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Our movement appears to have a public relations problem!

ATHEIST--Based on a negative. Some associate it with devil worship & such. Victim of demonetization by organized religion.

AGNOSTIC--Appears wishy-washy & indecisive. Has questions but not the easy answers people want.

SKEPTIC--Appears anarchic to many people. People are afraid of something that questions the status quo

FREETHINKER-- Again appears anarchic & a threat to people's sense of security

HUMANIST--Squishy soft & vague. Sounds non threatening & nice, although some may confuse it with socialism.

I think we should choose HUMANIST for our branding. How about you?

Remiforce 7 Nov 12

Enjoy being online again!

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57 comments (51 - 57)

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You're talking about branding rational thought? Exactly who are you trying to sell it to? How does it matter what religious zealots think of those not stupid enough to buy into their bullshit? Why this need to label everything?

Smoke Level 3 Nov 14, 2019

Between those who believe in rational thought & religious zealots, there is a great pursuadable mass we need to engage

@Remiforce ty. I don't remember who, but someone once said something to the effect of "You never remember what you've accomplished, just what you have left to accomplish." So many problems in the world, it can be overwhelming.

@Remiforce i don't think so religious zealots aren't going to change their minds no matter how you "brand" it and they can't change my mind. Browns fans aren't going to be Steelers fans no matter what and this is no different, everybody has made up their mind and those that haven't really have but don't want to be ostracized so they don't talk loud about it. Branding won't change that


Can i donate money to this, and then claim ive never heard of you people, kinda like how Trump secretly supports Biden?

Here, give till it ..helps: [] 😉


Humanist is a softer more palatable term for most people. Atheist has a more negative connotation and I reserve that for people who know me and won't change their opinion.


I’m not too concerned with the branding. A good logo would be good I suppose.

how about this

@glennlab Way too busy.

@glennlab Yes, I would simplify it, but the thrust is good. I would also cahnge Atheist to Humanist


Not for me, too introspective

I have come up with a new (for me) label as it were since this site seems obsessed with them.  Functional Atheist.  Someone who's belief in "God" and all that may or may not entail is what it is but matters little in relation to his or hers interactions with others or the world.  
I feel the biggest PR nightmare for this site is the arrogance inherent in projecting Atheism outward as a opposing force against ALL religion and spiritual thought.  Many agnostics who speak in terms of doubt or personal spiritual journeys are roundly mocked or attacked.  And many Atheists seem to take a elitist approach.  They ignore or dismiss spirituality and belief as a zero sum thing with no positive impact on humanity.  Many seem to hold personal grudges against religion and use that as a club to beat anyone who even hints at a positive spiritual or religiouse experience.  
Atheism as I see it has no real answer to fill the job that for thousands of years of human history has been provided first by Myth and story and then by religion and spirituality.  Instead beating the dead horse that is the question without a answer; is there some version of a "God" anywhere?  Its a tired debate.  And really is irrelevant to the actual war we should be fighting; the war against ignorance.  One can be rational yet find comfort in spirituality.  One can be rational yet horribly amoral and cruel without some kind of ethical foundation.  
What is the ethical foundation of Atheism?  Were does it go past the tired battle against an invisible, impossible sky god?  I like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  I think Atheism needs to evolve past its obsession with the Judeo/Christian God and establish its own ethical framework and use it to fight the negative results and practices of any belief system that causes harm.  A grander less cheeky version of Satanism.
Instead of saying your God is not real.  Why not this; irrelevant of your god's exsistence if your causing harm/spreading ignorance we will fight you for that.  And if your god tells you its cool your wrong and we will fight your wrongness.  If your god says something is and it provides tangible benefits and spreads knowledge and truth as a result then go ahead and let your freak flag fly!  If it provides motivation for good works great.  The same if your a rational asshole doing harm but being really good at it.  Harm is still harm.
Quarm Level 6 Nov 12, 2019

Thanks for your thoughts. I used to call myself an agnostic, but am considering changing that to Secular Humanist/

Agnosticism is based on questioning the existence of the god concept, but does not directly express any positive values. It seems to me the whole god myth is simply irrelevant, & it gives it too much credence to say we are that concerned about questioning it.

Secular Humanism seems it could be a vehicle for positive human centered values, such as rationality & ethics


That's not an easy question to answer. People have tried before (the word 'Bright' comes to mind if I remember one correctly). But of course people are wrapped up in their religions so they get defensive quickly.
It involves fine judgement to be positive without looking smug and arrogant.

I guess I'm glad I agree with so many comments below -- I don't care much what people think. I'll work against them if they try to impose their opinions on me and mine but that's as far as I'll take it.

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