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God hates porn?

VictoriaNotes 9 Mar 24

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My brother owned a few massage parlors in SoCal back in the 80's. The kind with a guaranteed "Happy Ending". The girls refused to take Mormon clients, said they were "sick".


I am very Kantian in my Ethics and he comments that if a "Perfect" being (A.K.A. "god" ) existed, said being would just contemplate how perfect it was. The Freudian in me translates that to mean it would just be masturbating all the time!!


I have also liked this one:


We had a big Porn Hurts Children homemade billboard next to the local porn shop. I'm sure parents loved driving by and getting asked what porn was and why does it hurt me. It blew down in a big storm one year. Mother Nature doesn't give a shit.

Remi Level 7 Mar 24, 2018

Porn is boring. I hate porn even if God likes it. Snooze!


God hates anything that makes you feel good.


Wow, this cartoon seems to have garnered some sort of world record number of "likes"!

Now I know that god is dead, because if he watched me having sex, he'd die laughing.

@VictoriaNotes I love that you can admit that. You're freaken awesome. Where do I find someone like you around here? lol

@paul1967 It is just that sex itself is rather absurd really. I'm not saying I don't enjoy sex or like my body or that those who I've had sex with think I'm inept. It's just that we are so obsessed with this bizarre mating ritual that's way better in between one's ears than it really objectively is ... in fact we're the only species that considers it recreational more than procreational and have so much ego invested in being skilled at something that actually requires zero talent. People congratulate a woman on getting pregnant and my inner thought is, "congratulations, you've figured out how to have sex -- so what?"

And then we create for ourselves this all-powerful, all-knowing being and actually imagine that it would care how or when or with whom we engage in sex. That it would be incensed if we do it wrong or maybe pruriently interested that we do it at all. That god wouldn't have much bigger fish to fry. That if he DID look, he wouldn't find it pathetic and amusing.

I'm simply willing to admit god would find me having sex hilarious. I was being polite in not suggesting that he'd be equally amused at ANYONE engaging in it.

@mordant I appreciate your reply, and I agree with most of what you said, and please don't take this as an insult because I'm an off the wall kind of guy myself, but that reply was a bit random. I was replying to @VictoriaNotes willingness to open up to something most women find embarrassing. I rarely see that in people, and it gave me a measure of enjoyment. However, despite that, I found your thoughts about humanities vision of Gods proclivities towards sexuality, fascinating, and I appreciate your willingness to use self-deprecating humor to make your point.


Pmsl fucking pervert


If God hates porn, why do men say "Oooooh, God!!!" while watching it.


"God" loves porn. His fragile ego needs the constant "oh god..oh god...oh god"


Nah...gawd doesn't hate porn. Why, just a little bit ago I saw him looking at the iPad Pro Steve Jobs gave him while he was flogging his carrot. Thought he was hiding at the end of that crepuscular ray...but that wind gust blew his robe open...and there it was...the Staff Of Gawd. Hung like a deer mouse, he was. That's where thunder comes from right? Right.

His rod and his staff comforts me!


and have you seen some of the flowers he has come up with?



Come on folks, we invented what we call god. We have been inventing it since our brains realized that we are mortals. Until around 2000 years ago we had a stew pot full of gods, one for every purpose. people were having a hard time even remembering their names Then came a guy and decided to put them all into one basket. That made things much easier for everyone. Hey, they would have to remember only one name. Of course we also invented the porn too because it wasn't quite enough doing the sex act, we wanted to watch it being performed by others too as a specialized entertainment. So, since we consider ourselves a spitting image of god, I am positive god loves porn just as much as he/she loves violence, injustice, famine, destruction and whole bunch ot other stuff.


Given that all the other mammals "go at it" just like us, that us human mammals were around 100,000 years+ before there was a bible, and that the bible contains parent-child incest, condones bride-price, is full of misogyny, and some its most revered figures had multiple wives, I fail to see how there would be any objection on moral grounds, but only because the sky Don wasn't calling the shots.


Even if we assume there is "God", I am absolutely convinced that He/She/It does not care about porn at all.

Why would he not care about one of his/her many wonderful creations? Porn being one.


Where is the sketch pad? Nothing like a progressive drawing.


I'm safe, unless He is into "solo" action.


I certainly hope he hates porn. I'm not looking to watch internet porn with an omnipresent dude who's totally into it.

It gives a new meaning to on the right hand of god. Or maybe he uses his left hand.


I have to say that the very notion of an omnipresent peep show divinity is hilarious.


And l thought l was just being paranoid when l felt like someone was watching me have sex. It would probably be more interesting for him if l had a partner. I know it would be more interesting for me.


That must be what makes those religious nit wits so twitchy. LOL

Those religious nitwits are so twitchy because of the severe suppression of sexuality ... and their twitchyness comes out - just look at the christian family values dudes like Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Ted Haggard, Larry Craig and all the other christian men who get caught with their pants down.


As a holy man, I actually blessed masturbation.

Not much of a story, just an explanation. To my knowledge, to bless something means to take what used to be considered bad, and recognize it as now being considered good. Masturbation used to be considered a sin, but it has wellness benefits, so it must be good. Therefore, I blessed it.

@Katastrophe1969 @FurNFeatherMama are you sure? Masturbation blessings stories are better told behind closed doors 😉

Oh, y'all wanna know about the ceremony. There wasn't one. Should we have one?


He jumped a virgin when she was sleeping (isn't that rape?) and his son hung out with hookers, so I don't think he's too worried about it. If he created everything, then he must have created porn.


He/she/it is responsible for sex throughout the ages, the disciples have been fucking us over, in his/hers/its name, since the dawn of time 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 Mar 24, 2018
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