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Gender in atheism

Why does it appear that more men are openly agnostic/atheist than women? There are definitely more men using this site.

PraiseJeebus 4 Dec 5

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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There are differences between men and women. Some should be openly celebrated. Others need some work still. We're getting there. One group with more power than another isn't necessarily interested in just handing it over wholesale - no matter what the circumstances.

But power is not like pie: just because you gove power to an unequal partner does not mean it is taken from you.

@Spinliesel It does, practically by definition.

So what is so wrong about sharing the power though? And there are more differences within a gender than there are between the genders. Particularily if you look beyond genitalia and reproductive organs/functions.

@demifeministgal - Who said there is anything wrong with sharing power? Certainly not I. But look at the logic - sharing power means someone gives up some of his power. That means he had power to give. How'd he get it in the first place? Shall he chop off his own testicles to spite his face? He'd hardly want to.

Yes, yes, there are more differences within a gender than between them, yadda yadda unrelated thing. Perhaps you missed the part where I was trying to make a farkin' point about differences being a thing worth celebrating, eh.

@Shawno1972 I don't look at it as losing power. I look at is as not being the one at the top anymore so, that elitism is lost at the most as well as some advantages. Sharing should not be viewed as a net loss but in a fckd up, capitalistic, only gains and profits matter society, it will be perceived that way by many.

@demifeministgal I'm not speaking about what ought to be, I'm speaking about what is. One person who has an edge over another person does not generally by his/her own volition give it up - not in any kind of system you can name. This is particularly true when it comes to competence. We don't do our societies any favors by leveling the playing field. It may sound good on paper, but unless every other country out there is also doing it, it would be disastrous for any one country to attempt it. Might doesn't make right, but it does help guarantee us the safety to have inane discussions such as this.

@Shawno1972 Except competence is not measured by what is between one's legs or which chromosomes a person has. And unconscious biases STILL favour less qualified men to this day. :/

@demifeministgal I'm at a disadvantage in this argument you seem to want to have with me. I don't have an agenda. Good day. 🙂

@Shawno1972 I did not have an agenda either... just wanted to let you know the facts,

@demifeministgal Whatever facts you've presented (dubious) have been wholly off topic and stated with the express purpose of challenging my opinion on the differences between men and women. "Feminist" is part of your username. Run that part about not having any agenda by me again? 😀

And yes, for the record I do find it ironic and humorous that any level 9 people would have the nerve to complain about other people being overly chatty. That the person I joked about would see fit to create a whole post soliciting one-sided feedback on the matter only serves to illustrate the point. Fun!

@Shawno1972 That is not a signal to any agenda... that is to just let people know, since I was in the closet about it for some time and then I saw women being vocal or open about it and decided to do so myself.

Well if it were off topic it was just in reply to your original point and subsequent points. You lead us down said rabbit hole 😉

@demifeministgal Interesting! In what universe does "being vocal or open about it" not mean signaling? 😀

Example of off topic statement: "And there are more differences within a gender than there are between the genders."

That is irrelevant to the point I made. I'm suggesting differences between men and women should be celebrated. I also admitted things aren't as egalitarian as they should be. Nor do I believe competence has anything to do with what is between one's legs. It's like you wanted to steer the conversation in that direction, though. AKA agenda.

@Shawno1972 does signalling or indicating a particular label for oneself, indicate an agenda all of a sudden? 😕

@demifeministgal It rather depends on the label. If the label is appended with "-ism," then almost by definition, yes. Or "-ist," as in your case.

@Shawno1972 seems like a subjective opinion of yours. Agree to disagree. 🙂 Otherwise ALL my comments or posts would be feminist related, which many/most are not. 🙂

@demifeministgal Hint: opinions are by their very nature subjective. 😉

@Shawno1972 some can be objective and based on evidence/data 🙂
There are informed opinions and non-informed opinions.

@demifeministgal Well, nice try. It's the word that matters. I didn't make up the definition of "opinion." 😉


Don't recall seeing that statistic .

You can find it yourself - just use the member search - read my comment above. 😀


Has there been an actual M/F total count to confirm that claim ?

@NoPlanetB How did you conduct this "quick search" ?


It's a dating site. People stay for the community.

I’ve been involved in 2 secular groups in Minnesota. Not dating sites but actual groups. Men far outnumbered women

@Marcie1974 By percentage?

@Happy_Killbot I’d say about 85% are men? That’s a guesstimate

@Marcie1974 how large were the groups?

