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Eating out alone?

How do you feel about eating out alone? I ate lunch out by myself today. It’s still not something I like to do, but I am getting better with it.

Alliegirl 7 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I do it all the time. I have no problem with it.


I eat out alone all the time. Take a book to read.


I actually enjoy it. The fact that I don't have to make small talk is such a relief...

ABack Level 6 Mar 28, 2018

Gosh I hate small talk....


I'm good with it so long as I have a book.

@Stevil bwahaha!


I enjoy it. I sit in a corner and people watch..


When I plan to eat out alone , I take a book to read .


I’ve always got my phone with me.


I enjoy it. I'll people watch or read as others have mentioned.


i would starve if i didnt do that


Nothing wrong with eating out alone, that's called treating yourself.

Nice way to look at it.


I think it's more common now that most people have a smartphone, so they can pretend to be texting someone so other diners won't think that they're a friendless, bitter, outcast from society.

? So that’s why I stay on my phone when I’m eating out alone.


I do it 90% of the time, maybe more.


Why the concern/feelings of strangeness?

I just feel self conscious. Like everyone is looking at me. Now logically I know that’s not true, but it’s something I am working on. ?

@ Alliegirl: Everyone is looking at you because you're Good Enough, and Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like You!


I eat out by myself. I prefer to have company but I like to eat out so somtimes it's just me and my phone!


Getting more commfortable with a person we love is a great sign of healthy individual development comfort in my book. We are often our best company, given the typical peer landscape.

I like to keep a book close by for just such occasions for intelligent company and inner discussions of things worth the exercise. It is, however, always better shared with a person or persons who are stimulating. Unfortunately, its also all too rare.

Keep up the evolution! 🙂


I eat alone. Dont go out too much though, maybe once a month. I enjoy cooking so I do a lot of cooking.


I do it all the time.


I don't mind eating alone, not sure why I should worry about what others think


Most my meals are alone


I like to eat alone and equally enjoy company. Alone I can read or take the time to practice mindful eating. You need to eat, enjoy it. If you are uncomfortable I recamend a little shift in thinking. Your happiness need not be dependent on another person, if someone joins you they should simply be adding there happiness to yours but either way you have yours... kayaking is also something I enjoy differently on my own, and I usually bring lunch🙂


I don't particularly like eating out anyway, and I am not much a people person. howerver I have spent time alone in a coffee and tea shop with a book quite often. I get left alone and I'm good with that. There has been literally no time in my life that I have lived my myself and having time alone like that... to me it's absolute bliss.

AmyLF Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

I quite like it, I usually take a book - I think My own company is preferable soemtimes to listening to other people criticising everything on the menu etc. I feel like I am really looking after myself and able to choose stuff with garlic in etc. Way to Go!


It's doesn't bother me usually. Sometimes it's depressingly lonely, but it's a pretty frequent thing for me.

JimG Level 8 Mar 28, 2018

I have a book on those ,single' nights. With a book, I am never alone.


I’m good with it.


Um. A lot. I love my own company.


I do it almost everyday and play candycrush plus check out this website.

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