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The Bible gives us a view of the early church. Now you tell me....doesn't this sound like communism?
Acts chapter 2
43 Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. 44 And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; 45 and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. 46 Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people.

Of course modern Christianity has left the practices of the early church.


Maybe he should spend a bit more time rooting out pedophile priests in his diocese...AS IF........


Gee, guess they can't be bothered to take care of their pedophile problem.
Gay communism is just so much worse.




Idiot and closet gay

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 14, 2019

They have to fix their child rape problem before they can give opinions on anything.




Talk about irony, the catholic priest raping little children is worst than lgbt.


I read the article and I agree with him on this matter.

I guess that makes you homophobic just like the catholic church!


So you are agreeing with the church on this? Do you know any gays? I'm sure there are good and bad people that are LGBQ. I've had gay and lesbian employees in the past and some were the best and some of the worst employees. With that thinking maybe we should denigrate those of different race, sex or maybe culture?


Not only is this ridiculous, I don’t know how he reasonably compares communism. Leaders of all sorts all over the world seem to be taking crazy pills


and what would he call the protection of pedophile priests by all the archdioceses.

Most likely, and very disgusting IMHO, " Business as usual."


It sounds to me just looking for another place to place the blame. The Catholic church is having to rob Catholic charities just to make ends meet.


Well, that just shows how some people are so frightfully uneducated.

@motrubl4u Your response shows that you are ignorant of what Grahame said in his response.

@motrubl4u YOU are the ignorant one .And your moronic reply says a lot about you because if you read the article you would understand where he is coming from, but on the other hand you probably would not comprehend it .

@tiredofthis1 So if I understand you correctly, you are tolerant of religious people but not those who have a different sexual attraction than you?

@rogueflyer No, you don't understand me correctly at all. I am tolerant of religious people and tolerant of different sexual attraction than mine but I am not tolerant of fanatics or people who's sexual attractions force them on people who don't want them or hurt them.

@Jolanta I think there may have been a software glitch. I was talking about Tired of this.


Why would anyone print this man's opinion? What would LGBT have to do with communism? The world is going insane.

Labeling something as communist is a convenient way to delegitimize it. A lot of people don't actually know what the word means but they do know that it is bad so associating something else with communism is a dishonest way to get people to consider it to be a bad thing.

@RoboGraham Communism would not be my choice by any means, it has been good to me. Communism is really just a different governing and ecconomic system. I think we can look at capitalism and point out the many different problems and evils of our system also. China has made amazing progress in lifting their population out of poverty. I believe it remains to be seen which system prevails.


If I ever see troops in rainbow uniforms with AK-47s rounding people up for re-education... then I would concede he has a point. Until then, not so much.

@Grahame Geez Louise, @Grahame, are you some kind of conspiracy loving theorist?

@Grahame It's called manufacturing consent.

@Grahame Okay then but to me it kid of sound a wee bit on the 'conspiracy' side, that's all.

@Grahame Not just Murdoch but all of the mainstream media. They are giant corporation with major biases. Profit is their bottom line, not informing the public of what is happening in the world. Their loyalty lies with the advertisers who buy add space on their networks and politicians who grant them access and interviews. They design their programming to encourage you to think as they want you to think and get outraged about the things that they want you outraged about.

This is why it is of critical importance that we all get our news from independent sources.

@RoboGraham I hope you don't mean Brietbart or InFoWars.

@rogueflyer I mean the rational national, secular talk, and Jimmy Dore show.

@Grahame You're right about that. All the corporate media is terrible but Murdoch is on a higher level of evil.

@Grahame Hang on there, cowboy. It's not "culture war" to demand equal rights. Nobody's asking anyone to "endorse a lifestyle", just to live in peace. The "culture war" is the backlash against their lifestyle, led by people like the conservative Catholic church.

@Grahame Which side are you talking about?
It's the conservatves claiming liberals are waging a culture war, here in America.

@Grahame It takes two sides to argue, but only one side to oppress.

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