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Do All Buddhists Meditate?



skado 9 July 18

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All of them? Really? I meditate to lower my blood pressure but I am not a Buddhist. I also do not own so many blue stones.


Many here are comparing Buddhism and Christianity and there is no comparison. Christianity is a religion, Buddhism is a philosophy. Someone said that Zen Buddhism was the only form of Buddhism without religion and this is not true. The original form of Buddhism which used to be called Hinayana Buddhism and now it's referred to is Theravada Buddhism had no religion. Even the Buddha himself did not want to be called Lord. It was the Tibetans who grasped ahold of it and turned it into somewhat of a religion. Since people who are uneducated in Buddhism see it as a religion they see meditation as a religion. Meditating has absolutely nothing to do with religion, meditating is the science of the Mind. Many Studies have shown how good meditation is for you.

There are also many misconceptions on how to meditate. People think you have to sit for hours in a room with your mind completely cleared which isn't true. When I started meditating I would do it for just a few minutes at a time 5 or 10 but then that time grew. In the beginning I hated it, now I love it. Buddhism isn't about worshipping a deity as most religions are. Buddhism is about getting in touch with your inner self and becoming a better person.

How do you define religion?


I know very little about Buddhism and have had no reason to study it in any detail.


No. There are three major divisions of Buddhism (Theravada, Mahayana & Tantric) and many schools within each that have developed over the centuries and as it spread across the globe. Some stress meditation, some chanting, some simple faith. Like other “world” traditions, and certainly Christianity, it also integrated many indigenous beliefs, practices and attitudes as it spread.


Although I'm agnostic, I already tried meditation and it's very relaxing. It really doesn't imply the belief in any form of deity, it's about being present and focus on the moment.


If "Christ" is the head of Christianity, is Bud the head of Buddhism?

Bud or Bud light?


For most of the buddhist world buddhism is about gods and goddesses, not unlike hinduism. Zen buddhism is the only one that doesn't encourage this. At least that's what I read 45 years ago.


i somehow doubt it, after all there are good Buddhists and bad Buddhists, just as there are good Christians and very bad ones too. Just look at Donald. He says he is a Christian and all those evangelical TV nutters


Nam yo holding que know?


Aum, god knows, lemme think about it.


Who doesn’t ? Who doesn’t have x for this ? Of course ! Buddha is the new jesus for the western world ✌🏻
So important 😂


I have been involved with Buddhism for a few decades. I have never seen it as a religion, but certainly as a philosophy. I have mediated a lot and often in my life.

Some do, some don’t. It depends how heavily your family pushed it or how deep you dived into the dogma and culture.


Who the fuck cares!

Buddha Cares !!

@twill don't give a shit!


Nobody can answer for all Buddhists, just as nobody can answer for all Atheists.


Why don't you ask all Buddhists?

As an atheist since age 13, I began meditating as a freshman in college.

No religion involved.


Yes, to my understanding, meditation is a massive part of Buddhism. “Right concentration” is part of the Noble Eight-fold Path toward enlightenment.

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