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To the people who either didn't understand, or were confused about my previous post...

"When it comes to dating, if a man treats me badly (no matter how good looking they are, how rich they are, how many things they have, etc.), then POOF! I'm gone 🙂"

I did NOT mean that I only give "good looking and rich guys" a chance. I give any guy a chance. I meant that I don't care how rich you are or how good looking you are if you treat me badly, because I've seen many others stay with abusive people for that reason.

I dated a man who was "rich and good looking." He was a narcissist who thought that he was god's gift to women and was so full of himself, he was confused why any woman wouldn't wanna be with him. That's another reason why I said that. I didn't care how rich or good looking he was. He was abusive so I fled.

Some can't get out of the abusive relationship though, as I've worked at a Domestic Violence shelter before and have seen this before.

The reason why I wrote that post is because I'm turing 28 at the end of July and others constantly ask me why and/or when I'm going to get a boyfriend. Partly the reason why I'm single is because every relationship I've been in was a nightmare. Also, my life is currently a mess and I don't need to bring a man into my life to help fix all my problems.

I have gaven others way too many chances and now if you treat me badly (no matter who you are), I'm a gonner.

Also, newsflash to anyone who doesn't know, I'm poor as shit and average looking. 😂

VeronicaAnn 7 July 15

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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I looked at your profile. I think you are very pretty. One day, when you are ready, a great guy will come into your life.


"Partly the reason why I'm single is because every relationship I've been in was a nightmare."

Why do you suppose?


Do you look like Carl Sagan ?. He wasn't bad looking and must have been fairly wealthy 😉


The way I look at it, is that if you are a mess, but actively working on fixing your messes, you deserve hapiness too. You should not deny yourself romance or intimacy simply because you have mental health or other health struggles. The poor health is bad enough to then isolate yourself. HOWEVER, if you are taking a break from dating, to prioritize addressing your health and self care that is another thing altogether. After my last ex ( a covert "nice" narcissist) I avoided dating for 2+ years. I did not trust myself at all to not accidentally get involved with another manipulative narc. Now I have better boundaries and will not ignore red flags, just because we have shared values/he treats me nicely TO MY FACE, and will move on to the next guy. Buuut the pandemic hit and dating just isn't what it used to be pre pandemic 😉 😛

I imagine a nation where the pandemic is spiraling out of control and has the highest infection and death rates in the world would be a difficult place to date. You are right


Sounds like sound advice to me! I feel/do the same thing myself... basic respect is a requirement for living!


Dating is nice but to find the right person is difficult. It doesn't matter age, the look, financial situation or gender.


This is a statement that I have some experience in, and it rings true!


I would not call you average looking but I agree with you. Also, you do not need a man to fix your problems. We each have to fix our own problems. My belief system is like "live and let live." My own mother thought that was too undefined and too lenient. I disagree.


@VeronikaAnnJ, well spoken!


I don't agree with the "average looking".. How could some Not understand what you were saying? ..smh


You're growing up... Its hard to shake the past. The attraction to abusive relationships usually starts in the home we grew up in.


I see where your coming from but as for me, Sofia Vergara would have to treat me pretty badly before I turned her down...


I have been in abusive relationships, its hard to trust again. I lost the love of my life because I lost trust from him. I made a mistake with involvement in my job and made a poor decision that is my pain and suffering the rest of my life. I learned a lot from that relationship , but staying single for a long time to get counseling I never did after abusive relationship to heal properly.

Life goes on, and we change and grow into new people...going back to pick up ‘what was there,’ would never hardly worked ‘back there?’ If it would be happening in the now! I guess falling into bouts of ‘if only I had again’ what I have lost...isn’t fatal...I am still here at 80! lol

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