I have read several articles recently which have bemoaned that as a result of COVID-19, the world may start to see a falling birthrate and how horrible that would be. I think a falling birthrate would be great. Less use of fossil fuels, less stress on the environment, less over crowding of the land. Many good things in my mind come out of a falling birthrate. I do not like all the illness and death that COVID-19 brings, but a falling birthrate would be a good thing for the planet and humanity.
I also think it's a good thing (I'll also acknowledge that I'm part of the problem having birthed 4 tiny humans myself). The impact that humans have had on the planet truly is disastrous for it; if we all lived sustainably that would be one thing, but let's face it, as a society, we just don't!
This is something that would have happened anyway, as many of my peers are opting to not have kids at all, or are only having one or two. Statistically, I know I'm the outlier with 4, a number that would have been average or small just a few generations ago.
The "economic ramifications" thing doesn't scare me either. Our population has been on the decline my whole life, which I know that that's not necessarily the case for the generation my parents and grandparents were a part of. I've ALWAYS been told that there eventually won't be enough workers to fill the jobs of our current working generation... as a millennial, this isn't news to me, it's always been the reality for my generation. The gradual shrinking of a population will work itself out over time, it may require some social changes, or policy changes here or there, but my generation been preparing our whole lives for this and it will likely be small unnoticeable incremental changes over time.
Where did you hear our population has been on the decline your whole life? I'm assuming you're in your 30s. There was a population of about 226 million in 1980 that has grown to 332 million now.
@JeffMurray I'm 38. So, yes, all of the projected numbers had shown a reduction... as least as long as I can remember.
@BAMFRavenclaw do you mean if growth rate? Like our population is growing, but the amount that it is growing by isn't also growing? Because that's even had some upturns since the 80s.
What's the effect of migration on this number?
This planet needs to start slowing down the number of new births and if as the result of COVID 19 this is already happening, that is one plus to have come out of an otherwise disastrous pandemic. I believe, like @JackPetigo, that overpopulation which goes hand in hand with overuse of our natural resources, is probably the greatest threat to the future of this planet. Of course as long as the major religions preach unfettered procreation and resist birth control programmes, this will only be a small blip in the upward trajectory of the birth rate worldwide. A large number of deaths due to the current pandemic have been amongst the over 60s, this quite obviously will not affect the birth rate as they are no longer in the child bearing demographic.
Overpopulation is overblown.
@Spongebob Not if you can’t feed the population you already have. Projections are good for a long term slow down, but they’re not talking about the immediate future when there are people staving today, and will be tomorrow. In these countries, because of religious diktats women are still having too many children in the here and now.
@Spongebob and the hungry children in THIS country? Oh, yeah, not your problem.......
@AnneWimsey hunger is a problem of food distribution mainly, not of food scarcity
Human beings cover this planet in plague numbers -- nearly 8 billion (8,000,000,000) and counting. The BEST thing that could happen would be a massive decline in the birthrate for at least 30 years.
If the earth were covered with 8 billion rabbits would anyone bemoan a decline in their birthrate? A plague is a plague.
Of course any time there is a falling birth rate this is a positive .Over population is the cancer of this planet.
You spelled "our" wrong.
Problem with a falling birthrate is that the wrong people will have kids.
@creative51 dude go to sleep. Maybe you can sleep of that lazy thinking.
@creative51 if seeing people who shouldn't have kids have lots of kids makes me elitist than so be it. Luckily your opinion of me means nothing to me.
The first 2:45 tells the story!
True environmentalists don't procreate. If the world population dropped by several billion that would be excellent for our planet.
@Spongebob ohferpetessake...just silly, you are.....
@AnneWimsey who is Pete provide an argument please. I can't argue when you brush it off without a reasoned argument
@Spongebob Suggesting someone commit suicide is not acceptable ever.
@shockwaverider of course not. I think the determination to die for a cause is admirable but foolish.
A very few people are enough to destroy this planet or make it uninhabitable. Aggregate carbon footprint of the developed world is much larger than the rest, but the cost of climate change is disproportionately heavy on those poor countries. Look up per capita carbon emissions or the historic carbon record
Absolutely but it would cause economic distress while society adjusted. This is all built on massive population growth for the last few hundred years.
@creative51 the thing is who takes care of all the old people while they young are working. When people don't have alot of kids and spouses have both parties working that does present a problem. Japan is dealing with this. Also the paying for care social security and medicare is based on a larger population of working age people. I worked as a direct care worker in a nursing home for a decade. People live a long time these days past the point where they can care for themselves.