@Happy_Killbot ohhhh. The group in southern MN depends upon the event I guess. The most attended probably has 30 people? There’s a group that has coffee every Sunday and maybe 8 attend?

I’ve only been to the one in central MN a few times. Much older crowd and many are married couples so the numbers are a bit more even. I’d say they had at least 30 at both events. Average age was 50-60 years old. Maybe 60% were men. Possibly more but like I said I’ve only attended a few events

@Marcie1974 Ok, well if it was a small group then it is more likely that there would be deviation from the expected average because of the higher chance of an otherwise unlikely outcome.

For example, if you flipped x number of coins and got 75% heads, you might conclude you got a biased coin, but if it was only 4 flips that isn't surprising at all.

If it is true that there are more atheist/agnostic men, I would like to see more confident data. There are all sorts of things that could throw off the results if we analyse it from an anecdotal perspective.

@Happy_Killbot yeah, no data....just personal experience in my little corner of the world


As usual the Regressives spew their wishful thinking in the face of the facts:::
PEW research: why-are-women-generally-more-religious-than-men/



The differences between the genders is clear and consistent.


We are supposed to be different........


Probably because it is women that were raised to raise their kid(s) under religion and it is their duty to raise kids in the faith, so that coming out will take longer. Also, my generation is using other social media, not this forum so much-- the site tends to skew in the 40+ range-- and we do have higher numbers of atheists and non-believers than boomers and Gen X'ers do.


That's a mystery, although I have been using the internet to connect with the atheist community for 20-something years now, and it has always been pretty uneven gender-wise. Unfortunately, I have encountered about the same level of sexism and misogyny in atheist men as believers. I wonder if it is because more men than women are taught the fine art of critical thinking.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 10, 2019

Help me understand how more critical thinking skills make men sexist and full of misogyny?

@Ellen-SoCal sorry, I wasn't clear there. I think the probability that more men than women are taught the fine art of critical thinking is why there are more male atheists than female. Critical thinking would have nothing to do with being sexist or misogynist.

@Deb57 what Courses, exactly, "teach...critical thinking"????

@AnneWimsey society. Men are conditioned from birth to be more analytical and form opinions on their own while generations of women have been brought up to just believe what they've been told without questioning it, under threat of chastisement.

@Deb57 huh, "threat of chastisment" has always had the Opposite effect on me




I've always wondered about this as well. Women have so much more to lose when it comes to religion.

And so much more to gain by rejecting it: but unfortunately it doesn’t make the double standards, that have a lot to do with religion, go away. Virgin or sex worker and derogatory judgement on both from some people. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all be more accepting of people wherever they are in their journey?


I haven't noticed a gender difference. It seems to me that more STEM educated people don't believe vs others. My view is skewed as almost all of my friends are in IT.

My lack of faith was evident way before leaving high school. God disappeared in a puff of reality and lack of evidence, along with Santa and the tooth fairy.

@girlwithsmiles I was raised as an Atheist, a fundamentalist Atheist...

@shockwaverider I suppose that is going to be more common with time.


It sort of seems like women below the age of about 45, are far less likely to be openly nonreligious. Having a secular viewpoint also seems to be higher among people in STEM fields. I think the numbers might be slanted there too. I have not looked it up, so maybe im off.

I'd love to hear women's point of view on why that might be. Maybe they disagree.

SCal Level 7 Dec 6, 2019

I think it may be due to religious families/cultural forces.... so if you still live at home (and sadly many millenials have to live with their parents until their late 30s 😟 ) and your parents are religious, you won't be out with your atheism unless you are certain they will be accepting of it. Otherwise you create unnecessary conflict in your living situation. Not to mention, for career and job reasons. Until you are established in a career or job, why would you alienate a huge swath of potential network opportunities or clients/customers (for business owners) by being openly non-religious in a very religious context/culture/envt? Being out is better suited if you are established by living on your own and having a secure steady career. That's my 2 cents.

@demifeministgal Dont men face all of these same obstacles? That doesnt seem to explain the obvious difference we see on this site.

@BryanLV Well your remark was more age specific, than gender specific. Hence my focus on age. But you are right, both genders may face this. Although, I don't know who lives longer with parents young women or young men. There may be data on that. Will have to look into it one day. XD


And where have you got these statistics from?


in my life i do not find this to be true. so i cannot say why it is, since it isn't.


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