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During the CBS Evening News this evening one commercial was that of an evangelical giving a camp meeting style invitation to accept religion. I've never heard such during a national newscast before. I suppose it must have been a local ad, but couldn't the network have disallowed this? Or might CBS be OK with it?

Wallace 7 May 7

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I've been seeing a lot of evangelical "come to Jesus" commercials from Franklin Graham. They just want their 15 minutes of fame


Is the local affiliate owned by Sinclair? If not maybe more of Trump and friends might be rubbing off on our bedazzeled media.


Money Drumps all


There is a difference between network owned stations and network affiliated stations. Affiliated stations don't have much oversight by the network. Their affiliation must gives them access to network programming.


And this from the same broadcast company that won't allow the Reagan ads. CNN aired the Ronald Reagan Jr. ads and got a lot of positive comments. Or course the religionists hated it. []
*"Pastor Greg Locke

So the @FFRF running an ad during the #DemocraticDebate is further proof that this party HATES GOD. These people will destroy the very fabric of this Nation. Furthermore they LIED about our Founding Fathers.*"
One important question we all need to ask is: who stands to gain (financially)?

It's time for non-religionists to be brave and honest. Admit we don't like god (goes to honesty) and state the reasons for it. Biggest reasons might be that it's socially divisive and strangles freedom. Religion encourages blind obedience of authority and reduces (if not ends) critical thinking. There is not a single good thing, socially, about religion so "we" do not encourage it. Very few entities, including the media, care about society's best interests, however. Pay attention to the odd commercials on most MSNBC shows.

@rainmanjr We've been down the 'hates god' road many times before. My elderly neighbor used that against me but I let her get a free pass as she is 88 but still going strong. How can we hate something that doesn't exist? Their comment is just another mindless reply.

@JackPedigo Letting any of them get away with it, for any reason, is unhelpful. At worst it's cowardice. Get your arguments against in a row and beat her with them.


Been that way for weeks around here including local news.

"Pray with us: Jesus we are sinners . . .)" (vomit) ending with "contact us. . ." = (you scared idiot, join our flock so we can fleece your dumb ass).

Face Palm. Sadly, my mother is a theist but she recognizes that charlatan pushing his church is a hard core tRump supporter so she vehemently disavows any correlation between her religion and that asshat.


Rarely if ever watching the old fashioned network news, when doing so, the ads definitely reflect the declining viewership and revenue stream..

Varn Level 8 May 8, 2020

It’s the money honey


It's AD money and Religion is allowed as long as they pay...keep in mind the station retains the right to reject an AD based on Corporate Philosophy...just try to run an AD for the promotion of Satanism and see how far you get.


There's currently one airing here, with Franklin Graham. Whenever it comes on I change the channel.
Can't even tell you how many shows I've stopped watching because of it.
Nine times out of ten, I get caught up in another. Usually, it's so I can find out if anyone ever beats Bobby Flay.

VictoriaNotes convinced me (below) that this is the one I saw.( Beat Bobby Flay? Ha!)


CBS is not a government agency so I suppose they can air ads from any organization willing to pay the going rate. With that said, there are plenty of annoying ads unrelated to religion. That's why I use a DVR.

That is why I refuse to watch commercial television.

Mute button is the greatest invention of the 20th Century.

I have not watched real-time TV for at least 15 years, even my beloved Patriots, I set the DVR, start watching about 45 minutes in....


Thank goodness we are spared that kind of advertising in the U.K. I think I’d put my foot through the TV if it happened here!

I greatly envy you. Adds like that (profitable or they would not be produced) remind me just how profoundly stupid people (in my case in the United States) are.

@NoMagicCookie I feel your pain.


Religion is like fleas, once they get on your skin it takes a lot washing and pesticides to rid one of this horrific infestation!!!


Follow the money.


The Delinquent Delilahs keep dishing out the dollars to divert others into delusion.


Well funny you should mention it but yesterday I saw an ad (in Australia) for an evangelical style 'pastor' and it stuck in my mind because I don't recall seeing anything like it before. Is it a planetary take over I wonder? Or maybe I have just blocked them out over the years and have not been paying attention.

Geez Louise, don't you get the 'Free-to-Air Stations we get over here in NSW?
IF not your very lucky because we are now stuck with Channel 54, I think that is its number, a TV Channel dedicated to the likes of Jimmy Swaggart, etc, etc, 24/7.
Mind you, my Evangelidiot neighbour is very upset and disappointed that I refuse to have or watch such drivel.
Just had a wee thought, I might tell Evangelidiot that they are changing the number of his beloved Channel 54 to Channel 666 and see how he reacts....LOL.

@Triphid lol well they do seem to be a tad gullible so I think it would work! I actually try to avoid the free to air stations but I imagine (I'm totally guessing) that they would be pretty much the same from one state to the other. I do come across the evilgelicals on Sunday's as I am channel surfing for background noise content, but I don't recall seeing any religious ads in general, at all. I am grateful that I don't get channel 54! lol


Youtube videos are now riddled with commercials. For a while, the atheist/agnostic videos seemed to start out with a commercial for a Christian organization or religious themed group. I had wondered if this was planned or just a coincidence.

FB seems to be completely overwhelmed with them at the moment too, although the standard of advertising on FB is always a bit low.

Noticed the same.


Sickening isn't it, total Bullshit


I've seen a ad on the same station, I muted it, but I suppose if they can afford the amount it costs to run an ad on prime time, they can.

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