Occams razor
It is easy to assume this phenomena is something that the mind does to itself (and develop theories to test it) than assuming it is a transcendental entity as described in the bible (this entity makes so many assumptions that it becomes virtually non falsifiable).


What if the moon were made of cheese? It isn't ...but what if?

Turn the ocean into wine?


I don't know about anyone else, but I call them aliens.

I'll go with that one.


why are all your posts directed at the judeo christian definition?

What is the judeo Christian definition?

@Word all knowing, all powerful, infinite and eternal.

many religions gods don't have those qualities, the "what if" has existed since the beginning of recorded history. the Norse gods don't have those qualities but were called gods. "what if?" no, not "if", it actually happens all throughout history, you can answer it by studying those cultures.

"what if it exists" is meaningless. if it exists, it exists, that's what.

@HereticSin The argument can be stated as follows:

  1. If a being exists, then it must have some active tendency.
  2. If a being has some active tendency, then it has some power to resist its creator.
  3. If a being has the power to resist its creator, then the creator does not have absolute power.



Nothing has been discovered to meet your criteria. Now one of these days, this planet will be visited by an alien civilization and when this happens, one could kiss religion goodbye.

Trod Level 5 Nov 20, 2019

O I don't think so. I think religion would adapt. I am not saying I personally would want it too but it would. That's the true power of religion. Its ability to rewrite itself. Some version of it would adapt by adding the aliens somehow to its dogma, New holy books would be written, Hell who's to say the aliens religion would not bear fruit here on Earth. Religion defies logic in that it can always change to fulfill its real and persistent purpose; justification for action and to focus and guide the groups power.


What if there really is a God and he loves Atheists who are smart enough to know that all the religions of the world are BS.

What religion and what God thingie are you talking about?

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

James 1:27

What if God thingie was a she, not a he?

Why would a God have any sexual orientation? Ascribing a sexual orientation to a God reveals that it is a made. @blahblah

@nicknotes So you agree with biblical text on the required definition of a God thingie?

#1 The expression "the Son of man" occurs 81 times in the Greek text of the four Canonical gospels, and is used only in the sayings of Jesus.[3] wikipedia

In writing Jesus character has refered to himself as "son of man".

A) he was a "son" or to say an offspring but in biblical context he was a product of man to say man made.

B) he was a man meaning a "real god thingie is without gender" so Jesus character " shows Jesus' understanding of himself as the "man" that God has singled out as a friend and representative.[11]" wikipedia

To paraphrase a scenario was asked of Jesus character in Mark 12: 7 brothers had married the same woman because each brother would die then next brother would marry and die passing along wife thru the 7 brothers until she died as well, none having any children.

Mark 12:25 ..they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

This does not specifically say without gender but it would imply because no marriages go on.

Jesus character was a man made representation (like an angel) of the real God thingie.


Aren't you describing any cult leader?


God is a term we give to others who have excelled in various ways that we admire. Greek God, meaning "Stunning and Beautiful." Sports God, meaning, "athletically astute (Michael Jordan)." Love God, God of Vodka, TV God... there's a god for everything.

God is a word we use to describe excellence. I'm willing to bet that it's one of the first words we learned when we learned speech.

At this time we're redefining a lot of words (as we should). But words have both denotative meanings, and connotative meanings... the actual meaning, and the meaning that is brought to mind in the individual (the emotional meaning). "GOD" is purely an emotional term at this point. Language seems to have lost the real meaning of the term.

As I have posted previous, my observation is: God defined as a word of open definition and usage, in that any person could give any usage or define it in any way, whether logical, provable, real, surreal or not. 

There are some things labeled by this word that have more popularity than others. There are groups of people that give a certain definition to this word that the agree on and follow for that group. There are those that would say there is nothing in existence that this word would properly label. 

There are those that do not have evidence for a reason to label anything with this word. There are those that could never know what to label with this word. 

Otherwise, I do have a little understanding about the evolution of words, connotations and concepts.

Coincidently, I have already used Michael Jordon basketball Deity as an example compared to a fat man trying to fly thru the air and dunk a baseball.


I read this from Douglas Adams (Sci Fi writer, thinker) I think it sums up why we ended up with gods/goddesses, we were trying to explain the world around us without science. []


Mentally challenged!

How are you doing? Glad you could join the conversation!!


People need labels sometimes I think, but God can be anything.

This is a defination from my observation.
God defined as a word of open definition and usage, in that any person could give any usage or define it in any way, whether logical, provable, real, surreal or not. 

There are some things labeled by this word that have more popularity than others. There are groups of people that give a certain definition to this word that the agree on and follow for that group. There are those that would say there is nothing in existence that this word would properly label. 

There are those that do not have evidence for a reason to label anything with this word. There are those that could never know what to label with this word.

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