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Would you date a woman that had sex on the first date?

Say you've been chatting with a woman for a bit, you have good conversations, similar world views, find her moderately attractive, etc. You decide to meet and go on a date. You end up sleeping together. Would you consider dating her with the possibility of it turning into a relationship?

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Marcie1974 8 Mar 27

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109 comments (26 - 50)

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Being that a common mindset was already established and two adults mutually decided that they were into each other enough for things to go that way, I doubt that a roll in the hay would change my view in any significant way.

Meep70 Level 7 July 21, 2018

I'd date a woman who died on the first date.

Best. Answer. Ever.


Great thread::: Reminds me of the joke, via Woody Allen, "I would not want to be a member of any club that would have me."

JacarC Level 8 June 19, 2018

I would enjoy visiting, often.

I thought that was W.C. Fields


I married a woman that I had sex with on the first date, we were together for 22 years.

And now you're wondering if that was a good idea.

@Jacar, Now why the fuck would you say something like that????

@Woodron Finally found the thread you were referring to.
i was being silly, in context with the thread.
You stated you were together 22 years. And now not.
So, i was joking about how it took 22 years to think maybe it was not a good idea.
But, i was not, in any way, inferring that there was any thing wrong with what happened with you and her.


I'd have to say that I evaluate each person for their merits, not based on some set of rules. If you have to use a bunch rules, I probably wouldn't end up dating you.

Every person is new and different, and deserves at least a chance.


I'm so confused. Did we just go back in time?

I’m not sure if this is just a regional thing but after never hearing from a couple guys after I thought we had a good time a clicked, I sought out advice from several guy friends. They all said if you give away the goods right away.....then they do not consider you someone to date.

So much for guys not wanting to play games.

@Marcie1974 Well, I will tell you my experience - Most guys do NOT know what they want. And, yes, that can be regional. I lived in the deep south for quite awhile and that archaic way of thinking is still prevalent. It's so stupid. I would be real quick to tell them that they aren't worthy since they slept with you so quickly. Nothing but trash. LOL!

Anyway, in all honesty, I have found most non-agnostic/atheist men don't know what they really want when it comes to so-called morals - and they play some serious games. I have not had this problem with men without a religious foundation.

@tryingcake it’s so damn frustrating.

@Fanburger There are, believe it or not, a lot of women, me being one, who before they're dead below the waist, don't want to get too many "feelings going" if it's not going to "click" between the sheets.
I think there is some "broke dick mountain" mentality with expecting the rules to be different than it is for men. And just because there was an "early intro" doesn't mean there will be ANOTHER.
Some men seem to think that once you decided to take your panties off ONCE that they can stop trying. That's a good way to be shown the EXIT sign.

I also find it fascinating that some with practicing "open" relationships are so judgemental about this. smh /looking at you Jacar.

@Fanburger So allowing oneself to be genuinely attracted and acting on it, because tomorrow is promised to no one, is being an "asshole like men are"???
How much time are we going to devote to "the chase"? That's asshole stuff too, just another flavor.
Prey drive, it's a thing. Men say they don't want the "game" but they do. So be it. But if I play this "game" and it gets "blown" it's over, and especially so if just a conquest.
I don't have many super powers but ICING the bleep out of a game players & idiots is one of them.

@Fanburger and just some trivia for you. I was in a 20 year, 17 year marriage to someone I adored who I slept with on the 1st day I met him. Yes I was smitten and remained so to the day he died and after.

@Fanburger LOL so the fact I slept with my future husband the day we met makes me a "cum bucket"? ?
My non quality man was an autodidactic who could and did go anywhere & made 6 figures. He also happened to be gorgeous inside and out. I did hit the man lottery for sure.
Yes he was of no quality. LMAO
This "cum bucket" made sure he wanted for nothing ever, and more so when he became ill. I've seen princess types do less for their men. So whatever dude.

Hey everyone. I'm a cum bucket! LMAO

@Fanburger Good luck on your quest for a princess. You're going to need it.

@Qualia I can't respond to Fanburger directly because he blocked me back in December of last year on his 1st membership here however I wanted to comment on his judgemental attitude. Real freethinkers like me don't give a shit what others think. Thank my lucky stars for meeting Dan here.

@sassygirl3869 I've not blocked him yet because well.... I think our exchanges are worthwhile so far. Maybe someone, somewhere will see something they needed to hear.
There are a lot of men who think like him and it's sad. I'm sick to death of being "splained" with archaic thinking. Women have needs too and insisting on an extended chase, only to "catch" and then stop the courting is toxic.
Just because someone sleeps with you doesn't mean the "chase" is over. But for some men, that's what they believe. Look at all the married men on here looking for extra. They've stopped "chasing" their women, and their women have clamped down below the waist, so they think they're going to apply their stupid formula somewhere else and have it work. SMH

I think he's wounded and doesn't know how to escape the rubber room.

@Qualia I know some personal info-why he blocked me. Wounded yes.


I said yes... but, I’m sure I’d have said no years ago, old school thinking, which was no thinking or dumb thinking, probably based on some religious guilt crap.
Think about it... what better thing can two people do that is so pleasurable... perhaps is momentary, perhaps more...

Tomas Level 7 May 29, 2018

I just saw the survey results... cool.


