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Hi Everyone,

I am working on trying to identify red flags. For the seasoned veterans of dating among you, can you give me some advice here? So I have been talking to a guy online for almost a month now. My life in general can be pretty stressful, due to mental health issues. This issue can interfere with memory retention of trivial details. Sometimes I forget the details of something a guy has said due to this fact. I have not disclosed my history to him yet.

Ever so often he remarks, in a jokey way, that I do not remember because I am talking to so many guys aside from him. Which comes across as offensive because one I am not. Two I actually am going through life struggles and not lying about that. And third, even if I were talking to many guys, why should that be thrown in my face? I am single. I guarantee he is talking to other girls or going on dates, since he is often online and not replying to me. So should I be making those kind of remarks at him too?

Here is a sample of what he has said: "Also damn. if you gonna talk to so many guys and get confused and mix up your roster at least be honest. we even talked about it earlier in our chat.... it being the topic of religion

So what does everyone think? Is this a sign of jealousy or insecurity and a red flag?


demifeministgal 8 Aug 11

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I think you should stop talking to any guys and take care of your mental issues instead. It is not fair you not telling him.

I obviously would tell him after a couple in person dates. I think casual dating is okay as long as I am addressing my health issues. Due to the nature of them I'll never be cured or healed soo the only other option would be to die single and avoid dating forever. That's no fun!

@demifeministgal Sometimes life is no fun, but it is more important to get help than to date.

Rest assured I am getting help. It is just my living envt that worsens things. And during a pandemic with high unemployment rates moving out ain't happening any time soon. :/


Listen to your gut. When I ignore nagging doubts, I inevitably regret it.

Jealousy and disrespect are deal breakers, especially since you have not met.

Dump him.

I agree


To be honest, I think you already know what you have to do. This is a big red flag with flashing lights and an air raid siren. This guy is jealous, manipulative, and insulting.

Personally, integrity is important to me, I don't react well to being accused of lying. I'm not the most open person, and I won't reveal too much until I get to know someone, but you won't pry information out of me by indirect implications, and what I do reveal won't be dishonest. If I were in your shoes, I'd have already told him to fuck off.

JimG Level 8 Aug 11, 2020

Your 2nd paragraph is exactly the way I am. I have learned through life not to be revealing or forthcoming with personal information precisely because it has been used to harm or hurt me most of my life. I wish others that had easy breezy lives where they never had to protect themselves this way could understand me! Thanks for being an understanding soul. I appreciate you <3

@Donotbelieve you have no idea. I personally enjoy where I get shamed for my style of dating and taking things slow and made out to be a villain who needs to exit the dating world. Because somehow grown ass men cannot make the best decisions for themselves if they should pursue me! So I need to exit the dating world to protect the morons! fck that

@Donotbelieve I am honored. I love you, and our chats make my day.

@Donotbelieve, @demifeministgal Thank you, both!

@Donotbelieve I think you chased someone away. I don't think he'll be missed. Unfortunately, I missed the reply to my comment, but I assume it wasn't in agreement.

I can't see his comments either. So either he did a mass delete or he blocked me for standing up to him and telling him why he's wrong. Which is probably for the best because apparently all your replies filled him with such disgust and distressed him so much. He had quite a lot of empathy for the nameless asshole you see. Id wager he saw much of himself in the guy and got mighty defensive. XD

@demifeministgal I must have hit a nerve with him. Maybe it's best that I didn't see his response, if he blocked me before I did, it really shows his character. I'm guessing with actions like that it was my comments about integrity that bruised his fragile ego. I will try not to let it bother me 😂


ANYTHING which indicates disrespect of you, your autonomy, your time or your right to spend your time as you wish or any aspect of you as a person is a huge red flag. What he's said so far is already disrespectful enough that if you were my sister I'd be saying, piss him off. Be aware that most things said in jest are really the truth of what a person believes


Just being uncomfortable should be enough to move on.
I have always clearly posted in my profile that I'm here for community.
Before my transition I would post as a cis female just so I could kind of be me.
Still guys dug into my photos and sent messages outing me as if they had achieved something more than showing that they're dangerous stalkers that don't respect privacy or boundaries.
I posted as Novelty here for a long time, and deleted that account because of that kind of crappy evil behavior.

What crap. Bloody arseholes. I'm glad you're back because I used to really enjoy your posts and was sorry when you left. I'd send a hug emoji if I knew how 🙂

@Cyklone Thank you, TheMiddleWay was one of them.
He comes off as a super woke guys though right?
He's a misogynist that feels entitled to "investigate" female user profiles.
Another person found the name of the model who's photo I had used.
Yes I was dishonest, but I was also afraid.

