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As a side comment/note, we just had the Annual St. Pat's Day Race Meeting last weekend, people usually come from almost all over the country to attend.
I wonder how many came and brought the virus with them or how many actually had the common sense to stay away.
Being that it IS an annual Catholic Fund-raising event I sincerely hope that it fell flat on its arse, which could be quite possible since the town and the road out to the race-track, etc, was extremely quiet instead of the usual St. Pat's Day hoo-ha, bedlam and racket that is par for the course any other year.


One good thing about being an atheist: I am not out in a crowded Sunday church service, getting sick and getting other people sick.


Be careful but do not panic. I saw an interview on FB today where and older man who had the virus told in great detail what it was like for him. He had a dry cough, no nose or eye problems, was fine some days but other days his fever was there above 103. Then it would drop again and he thought he was over it but it was harder for him to breath and he would get tired off and on. He told it all in a normal voice and said he would just have to wait it out. Someone told him it may last at least 2 weeks.


Ha, what a shame God or his son, Jesus have not been seen or heard from, over 2000 years. Cant just appear to deal with COV19, in 2020. Na


Do be careful. No handshakes. Keep hands washed. Avoid close contact with others. I sincerely hope you do not get the disease.

Thank you! I had lunch with my kids today, and I did hug them. If I do get sick I will never regret having hugged my kids and especially my granddaughter. For the next week I don't expect any handshakes. We can't work remote (yet) so I gotta go to the office. I will sanitize all surfaces. I work for a hospital, we do have germ busting hand cleaners in our restrooms. Aside from office and home I have no plans.


No problem. If he comes closer than 10 metres, then you should worry!


Safe safe sis, and good luck


Martyrdom works.


Oh dear, perhaps 'Big Sky Daddy' is dropping him a hint that he's been lax in his duty and NOT fleecing the Sheeple enough.....LOL.


Just, wow.


What?.....gawd too busy to stop it all?

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