I'm definitely for stop making people. This can't go on but the human consequences are real. They will affect the more vulnerable parts of society the hardest.
The economy distresses me at the moment, mostly thoughtless production and waste. It seems to be built on human hormone responses, rather than any thoughtful or meaningful processes.
I welcome change to this status quo with some reasoned responses to our current situation/ dilemmas, instead of people just wanting to make fast cash/ buy whatever’s trending.
@girlwithsmiles absolutely. It's completely unsustainable. It needs to end. My comment was just to highlight some of the actual problems that a shrinking population presents. It's all well and good to talk about the evil economy but warehouses full un undercared for low income elderly and a shortage of working age people to prop it all up is unpleasant. And it is always the most vulnerable who pay the price during economic upheaval.
I grew up extremely anti consumer without even electricity until grade school. And never anything that wasn't previously used. I get the anti consumer sentiment. I also know that it is often over romanticized by privileged people who haven't experienced much real poverty.
Might be the perfect time to try a new economic model.
What good would any strong or otherwise Economy be in an over-populated world?
IF we don't change OUR ways we are literally staring down the barrel of a massive environmental disaster beyond even biblical proportions, i.e. Polluted Air and water, massive food shortages, average temperatures above what we can tolerate even at the best of our abilities, etc, etc, all this plus the more feasible threat that Global Warming will trigger an Ice Age to follow on.
Earth and its Environment and Climate have always been in delicate kind of balance, the planet CAN only take so much of a population level of any form animal life before it tilts the balance in the wrong direction and We, Humans, have tipped that balance to the very edge of its tolerance already imo.
@Triphid I don't disagree at all. As I have repeatedly said. I am for a world with less humans. This is absolutely unsustainable.
I was simply discussing some of the problems that a shrinking population presents. Its important to consider all the aspects when improving the world. It is mandatory in my opinion that we stop making so many people. That doesn't change the fact that it will cause very real problems and especially for the poorest people.
@alliwant Its not so much the economic model but the number of people to work and sustain society and care for the elderly. People live alot longer even after they can't care for themselves with modern medicine. It's expensive and it requires enough able bodied people to do it. As I have said repeatedly I do think we need to have less people. There are real reasons that this will cause hardships.
@MsAl Well with a 'shrinking population' comes some good advantages, i.e,
@Triphid I'm not arguing with any of that. I spent alot of years as a direct caregiver in understaffed nursing homes.. I was bringing to the conversation some of the issues has lead me to think about regarding the issue. Ive listened to a few NPR documentaries on how it is causing issues in Japan these types of things that need to be discussed when working to shrink the population. Alot of the other posts couldn't think of ANY REASON AT ALL why a shrinking population would be bad. I think that is a boring dangerous way to think about and discuss things.
@MsAl I too am only too well aware of the Elderly/Nursing Home situation, since I am NOW classed as being an Aged Pensioner.
I once worked as a Nurse in what were then called " Geriatric Wards" in Hospitals here in Ausstralia, as well as a nurse in the fields of nursing also.
I am appalled and sickened to my stomach every time I hear of the utter mis-treatment and Abuse of Patients that goes on in Nursing Homes and it often tends to make think that these Nurses, in some cases, who take up Caring for the Elderly do so, not because they care about their patients BUT because ALL they seem to be interested in is the Pay-Cheque.
The Elderly are just an example of what the Young are going to become one day, so, imo, they too must learn to respect the Elderly SHOULD they too want to be respected themselves when they are old.
As to ' a shrinking population being bad' I ask where are we going to find the needs, etc, etc, for those being born these days, where are they going to find work to earn the money for themselves, etc, etc, and for how long can this planet keep supporting such a somewhat rapidly expanding human population?
Thank you for this very important insight. It has been said over and over unless we recognize the extreme consequences of overpopulation and take matters into our own hands and deal with this in an informative and less violent manner nature will do it for us. She is sending a very loud message but still too many can't wait to get back to business as usual. However, one important thing we really need to take into account is that it is not just the increasing numbers but the increasing over dependence on natural resources. Those countries with the highest carbon footprint need to do more to reduce their dependence the most regardless of the sources.
Well I must say that between Covid, the propensity to shoot one another, and lack of social welfare for the homeless, I would say the USA is doing far and away more than any other developed country in culling its population.
@MsDemeanour But, when this is over the no. one priority for many businesses is to ratchet up our immigration quotas. Industry wants a cheap and controllable work force and we citizens want to have cheap goods and services. We claim we want to help others but, at the same time, exploit them.