@Willow_Wisp I blocked him a long time ago because I figured him for an arsehole. Someone called him tone deaf and I believed that to be an appropriate metaphor. Assuming you aren't trying to deceive for advantage or profit, you have no obligation to be truthful on your profile if you're not comfortable with it, so no need to feel guilty. I lie on mine. I'm actually a superfit model but I don't want the fan mail so I pretend to be an old bugger 😄

@Cyklone I've never tried to manipulate or scam anyone ever.
Oh well, It's just another trans experience I suppose 😉
I'm guessing that if I had been a cis female I may have accepted his behavior as normal, they've had to deal with that kind of crap their entire lives.

@Willow_Wisp unfortunately you're probably correct in what women endure. It doesn't matter where you go though, there is always an arsehole and there is also always some insecure little prick who feels the need to hurt others that don't conform to their narrow idea "normal". And centreoftherut is definitely a person who uses his knowledge to bully others. That's why I thought he was an arsehole and blocked him.

I hope you're proud of overcoming the tremendous obstacles that you must have faced to get where you are now. I don't envy you the difficult path you must have walked.

@Cyklone I was a coward, then the SCOTUS opinion on June 15th happened, I came out openly at work the next morning and began medical procedures.

@Unpretentious It's me now.

@Willow_Wisp Your profile picture is of no consequence. Mine is a camel, not because I am a camel but for another reason. Doesn’t change you.🤡

Omfg. That is horrible. What sadistic fckers! I am sorry you experienced that. Fck them and fck their toxic masculinity that has turned them in to deplorable abusers. Don't let them get to you! Be strong!

Sorry, this is off topic, but I enjoyed seeing your posts as Novelty. It's good to see you're still around.


Red flag. He’s a controller. Politely stand down I would suggest.

I second that

Or impolitely, as she deems appropriate 😉


One thing I learned , when renting out properties , the issues or characteristics someone brings up and accuses you of , if there is nothing to back those claims up , are most often the very things they themselves are most guilty of . If he's accusing you of talking to a lot of others of the opposite sex , then that is exactly what he is doing .


You already have 36 comments! I don’t have time to read them all, so this may be a repeat of what others have said:

If his intent was to remind you of previous texts, he could have been far kinder. He wasn’t. Let him know you don’t appreciate his accusatory tone. If he responds with anything but a heartfelt apology, block him and move on.


Exceptional praise , instant love ,distance means nothing because of love , texts only , bio too perfect ( large accomplishment and education) , big one I need money like gift cards

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 11, 2020

Oh wow thanks for listing some common ones out! I think I'm a sucker for love bombing. 😟 I blame toxic family ruining my self esteem for it. 😳 😟

And, don't forget, they never laugh at cheesy jokes


a red flag.. it seems that HE IS THE ONE talking to so many that he gets mixed up as to who he is talking to and assumes that you do also.


I've only met one person online with whom I've had a relationship - met her here and we are going strong for two years yesterday. So, I'm no help. But, best wishes.


Move on to the next guy.


It is a big big big red flag. Please don’t ignore it !

Ohub Level 7 Aug 11, 2020

Beware of any guy who tells you that you are talking to so many guys other than him.


Sounds disrespectful and sexist, one rule for him and you’re expected to be less active on the dating scene. But some people can put up with more of that than others.
You could always take notes, for memory jogging, but i think I’d look for someone else. My Dad always says; ‘many a true thing said in jest’.


You already have 40 comments now it's 41, RUN AWAY. And don't look back.


One of the most important green flags is "does this person enjoy me enjoying myself?" This person is clearly not enjoying you enjoying yourself AND 'we even talked about it' has enough air of gaslighting about it that I think you are more than justified in shinking your lamp somewhere else.


IMO a Control freak, BEWARE! He wants you apologetic & off-balance, and that already comes through in your post....BLOCK HIM NOW!


I am about to declare one of my own "prejudices": I would not touch him with a barge pole. By way of explanation, I would say that if any woman said such things to me I would drop her instantly.

A word to the wise: nobody remembers trivial details precisely because they are trivial.

For what it is worth, (and here I am making a conscious effort to boost your self-esteem), I value your honesty and openness, and if circumstances were different I would invite you out for a coffee.


I would't say it is a red flag per se. It is something you should bring up to him and the reason why (men like to know the reason or we try to "solve the problem" in many cases). Since you told him it bothers you, I would wait to see if he honors your boundaries of not teasing you in that area. If he persists, then you are probably not compatible. His flirting style just isn't one you appreciate in a romantic setting.


"due to mental health issues. This issue can interfere with memory retention of trivial details. Sometimes I forget the details of something a guy has said .... I have not disclosed my history to him yet."

First, these issues only effect things "a guy has said"?

"I actually am going through life struggles and not lying about that."

