I always figured his forward-leaning gait was from being fat..
This could be true. But narcissism also has a lot of these traits too. Poor Judgment, Loss of Empathy, Socially inappropriate behavior, Lack of inhibition. Put narcissism together with PSP and now you have a shit storm. And that's just what we have with him.
he kinda defies gravity the way he bends forward. almost like he has a golf club in his hands & is preparing to hit a shot.
I do not think he has either progressive supranuclear plasy or frontotemporal dementia (Pick’s disease). I have know of him since the early 1990's. He is has been ignorant, racist, narcissistic, sociopath for a long time. No one knows what kind of grades he had in school because he blocked the release of them, surely it was not because they were good.
I love Trump, clearly one of the best if not the best president in US history. If Obama had helped with the transition, instead of trying to frame him with a Russia collusion conspiracy, all of America would be better off.
The moronic democrats are blind to the truth about Obama and his corrupt team - but justice is coming. Durham is preparing criminal charges.
You are surely joking, right? Opposite-World talk.
@Gwendolyn2018 right. My way of saying I find it laughable.
@Gwendolyn2018 As I said - democrats are blind to the truth.
You need to see about cult deprogramming for yourself. Really.
@MikeInBatonRouge @Gwendolyn2018
He is not joking, my friends. I've had the delightful pleasure of interacting with him many times before. Now I ignore and just chuckle.
You couldn't imagine actually exchanging words with one of these Trump obsessed characters, right?
@Athena Indeed. That is why I did not leap into any specific points with him. What is the point when the other person's entire universe of "facts" is upside down? There would be no hope of shedding any light there.
Sometimes a man's best friend is his delusion as it helps to manage his stupidity.
@Gwendolyn2018 I hear you. When I respond, as I did to him, it is really so others reading it don't have to see his comment go unopposed. But of course there is a risk of tit for tat resulting in much more attention given to stupidity than was ever warranted.
This is what works best. Finding the entertainment in it and then avoiding direct contact with him, while chatting amongst ourselves!
Mr. Gator, are you off your meds?
yes he might be all of those things....but what whatever the reasoning you still voted him in and he is still there even after an impeachment...wow...lol
WHO voted him in??? Certainly not I, nor, I suspect, most of us here. In fact, not even a plurality of voters voted him in. Hilary won that vote and yet lost the electoral college. We are a failed democracy!
@MikeInBatonRouge Then you should have only one voting system...the peoples vote and nothing else..Which to be honest having 2 different things voting is way stupid as you have no say in the other votes...
@Dragoria You get no argument from me on that. Our "greatest nation on earth!" flag-waving for Blind nationalism is sickening. What I reacted to in your comment was the phrasing "you should..." lumping all Americans together in this responsibility, as if we had come to consensus about praising the system that we have and are defending it as great. That may be what you see in news media that makes it to the UK, but thereare many tens of millions of Americans who see the problems but don't have the power to reform it without converting the rest. This richest nation on earth really has a powerful wealthy top teir with its tentacles wrapped tightly around the system we have. It is a monumental challenge to educate enough Americans, when there is a never-ending infinitely financed propaganda machine from the wealthiest continuing their campaigns to confuse, misdirect, and scapegoat. There are plenty of educated Americans who see through the misinformation, so the oligarchy has managed to portray US as the "real" elites who are somehow supposedly responsible for all the economic problems of workers and small businesses.
I would love to hear your solution for this mess for those of us without our hands on the central levers of political power.
@MikeInBatonRouge I have never understood the American voting system that can have a vote from the people voting, but another vote from a college that can decide the vote...why don't you get rid of the electoral college...then it would truly be a one man/woman vote
@Dragoria You don't understand it, because by modern standards it is non-sensical, crafted in an age when only propertied white men could vote and democracy was not at all trusted. Factor in slavery and states highly suspicious of each other, and you end up with convoluted compromises. The problem in getting rid of it is that it is baked into the Constitution and requires far more than a simple majority to replace it. As long as certain entrenched interests can benefit from the current system, they can block reform.
@MikeInBatonRouge I truly feel your pain...I don't fully understand it as am Scottish and we just do the one vote thing and whoever wins... wins...but even saying that there was a few convoluted votes as in Scottish Independence and the Brexit shit...Those were a bit dodgy...but what do I know...lol
@Dragoria You probably know as much as (no, wait! Make that more than) I know about Scottish government and how it fits in with overall UK politics.