@JackPedigo I complain about the wealth divide between rich and poor in Australia Our minimum wage is $20/ hr (no tips). Took a look at exchange rate and our $20 is equal to you $14.50. It seems so unfair when a small percentage have more money than some countries.
@MsDemeanour Possibly, on reason for the divide is due to exploitation of desperate people a lot of whom come from outside the country. I have heard not just here but many other places that the (Mexicans (US), Turks (Germany), Afghani's (Iran) will do the jobs that the nationalist won't. Industries and even citizens take full advantage of this. I wonder how it is in Austrialia. What people do they exploit?
It should continue the fall of birth rate for a few years to see if the number of humans decreases a bit, it would be good for the world.
Have the authors given any reasons for why a falling birthrate would be a bad thing? Something beyond "babies are cute"?
I, like you, think that a falling birth rate is excellent news.
Lol, I think in roughly 4 months from now we are going to see a record number of births. When you're stuck inside, not working a job, and feeling anxious, there's always one thing you can do to pass the time and feel better!
You have fallen into the trap of thinking that the carrying capacity of the Earth is not a magnitude of a multiplier much greater than what is here today.
The Earth can easily house, feed, clothe and care for tens of billions of humans. It just cannot do so with the current economic and political systems in place today.
There is no proof that a falling birthrate would be "good" or "bad" or anything else. This is just your opinion.
It doesn't even matter how many people agree with you. This is myopic, fixed thinking.
not without doing severe damage to all the other occupants of our planet. And that in turn would damage the ecosystem. Its not just political systems and economic systems. It is the mindset of humans that have proven century after century that we can not live in peace with ourselves or all the other inhabitants of the planet.
@creative51 Good. I don't feel like showing you how ridiculous your perspective is. Especially when even one ounce of critical thinking would suffice.
@bklynite53 Not true at all. Humans could currently live on a mere fraction of the Earth's surface, including the oceans, and allow the rest of the Earth to go back to nature.
The science of human behavior is not fixed at birth. All behavior is learned. All of the abhorrent behavior humans have exhibited throughout human history was learned from an extremely sick society.
Saying humans cannot live together is no more intelligent than when people were writing books about how man would never achieve winged fkight, while the Wright brothers were building their flying machine.
It's the same extremely lazy and unimaginative thinking that seems to permeate this entire website.
I agree. Plus it's difficult for me to understand the mindset of anyone wishing to bring young innocents into our present world. Yikes.
Sooner or later the human population needed to be reduced. This time , thankfully it is not human caused.
I disagree that this is not human caused. This virus is the result of humans putting animals together that would not be exposed to each other in nature; and then exposing themselves to those animals in markets that are the perfect place for a virus to jump from one species to another including to humans.
Wait a minute. With people staying home a lot more that sounds like a recipe for a population explosion!
or murder!
I have to agree less humans on the planet would be helpful but I'm afraid Bobby9 is correct.
@creative51 I love anecdotal evidence but it isn't reliable. Genetics is the biggest factor in determining IQ. [journals.sagepub.com]
Unfortunately the most intelligent often don't reproduce while the most stupid tend to be the most prolific......just look at those large religious families.
@creative51 You might look a little deeper into Edisons assistants.
We need lower population density. We can achieve that intelligently or wait until WW3, massive disasters....
Meh, I'm already middle age. I do what I can but most of the responsibility and problems will hit the next few generations
Having grown up in era of the ZPG (Zero zpopulation Growth) Movement (early 1970's), a falling birth rate would be an excellent outcome for the planet.
We are so brainwashed into automatically thinking, "A birth, Ahhhhhh) when someone has a child in this society. We are lucky that we live in a Nation where we have been able to afford and support most people when they decide to have a child.
There is a sub-discipline of Anthropology known as ecological anthropology. This discipline studies how humans respond to environmental changes and stressors. First, females in simpler societies physiologically respond to periods of times when environmental conditions become stressed or diets become strained. Second, at these times. females may stop lactating, even though they have a child too young to stop nursing. As the stressors persist, females will stop menstruating and become temporarily infertile to slow done the reproduction in the society.
My point, to make a short story long.
Women in our society are not, in general, subject to environmental stressors in the same way as simpler societies. So we do not relate the same way to the planet and the environment. We can afford to celebrate a birth, but at seven billion people and a projected eleven billion by 2100, the planet could really appreciate it human population took a breather for a little while.
Who would deny a young baby (through their parents) the right to free use of oil?[ which is not actually a right].
The oil industry will insist it’s a divine right.