Second, are you sure you should be dating right now? Sometimes work needs to be done on self first. It's extremely difficult to explain rough patches of life, mental health issues and the like to complete strangers, online mind you! Especially when you are withholding a major chunk of your story; a story that makes you, you.

How can you expect this person, or any other person to be there for some person who is not being divulged?

I would only focus on an individual I can share my entire story with, and they are still right there for me. With help and support in their hearts.

Otherwise, me time may be in order. Once you are where you need to be within yourself, you will quickly rid yourself of people who do not love themselves. Because someone who does not love themselves are incapable of loving others in any meaningful way.

You will not hide who you are for anyone when you love yourself.

SCal Level 7 Aug 11, 2020

I actually think it is quite common for people not to disclose health issues right out of the gate. Not everyone is as open with their health issues as others. I would not say that is an indication of lack of self love. Rather, with time we reveal more and more of ourselves to another person. I would find it strange if someone openly advertised their health issues on their online dating profile, for example.

And considering I am heterosexual and only dating men, then yea the forgetting minor details applies only to men here. Just due to my orientation. Though I do believe neurotypical people do not remember everything that was said to them either. So this may just be a common issue we all share at times to varying degrees.


A montn in is not "right out of the gate."

Also, this is a major thing that is leading to other admitted issues. Perhaps at the time he began to notice your forgetfulness is a proper time to divulge at least that issue?

Other issues? You mean what he has said and how he has reacted is because of me? And the lack of disclosure? seems like quite the stretch, but is for sure possible.


He clearly does not love himself. His nosiness and lack of confidence are easy to notice by all who have observed your story, no?

So it was not a unilateral item that led me to the determination of lack of self love, but a conflation of items. I.e., your withholding of meaningful information and his lack of confidence that he can hold your interests in the presence of others.

Other issues as in the issue you mentioned along with "life struggles", plural.

A step back from this gentleman and dating in general seems like a good move, based on the information provided.

Just my opinion, though. It's clear we don't know the entire story.

I mean I stepped back for over 2 years already. I just got back into it after the pandemic got better here. So you're saying go back to stepping back? nah. I think casual dating aka going on a couple dates with someone is Aokay as long as I don't lead anyone on into thinking I am seeking long term,


I fully agree. No need to hermit yourself. I'd just suggest you have fun with it.

Best of luck to you.


In relationships online there ain't no jokey way and hell yes it's a big red flag. End it.


I have short term memory loss because of a small tumor in my brain. Though it isn't the same reason, I would seriously consider telling him about your short term memory loss (you don't have to state the reason). I would also ask him why he keeps bring it up, and that it is is offensive. If he keeps doing it, then tell him good-bye.

Personally, I would drop him. The few times I've dated someone who relished in pointing out my faults, I find out I should have dumped them.

After making the post and thinking on it, I did tell him to stop doing that. And if he dates and talks to other women than I can do the same. It is online dating that's the nature of the beast. And if his ego cannot handle me talking to others, he should not be online dating in the first place.


Sadly, you're not ready. This is a place that enables many contacts and if you're mature, fewer 'frogs to kiss'.

If you're offended by what appears to be friendly humor and a subtle complement, I'm afraid that you are one of the 'red flags' about which you seem concerned. That you take a broad number of contacts and conversation to indicate something negative 'to be thrown in one's face' shows probable arrested development and low self-esteem.

Why should anyone feel insulted for doing the very thing this kind of site is about in the first place? If your notion is, even worse, applicable more so to women than to men, it is an even larger red flag.

This isn't to say that it might not be the case for both of you...

You are wrong. He did not say anything complementary to me in his messages. PLEASE outline for all of us where exactly in this message there is a compliment? Especially when he ends off telling me I am a loser because I was wrong. Because I have over 40 members here that would disagree with your bullshit assessment.

"Also damn. if you gonna talk to so many guys and get confused and mix up your roster at least be honest. we even talked about it earlier in our chat. you can re read cause you can hold the L on this one 😉"

And it is NOT this site I am dating on. So your odd defense of the agnostic community in response to my post about an online fishing dating site, is bizarre and misplaced.

You're no doubt another toxic asshole and I am glad you outed yourself for women here to avoid dating you! Emotional abuse and gaslighting is not friendly teasing. Grow up. That's high school boy mentality.

Also your armchair psychology based on one post is hilarious. Get a degree first and a licence before diagnosing me as "arrested development". But what to expect from a guy with a high school mentality. meh


If it had been said once in jest, it wouldn't mean anything. The fact that he keeps bringing it up, in a "joking" way, is a humongous red flag.


UPDATE: He replied back to me saying: and lol clearly you werent catching the teasing in all that. judging by your last message there.

silly bear

“If you don’t know me by nowwwww. You will never ever ever know meeee 🎶🎶🎶

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