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Christianity,Islam,and Judaism all seem to be far fetched to me but I get my head around the Universe being here without some kind of god having a part in all this.

mountainman52 3 Aug 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds like you have a case of “god of the gaps”.
From wiki:
"God of the gaps" is a theological perspective in which gaps in scientific knowledge are taken to be evidence or proof of God's existence.

Mvtt Level 7 Aug 22, 2020

I love to watch programs that portray the strength of religion, primarily of rigid beliefs of Catholicism in the th,18th,19th centuries. If offered som hope based on the strides we hav made to keep church and state equal. I see many paraléleles as a gay man. With many strides in history hate continues to live on. As a resident in Texas we have had to endure religious rights imposed on our friends within LGBTQY Community. I believe that a practice where you can refuse serve a gay couple because one interpretation in th Bible, a fictitious fable that allows a voice for fear and hate. Governor Abbot and attorney Gen Paxton prole a right to say no because the are are different; even companies like hobby lobby Can refuse to carry gay groomsmen or black cake toppers; and refuse to offer their female staff contraceptive health care services because of religious beliefs. In God we trust remains an enabler for hate.and defines That all religions have a god.

It could be worse. You could live in Alabama! lol


Oookkkaaaayyyy, and where would that "gawd" have come from? ROFLMAO!

LOL. Really!


I agree with Yogisan. Gods were originally just symbols. The difference now is that we elevate certain words/symbols over others and make them "holy" or "sacred". So when you value something to the extreme that's when the concept of "worship" comes into play. Kings and queens were also worshiped and, at one time, regarded as the children of the gods. That high esteem was a brilliant political shield because if you accepted belief in the gods then why not extend that faith (and service) to their children? This is what other humans capitalize on to control you and... for example... get you to them tithes and offerings.

The word for "god" in Hebrew is "EL" which is basically came from the Canaanites. EL, OL, AL, all were related. This is why "ALLAH" is really the same word as "ELOAH". It's the PEOPLE and CULTURES that diverged and that's why the story of the tower of Babel is interesting because the ideas were magically changed (according to the book); only the language those ideas would be told in. Causing "confusion" wouldn't actually negate what people were doing, if what they were doing was wrong. They simply would be more likely to fight each other rather than build a single society.

So even though it's the same "god", these two cultures have been fighting each other for over a thousand years. A higher intelligence did that? No.

The word EL means power. The way "elohim" is used is merely a multiplication of power so 2 people can be elohim because it's plural. Or ONE person can be elohim, meaning that person has a plurality of power or is "powerful". When you want other people to think your elohim is better than theirs then you add the extra meaning, such as "el shaddai" or some other variation meaning "Almighty" or "all powerful".

But the power to create a world.... That's a real power. People worshiped the sun without fully realizing how right they were. On a hot day you can literally feel the energy from the sun. What's another word for energy? Power. Scientifically, it would not be wrong to call the stars, gods and our closest star being "all powerful" compared to others because that's where we get 0% of our energy from. And yes I'm including oil because oil comes from things that were formerly alive and lived on energy from the sun. The sun not only produce energy we can't see, but energy we can. It didn't just produce radiation but also the fission/fusion reactor produced the elements of creation. What would the periodic table be without the sun?

Should we worship the sun? Of course not. At least not like superstitious humans did before science figured a lot of this stuff out. But that is truly the power when it comes to our solar system and we can trace our sun's power back to the singularity known as the big bang; or the expansion of the universe. Since this very chaotic event, what we perceive to be order has come as a result, but the order we see is also and still the result of much chaos.

So sure, you can put whatever names on the elements and sources of power you want but don't waste your time trying to pray to it. It can't hear you and it's not conscious. YOU are it's consciousness. Everything is connected and evolved from it. So you ARE made in the image of God. Because you evolved from the very essence and the elements of the sun. It doesn't have to have everything you do. It doesn't have to have a mind, 2 eyes, and a nose. It doesn't need those things. You do. So that is our origin. Did we come from animals? Yes. But just like we all came from Africa all those animals came from the sun. So in a romantic sense we are the sun's children. It's simply not a person and by personifying it we run the risk of people taking it literally and producing religions that are used to manipulate the masses.