Fecundity Limited
Subject: carrying population to limits
First Published In: Jan-58, Venture Science Fiction
1967 Is Anyone There?
A very interesting read by Asimov if you can find it.
A person living in the west has a carbon footprint of nearly 100 people in the developing countries. Are you hoping the pandemic will kill people in that proportion?
The plagues don’t care if you are rich or poor. The Great Plagues were actually “ equalizers” that opened up opportunities !
With all the deaths due to covid already, there's more room for more babies...
I completely disagree...more babies are not what this world needs at present.
@Marionville Exactly and with the Human population very close to or even at the 7 Billion mark the stress we alone are placing on this planet, its climate and environment are reaching close to breaking point.
Is it NOT due time that we ALL started remember that WE do NOT have a Planet B?
So, therefore we have learned absolutely nothing!! This is why we should feel sad for those 'babies.' Obviously, it's not their life too many are concerned with. We have this same problem here with the deer and rabbits.
@JackPedigo who is "we" you speak of? Past generations who did whatever they wanted and now want to restrict the current generations behavior?
I will build a family for myself and I will take care of my babies myself...
@Cutiebeauty ...with the help of how many villages?
@yvilletom Frankie's family and all my close friends ☺
@Cutiebeauty Oh great...another baby machine. Why don't you focus on a career rather than be controlled by a biological and/or sociological imperative to pump out babies. A woman's desire to have children is not a LOGICAL decision it is an emotional one.
@dahermit I'm a business woman, that's my career.. And I don't even need the money... Money isn't my motivation... Family is my motivation.. And it's also my boyfriends motivation so there goes your theory about having babies is emotional.. Not logical.. I have no blood related family except for my children...
And what's wrong with emotions? We all have them.. You seem very emotional right now...
".... And I don't even need the money... " Try going to the grocery store without it. With a response like that, it shows that you are very close to the center of the bell curve for intelligence and should not pass your genes on to the next generation.
@dahermit you must be a couple standard deviations below the mean if you don't understand that I don't need the money.. Let me explain it to you. I'm already wealthy.. Meaning, I have enough money where I don't need to work for it.. Understand now
Mister Iareagraduate? You sure don't act like it...
@dahermit and... Debit cards lol no money necessary in stores.. You're outta touch
@Cutiebeauty Really? What happens to it takes a village? What about the school systems, or the foodstuffs we all need to stay alive? Will the children of the future be enclosed in a bubble which is maintained strictly by the parents? What happens when the parents get old and need care themselves? What about when the children are grown and need their own resources to survive? What if - which can go on indefinitely?
The we I speak of is all those who want to bubble wrap their kids and 'protect' them. A former partner had parents who groomed the youngest daughter to be their future caregiver (some people have kids as an insurance policy). They let her stay at home rent-free, paid for all her things sent her to school but controlled what she took. They even rejected one boyfriend but approved another. There are a lot of parents like this. They say they are my kids and I can do with them as I please. So glad we grew up in a free range family and were able to make our own decisions and control our own future.
@Cutiebeauty and they may be the ones that actually improve this World!
@JackPedigo when I say I'll take care of my children myself, I mean I'll choose how she's educated, homeschool vs public, her diet, etc, until they're old enough to make decisions on their own... And of course Frankie, his family will be there too, along with my friends but they won't have much input as to how I raise my children, except of course for Frankie...
@Cutiebeauty Unfortunately, a lot of people are finding themselves in that position (including my own daughter). Also unfortunately, they are finding themselves unprepared, unqualified and realizing that a central part to a child's education includes the social aspects. I have seen some very small schools here in our state and they have impressed me by the older children actually helping to teach and guide the younger ones. I learned a long time ago one learns more than teaching another then by going to school. When it comes to middle and high school few parents are prepared to help their kids in what they need to know in today's world.
@Cutiebeauty " I'm already wealthy.. Meaning, I have enough money where I don't need to work for it.. Understand now?" Yes...and I look like Tom Selleck. Well, at least on the internet, that is, where I (we) can make any claim and no one can check it. Go pump out some brats.
@dahermit nice attempt at covering up your misunderstanding of a simple statement and yes, I'll pump out babies just as your Mom pumped you out and raised you, and loved you and all that emotional stuff. Eww..
@JackPedigo I was home schooled .. Do you think I lack skills in socializing?
Education : Graduate..
Should I check that? When you selected graduate, did you mean you are a high school graduate? Or you have a masters or phd? You certainly don't think like someone who has an advanced degree..
@Cutiebeauty It's kind of hard to tell virtually. We do have several people who home school but many eventually send their kids to school beacuse of this very topic.