Anyone ever feel alone with everyone always shoving their religion in your face? Met some people that I really thought were cool then BAM!!! They pull the “atheist are so stupid!” And I’m supposed to do what just keep quiet or try and figure out how to explain to them that I am an atheist?
We are one-eyed kings in the land of the blind. And they are SO blind.
For your situation, you could, with a tone of curiosity, ask them to explain what they mean, and look for an opportunity to put them in their place. But chances are, they cannot be educated (because they have chosen to block such truth. That keeps them safely ignorant). Religion is like a sexual disease where they know they're sick, but talking about it just isn't done in polite company. I think they become comfortable with their cognitive dissonance and think of it as suffering that is done 'in service to Christ."
Alternately, you can mention how foolish religious people are for thinking the Earth is one millionth as old as it is, or any in the long list of other idiocies.
Yeah, that happens. Some of them may just be blurting out what they think others expect them to say (which means they might not be the best of friends anyway) and you could make it an awareness moment. The down side to disclosing is that you might attract the prosyletizers.
Yeah when it comes down to this one belief of how the universe was made. I can't expect everyone to agree with all my beliefs and some christians are pretty cool. They just feel that WE think that we came from "nothing". I can understand how that seems crazy but you can't really believe someone is stupid just because they arent willing to fallow blindly your relgion. Some don't know any better, they been brain washed from birth. On our side, we can think the same for them (christians are dumber than us)depending on who you talk too. I feel like if they are open to talk about this subject and maybe get a feel of where your coming from friendships can still be made. weird conversations can be avoided about faith. I have alot of religious friends and honestly i never touch that subject because it goes south and people get offended. I feel that its a WIN when people are open to talk about why I am an atheist and not just try to deam me a moron. My mother any time i contradict her she just starts shouting on jesus an how im a satanist. People like my mother is hard to get through but I don't feel alone because there is alot of other things where we have in common. They just believe thats their truth and we just question the validity. Really have no way of knowing how receptive someone can be until you talk to them. I usually say that their is so many faiths and I don't have a real way of knowing if any of them are true i just stick to facts and except i am unknowing because of human capabilities I deny myself to just believe in something Im uncertain about.
To me, I would not engage them. If they're coming out saying "atheists are so stupid", I can imagine they have no tolerance for anyone that does not think, look, or behave the way they do. Do I feel alone? No because I know that there are others out there that think as I do or are at least tolerant of what I believe and I just haven't met them yet.
Well why is it important to let them know you are atheist , are you looking for acceptance from them ? Generally people who speak down on others like that aren’t with hanging out with in the long run. When people group people together as “All “ I’m generally gonna move on myself.
It's hard to speak up sometimes. I consider the situation first. It can make relatinships difficult.
I tell people I start to grow friendships with pretty quick that I’m a non believer in all things religion.
I would do neither, I would address it like an academic debate (mentioning that you're an atheist would force you into the posiiton of being defensive).
I would ask that they justify their assertion that “atheist are so stupid!” with some facts/observations/etc. Granted, they may just say "I just feel like they're stupid" or "I read in an old book that they're stupid" and then the discussion pretty much grinds to a hault.
Check out Anthony Magnabosco's approach in creating dialogue with random people and their belief system. He has some great videos showcasing his street epistemology techniques. Search for his name on youtube.
Your post reminded me of this meme.
You'll never change a Christian's mind because you can't argue with faith. Just suck it up, smile, and thank them. If you tell them you're an atheist, they're only going to pray for you, and I find that condescending. Believe me, I live in SC, and I know what I'm talking about. Also, there are some interesting, cool people who are Christians. They're just misguided or brainwashed....keep that thought in your head as you smile at them.
Self-esteem. You don't need to bother with their opinions. Just roll with it.
It’s definitely an interesting life as an Atheist in Texas. Thankfully we are around but not like I wish we were.
Most of my friends are Christians. I really don´t mind. They don't really judge me and in case they do, it doesnt really affect me.