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Would you date a woman that had sex on the first date?

Say you've been chatting with a woman for a bit, you have good conversations, similar world views, find her moderately attractive, etc. You decide to meet and go on a date. You end up sleeping together. Would you consider dating her with the possibility of it turning into a relationship?

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Marcie1974 8 Mar 27

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109 comments (76 - 100)

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Well, in the hypothetical, it was (presumably) as much ny fault as hers, so it would be very unfair to hold that against her. But I would avoid the situation to begin with, try to take things slower!


Yes of course


Depends how good the sex was

Marz Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

Good point. I’ve had some real duds


Yes. I have had many relationships start where there was sex on the first date.


Does a rat have an ass?


I always took my cue from the woman, as I did not want them to feel pressured. Now, married, 75, it's all academic.


Only if it's with me.

godef Level 7 Mar 27, 2018



How would I know she was going to have sex on the first date? I have to know that she will before I can answer your question.

Hypothetical is that you meet, go on a date, then have sex. Would you date her after that?

@BlueWave Yes, unless I absolutely hated the sex.


Surely you mean, turn into a 'long term relationship', the sex came after the 'relationship' started. The first definition of the word say's, the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected. Which started when they first hit it off, say on the phone, way before the sex. If we still felt the way we did before the sex, I would continue seeing her, but I don't even kiss on the first date, so it happen to me anyway.


Yup, why wouldn't I?


It would be fine with me IF something extraordinary occurred that just swept us away in passion. Sex is sex. It's not something I generally want on a first date, but I don't judge people who do. And if all you want is sex then I say go for it.


Where ARE these women? lol

Geoff Level 5 Mar 27, 2018

I’m wondering where these men are! Let l

@Marcie1974 where you are, they’re probably all gone ice fishing this time of the year. Lol

@Geoff they are around

@Geoff most likely. Or killin deer, campin, etc. I’m actually fine if a guy is into that so long as they’re not obsessing and don’t expect me to partake. I’ll fish if it’s 85 or warmer. But I always bring a book in case they aren’t biting.


When I was sexually active before the rise of STD's I'd have sex on a first date - mutual attraction what the heck. I matured and had a more level head, NOT germaphobic but careful, if I was attracted and we decided to have sex, testing for SDT's happened first. Seriously!!


Well, of course. Why wouldn’t you want to date a woman that would have sex on the first date? ?


Yes. As long as its consensual and no-one gets hurt, then why not. One of my mantras is don't die wondering - this theoretical fits that mantra perfectly.


Yes. I married her. Now on 7 years and 5 kids. Best I've ever had.

Awwweeee..... 🙂


I don't see why not. I don't even care if she tells me about past partners unless she wants to. If I'm with someone, I'm with her now, not her past. The only thing I would want would be honesty about any potential STD's, because that could directly harm me. The rest of it, not a big deal.


I'm too old to waste time.worrying about stuff like that.


I have had sex on the first date and dated for a time after, and I have dated women who did not want to go that route. Hell, I have even dated a woman with whom I had sex before any dates occurred.
It's all a matter of everyone being comfortable with it. Whatever works for all parties.


i married one.


It really depends on the circumstances in which we met. Sudden impulses of lust do happen. Then if they can lead to something serious, why not. It’s never happened to me though (as in no woman has ever slept with me on a first date-or I with a woman. I would never expect that anyway)


I wouldn't have sex on the first date because I value genuine human connection over sex, so I don't know. If I was evaluating someone else's relationship then I wouldn't call them a slut because I am well aware that most people probably aren't like me. But this really depends on the person.

Patience, grasshopper.


I wouldn't hold it against him 😀 Oooh this question is for guys.

Hold what against him? I'm intrigued!!! 🙂


I'm a guy so...

It looks like I'm making breakfast for two and hoping she'll stick around


Yes, but not for the reason stated. We must have hit it off for some reason. If she's up for a second date, I consider this a plus. If she's not, well that's my problem. But I'm assuming that besides the physical aspects, there's more to this relationship. The fact that you've crossed the physical hurdle has no bearing on the other facets of the relationship.

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