@MikeInBatonRouge I was a union rep...loved getting involved...when the referendum came up got lots of feedback looking forward to to Scottish independence....then the big heads came in from England and when the voting first came in and it was a pass to become independent from English rule ...was like wtf...people were terrorised by the folks involved to make it seem that they would lose pension funds...even though they would not have but they twisted it and now everyone thinks we are feckin twats....lol
@jorj the electoral college is a disaster, a hedge AGAINST democracy. Your stated solution values land territory ahead of actual populations. People matter more than land. Your precious electoral college screws the majority of citizens of this country as it gives outsized voting power to sparsely populated states.
@jorj your math is curious. You are claiming the voters in central states individually deserve to have their votes count for more than voters who are in populous states. I get the whole states' rights argument. I just don't buy into it. Trying to equalize the power ratio among states at the expense of an equal vote among American citizens at large remains highly un-democratic. There are many Constitutional responsibilities that remain the purview of state governments. Selecting a President of all Americans should not be one of them. The electoral college was from the start a deeply flawed compromise that never should have been made.
@jorj the electoral college TOTALLY FAILS to guarantee ME a voice. I live in a deep red state. Many liberals do. Our votes consistently count for nothing, as all electororal college votes for my state consistently go to the conservative candidate. At least a couple of those deserve to go to represent us liberals' votes. There are enough of us. Last I checked, WE are people, too.
My view is that both him and Biden have some kind of dementia. Trump's is not as far along as Biden's and also that Trump was more of an asshole before dementia than Biden. But the fact remains that because of the system where both parties are owned by the same people and we are only allowed choices between loyal servants of the ruling class and corporate America, we have the dementia election of 2020. Neither candidate has a healthy functioning brain. That's why I hope and believe that the DNC will replace Biden in August, now that they have stopped Bernie, and replace him with someone sane and competent like Cuomo or Warren. If they do, then we will know that the DNC cares more about winning than stopping Bernie. Otherwise, we will know that all that mattered to them was stopping Bernie. That was clearly the case when they nominated Hillary after rigging the primary race for her despite her scandals and widespread hatred among Americans, both of which they were well aware of.
Stuttering is not the same as dementia. Trump has dementia, and Biden has a stutter.
Both conditions cause speech that can appear disjointed. A stutter will often have the person speaking fumble for a word, and replace it with a word or phrase of similar meaning, but lacking a sound that the speaker finds particularly difficult. Dementia causes the speaker to forget what he is talking about, so he starts talking about something completely different halfway through the sentence. You don't hear Biden doing that.
You don't get Biden saying things like how George Washington and the Revolutionary War heroes seized the airports, or giving press conferences that include sentences like “You have local governments. They’re pinpointed. And really, you talk about, uh, it’s like a microchip. They’re pinpointed. We have local governments.” and “I was last night in West Virginia, and I had farmers coming up to me and hugging me and kissing me, because of the cattle stuff."
Neither one is extremely good at talking off the cuff, but with Biden you don't get batshit crazy talk. If anything, sometimes I wonder if his mind is actually going too fast for him to keep up with, and he's trying to get three thoughts out at once. This will cause someone to make fumbles like talking about the person you're thinking of, rather than the person you're talking to. Happens to me all the time. And I'm damn sure I don't have dementia, I'm just getting old and I have a busy life. And no speechwriter.
@Paul4747 Stuttering and confusion that comes with dementia, as well as behavioral changes that come with dementia, are two different things. Biden has gotten a lot worse in his ability to track a conversation or his own thoughts as well as be oriented to time, place, and people around him compared to several years ago or less. These changes did not occur due to simple aging or the stutter he has had his whole adult life. Good luck convincing someone else who is not trying to cover up for Biden out of a Blue No Matter Who view of politics, like you have...…..
@TomMcGiverin Let's say rather that I don't hate Joe for not being Bernie.
@jorj Possibly because yours is the only account I've ever seen alleging that Biden "forgets he is live streaming thing to his supporters" and walks off during his address. Why isn't the RNC and Fox News running these tapes 24/7, if they actually happened? It seems as though these would be campaign gold.
I must also admit that I grew weary with trying to decode your endless stream of "u" into standard English. Hence I declined to address the rest of your concerns, nor will I.