The most clear and simple answer I can come up with is HELL YES. As of why, that is a different question and I am sure in general the answer to that is you have your reasons and I have mine.

I’m not sure if this is just a regional thing but after never hearing from a couple guys after I thought we had a good time a clicked, I sought out advice from several guy friends. They all said if you give away the goods right away.....then they do not consider you someone to date.

So much for guys not wanting to play games.

@Marcie1974 understand. It's all context. You won't get the same answer if you ask young guys or any other possibilities. Everyone is different. I am saying this is not important to me. Therefore my answer is still a hell yes.

@Marcie1974 well I am still processing a bit further your insightful comment about (what it sounds like a one night stand)... Those guys went ugly quick and that was a good thing in disguise. Or, do you wish you would've hold your ground with the goods to get their attention only to find out later on their true colors and then you would've wasted more time?..... I know, its a sensitive topic on a thin line.

@IamNobody I don’t know. It just seems like I’ve really clicked with a few guys, we meet and there’s ton of chemistry, one thing leads to another and then I never hear from them again. I always try to make it crystal clear that I’m not looking for a hookup or FWB. So I don’t know if they’ just lying to get me in bed and had no intention of seeing me again? If they simply changed their mind after seeing me naked (which is what my self esteem assures me is the issue). But like I said, I’ve asked 3-4 good guy friends and they acted shocked that I didn’t already know that if I give it up right away, then I’m just someone to fuck but not date.

@IamNobody and it pisses me off to NO END that every damn guy’s profile says they aren’t into games. Yet I have to play the game that I’m not into sex in order to be taken seriously as someone to date. Wouldn’t you WANT to know you’re sexually compatible ahead of time? I don’t want to waste my time unless you have a high libido. And I want to make sure you’ve got a few kinks and actually understand and care about the fact that a woman can and wants to have a damn orgasm!!

Clearly this is a heated subject for me

@Marcie1974 I hear you. I still believe you should consider it as a good thing that you got rid of someone that clearly didn't and wasn't going to care for you. You have to keep trying until you find the one that will make you forgive and forget everything

@IamNobody I’d rather get rid of someone before I’ve had sex with them.

@Marcie1974 that's the way to go !!!!

One guy in my office was going through 'dates' at a scandalous rate. I'll call them dates, because to him they weren't really women. He wasn't treating them as anything but a number. Anyway, I'm talking stuff like 5 or 6 different women a week... With the simple goal of seeing how many he could get sexual activity out of asap. We were working nights so lunch dates, were mixed in with dinner dates... And as soon as the deal was closed he would deliver the "I don't think its gonna work out" phone call!
Working toward his 'sex by the 3rd date' line in the sand, he would lie and say anything.


For this particular issue, I don't try to psycho-analyze her motivations, I just on-the-surface accept the fact that maybe she just enjoys sex for sex sake as much as I do.


I don't do women, so would I sleep with a man who would sleep with me on the first date? I don't date, I just sleep around, so they already know that cuddling, and going for dinner, and talking about feelings isn't going to be happening.


You must be young because when you get into your senior years the answer is who gives a shit.
Hell at this age I prefer to get to know each other but if sex is present, I am in, Why would I think of her as a slut rather than a lonely guy out to get laid.

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

I’m 44 so I guess that qualifies me as middle aged? I was married for 20+ years so I’m learning all over again. After reading comments I think it might be a bit of a regional thing as well, I live in Minnesota




I was married to a woman for almost 40 years, we had sex on the first date. I rest my case. Damn it was good!


Sure would.


Why jnot enjoy each other right now. Did it fee right when you had sex? It probably will feel right the next time, too. Take it as it comes and don't load down your encounters with all that heavy expectation. Live right now and go from there.


As long as the sex was with me. I'd be fine about it.
If it was with someone else, I'd say she was a crummy date.


As it stands now, I would not wish to have sex with someone unless I considered them someone I would wish to spend time with.


Every situation different. I don't judge.


Personal choice, but I wouldn't ever be having sex with someone I didn't want to date.


I don't see having sex on a first date as evil. As long as it comes naturally and not rushed.


I look at sex kinda like buying shoes....I will never invest in a purchase of shoes without trying them on first. Sex is important, if it's not good between you that could be a deal breaker. I've moved slow in relationships and others when chemistry was great, I didn't want to wait! Some of my best and deepest fulfilling relationships were when 'I tried the shoes on to see if they were a comfortable fit'. ?


To see how that sounds, turn it around. Would you date a man who had sex on the first date?

I get that. Not condoning the hypocrisy. I just find where I’m located, you aren’t seen as dating material if you have sex within the first couple dates.

@Marcie1974 In what part of Minnesota are you?

@BlueWave southern


Very nice to see the numbers at top.

Women rule. How can anyone think otherwise?


When I was younger (I am 62 now), it didn't seem to bother me having sex right away with someone. As I look back on my relationships, I now think, for me, waiting for about 3-6 months before having sex is best. Having sex can send my emotions to an unnaturally higher place and I tend to ignore things that bother me with my partner. If I waited 3-6 months, I might not be interested in him anymore and it would be easier to break it off. Since I haven't had sex in 12 years, I may just throw all that out the window!!


Was married to a one-night-stand (one of the few I've ever had) for 16 years.

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