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Do any of you get frustrated having a debate with Christians ?

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All debate stops once they state you must have faith because you cannot debate facts and evidence with someone who believes in faith alone for acceptance.


No, I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. It's a whole lot like trying to teach a pig to sing, it annoys the pig and wastes your time.


I don't debate anyone.


I stopped doing that. The conversation goes nowhere and becomes circular. Now I just tell offensive jokes to my Xian co-workers.


I don't debate, you can't change generation after generation of brainwashing.


No, I don't ....and I don't because I don't waste time debating with ignorant people.


Was it a John Wayne movie, maybe True Grit, where Rooster Cogburn is drunk and the girl is reproaching him when Glen Campbell responds by saying something like " You can't banty words with a drunk, all you've done is best a fool"? Or am I conflating that observation from two movies. Regardless, it's the same sentiment.


I don't bother. there is no point in it. You won't convince them.

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain


I mainly just ask the hard questions that I know will require them to contradict themselves, then smile while they struggle. I'd rather give them something tough that they'll be chewing on long after I've left the scene than win a small, but short lived, battle.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 6, 2018

Great method, try to get them on a Monday so it can germinate for six days before they go back to the cult for reinforcement of the delusion.


I used to debate Christians all the time and have learned that you cannot change their mind. It is do ingrained in their mind and they act delusional and could be insane


No I don’t debate things with people anymore. Certainly not religion, I don’t fell the need for anyone to believe like I do.


I love to debate religion, but yes I do get frustrated when sound arguments get glazed over and when theists refuse to recognize their reason for their belief is irrational.


I don't bother. Religious people are like alcoholics, nothing changes them until THEY see there is a problem.


Why bother, you may as well bang your head against a brick wall. Once a mind believes,it’s closed.


"I don't belive in an invisible being that resides somewhere beyond the clouds," I say to Jehovah's Witnesses. This shuts them up. While they puzzle, I laugh and shut the door.

crappyburglar, I wasn't laughing at them. I was laughing at my smart-aleck remark.

I also say, "We are all atheist here." They give up. Jehovah's Witnesses don't stop by anymore. They must have gotten the word out.


I would like that if I could find one that could do it intelegently, when they say it’s a matter of faith they are saying I don’t care about facts, effectively they aren’t listening after that. Also I am probably just as bad from their perspective since I’m not going to except faith or personal experience that occurs only inside them as evidence of anything but delusion.


Have in the past, but mostly ignore them now.


Sometimes I seem to seek frustration by debating christians.


no because I don't do it


I don't debate with christians. One cannot reason on a subject of irrationa belief.


Yes I don’t even try anymore. It’s like talking to a brick wall. Except a brick wall is smarter.


I generally don't bother with christians. They suck at debating.
I only do it on the rare occasion when I'm really bored and looking for a little sport.


Never debate anyone with no rationality


No I don't get frustrated because I don't get into debate mode with them. The conversations with my "god" friends/ co-workers/ acquaintances are mostly based on me listening and trying to assess just how deeply into their particular delusion. I don't want to have unnecessary conflict with anyone really.. so I find it helpful to know what buttons exist for them to be pushed and then do my best to avoid pushing them. That said.. I don't spend any significant amount of time "hanging out" with "god"folk.


My Mom gets mad at me. She keeps telling me that as one gets older, one's religion gets stronger. I just get more militant. I was with a Catholic woman for 4+ years, and it didn't work out in ways I've described elsewhere. With all of eternity and all of the universe supposedly at their fingertips, the world I entered by being with her was so so so so small, and I was always treated like an intruding stranger. She asked me near the end if I thought there was a historical Jesus. I said I didn't know, but it didn't matter to me. Because we have Roman law codes from the time, there was no tomb to be full or empty. She got mad. I showed her a Bart Ehrman lecture where he discussed the different goals of the different gospels. She got mad.


Not really. Yeah, it can get tiresome, but the look on their faces after it's done is always worth it.

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