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What made you stay here?

So you found, but what made you stay?

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Jnei 8 Apr 3

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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I currently live in Thailand, I'm 65 years old, and I hope to move to Lexington, KY, so I don't actually think I'll meet anyone here I could date.
Still, there's the remote chance of finding a compatible partner, and sometimes people post interesting things, so there's that.


I would've chosen 1 and 2 if possible.


Been here since November. Made lots of friends. Met a fellow member for potential relationship - no chemistry. Talk to anyone who messages me. This is a second home.


A like minded community, interesting discussions.


I found while seeking a dating site for like minded peeps but then realized how much having this community helps me deal with the stigma and frustration that comes with my beliefs.




This site has provided an outlet for me that I didn't have anywhere else.
It's nice to be able to express my opinions without being attacked for being a "godless heathen".
There's a pretty good group of folks here. Except you, you're an asshole. You know who you are.
I still want the cake that was promised.

Gawddamned heathens everywhere here..jazus???


Closest I've been to not feeling like an outcast

Ha! We know you're a bot!

@Blindbird I'm sorry, the person you are trying to correspond with is temporarily unavailable. Please try back at 9 AM Moscow time.


Uh memes! Duh....

Wait. You like memes?!!

@Blindbird It would have been nice if he'd said something before now.

@KKGator right? @EricTrommater, did you know there's a whole group devoted to memeing? This weird dude started it but he's pretty cool and we like him anyway.

@Blindbird awww....

@EricTrommater shhh. The awww police will hear ya.


Wait, is this not Ashley Madison?

Lmao so bad


Cake gawddammit!!!..

Two replies in the hope of two slices...? 🙂

@Jnei is it chocolate Jnei? saw the double

@Charlene You can have a whole cake for being so lovely 🙂

Yes! I'm new here & I'm loving you guys❣

@Jnei awwww..thanks! step Away from My Cake..I don't wanna shank you..but I Wiillll..?

@Shelton I have been laughing SO MUCH. Thank you❣

@Emme welcome to the nuthouse!!!!

@Emme welcome

@Charlene I am learning & loving this place❣

@Emme it's beware!!

@Charlene yes. I have been up WAY too late because the laughter & friends ARE addictive?

@Emme I warned yuuuu..aarch butt noooooo...ya awontnah listen ta ol' Tim..nooooooo...

@Charlene yes you did, and here i am ... midnight thirty! LoL


Good people. Good topics. And #2. No not that #2.....


@valerina yeah, an unfortunate choice of words. ?


I don't want to die tomorrow knowing I could've had a piece of cake tonight. -Gabriel Iglesias

Gohan Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

Like I said, "can't go wrong with cake"❣??


I came upon an ad on FB. I said to myself, "Self, click on this and see what happens."

I clicked.

I was immediately thrown to the floor by two burly guys with no nipples or navels and lacking the normal dangly bits guys have. There, pinned to the floor, I heard a rumbling voice coming from the ceiling. It said, "Thou shalt not cavort with this evil cadre."

"What happens if I do?" said I.

The voice took on an even more ominous and threatening tone, saying, "Thou shalt be taken to the city gate and there thou shalt be stoned to death by the Baptist choir group."

"But ... but my city has no gates," I countered cleverly.

"At the city limits then," it said.

Okay, so what is a man to do under such circumstances? I lied. I promised I would not, under no condition whatsoever cavort with this evil cadre. Hey, we're talking survival here, you know. So, the two nippleless, navelless dudes lacking the usual guy type dangly bits vanished and I found myself miraculously sitting at my computer. There was no noise from the ceiling, though I could hear a faint grumbling fading in the distance.

You need to understand a little something about me. I've always been a mite rebellious, so as soon as the grumbling was no more, I joined this evil cadre and I found that upon completing the questionnaire a serene and cuddly feeling pervaded my entire being. With rewards like that, who's gonna leave?

Oh, and in close to another 6 months, if I post enough, I'll get me a purple shirt imblazoned with this godless group's moniker.


No life lol! Ok, so I have one, but I just want to improve it.


I almost chose cake.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

Can't go wrong with cake?


Mostly conversation, many good ones here. Even FB atheist groups are full of a bunch unintelligible conversations. I don't want to be reminded of FB lol so I come here.


I’m just here to start trouble and wreck up the place.

@Akfishlady oh, there’s no one quite like me 😉


Hunting for a unicorn. ~8D

runs and hides

@valerina LOL

No worries, that particular one, wherever they are, has to think I"m their unicorn too. 🙂 😀


No really, I have No life.

Emme Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

You do now you're here with us!


I was hoping for pie but, cake will do. That and the rumour that I could levitate when I got to level ten.


The Bavarian Illuminati have an agent with a gun pointed at my head 24/7. Apparently I'm part of a massive disinformation campaign.

It could be because here I can talk about anything, and not have to be worried about being religiously correct. But nah, that's too simple. The Illuminati agent makes a lot more sense.


I've spent most of my life in the company of people who basically didn't give a damn what my religious beliefs were (mother and aged relatives excepted). Coming here to see how many folk seem totally oppressed by immersion among Christians has been a real eye-opener. But I think I stayed mainly for the interesting conversations about philosophy, science and family.


Cant pick just one--first four out of six! And the British sense of humor! Quite important!


I was told they upgrading and adding pie along with the cake.

what kind?

@btroje Cherry She's My.... It's my favorite. 🙂


I came for the opportunity to meet like minded males in my area. I discovered there is a dearth of like minded men in my area. I stayed for the T-shirt. I got the T-shirt!! And I'm addicted now, so I am here for the community and the future. And the cake. If it is chocolate I will even skip work.


I found like-minded, authentic, smart people who have the confidence to openly share their story and the humility to listen with care.

It also helps that they have an enlarged funny bone. 😉 I know you all went there. 😮 Please see my profile to know what i meant. The rest of you can use it as it fits. 😉 .

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