Thanks for the feedback.


Thanks for the feedback folks. This sit is getting interesting!


Do you mean you can’t get your head round it or that you can get your head round it? You have posted - that you can get your head around the Universe being here without some kind of god having part in it, so I’m puzzled what point you are actually making here. I can get my head around that fact too, in fact I’ve never believed otherwise.

@Green_Soldier71 I don’t think you have read my reply properly and urge you to re-read it. And a lifelong atheist I have never believed in a creator.

@Green_Soldier71 The original poster's question was poorly written, as lately I seem to find many are, causing me to pass most of them by. But I took the op to mean he can't get his head around there not being some divine intelligence which was a first mover. I don't think either position, can or can't, is remarkable. Things only get really interesting when you start talking about a personal god of a specific religion.

It's hard to say it's all kind of an accident. Since the first man, the thought that there is something metaphysical is going on around here has been with us.


Such a god as the one you refer to is kind of a "so what". Perhaps this is all the result of some grand experiment. Perhaps it went horribly wrong, or it was a partial success, or this god is indifferent, or it's amused, or maybe it's dead now. It all adds up to irrelevant speculation, because the possibility some such being or beings existing says nothing about how we should live our lives, other than as each of us best sees fit.

I dropped some Tomatoes by an invalids house today. That's all I need to do to feel good about being a member of the human race. The rest of it to me is just ritualistic posturing.

@mountainman52 I guess I should have focused more on the second part of your post. Great that you have no need for ritualistic posturing. But as far as the universe is concerned, I find it as hard, if not harder, to wrap my head around it not existing. However, that there are varied, extraordinarily complex, conscious living creatures which developed from inanimate matter does, seem rather amazing. But when you consider the small fraction of time which such creatures have been here, the small fraction of the universe which such creatures inhabit, and the small fraction of the time such creatures may remain in existence until all returns to inanimate matter, it no longer seems as preposterous that it could all be an accident, though I wouldn't necessarily "blame" you if you still couldn't come to wrap your head around that idea. My level of confidence in believing that it all could have been an accident can vary from time to time, depending what new tidbit of information I happen upon or which takes hold at the forefront of my mind at the time, though I do tend to lean in that direction.


Humans created all their gods to explain the unknown. I have yet to meet a theist that can prove there is a god.

Thanks for the input.


There's never been a shred of evidence that the universe is a product of a "creator" phenomenon. Really, it's quite ridicules. The universe just is, ebb and flow of particles, no beginning, no end. We do have an abundance of evidence that man created a (many) creator. Man-made, huddled, fearful in the dark trying to explain the inexplainable, for them. A comforting or controlling story. That's all.

Leelu Level 7 Aug 20, 2020

Yours is a good way to look at it. Thanks.


No need for a god or gods. We need to start from the premise of no god or gods. The universe by definition does not need a creator. Humans invented gods or a god in their own image.


I have difficulty reconciling the idea that some being could have possibly created the universe. The Big Bang theory makes infinitely more sense. There is no good reason to invent a creator.

Deb57 Level 8 Aug 20, 2020

I do not see how anyone could say that someone made the Universe. Where would they exist if not inside this Universe? Outside this Universe, where is that and how do I get there and back?

The big bang and let there be light are kinda the same thoughts to me.


1st, Saying a god did it tells you nothing, absolutely squat. Actually, it becomes an obstacle from gaining any insight.
2nd, study a bit about subatomic particles. When a particle is accelerated to near the speed of light, and collides with another particle, the kinetic energy translates into a zoo of subatomic particles. Where do they all come from? Apparently, they are always there as virtual particles, but don't have the energy to manifest. When that energy becomes available, they go from being virtual to physical. The same for certain nuclear decay paths. A nucleus in a high energy state drops to a lower state by manifesting neutrinos. Or, a positron and an electron collide to generate two or three photons. At that scale, mass and energy are more interchangeable, given the right conditions. And, as with black holes, they can collapse into a non-physical singularity, with only gravity remaining.
3rd, ask yourself why it matters. What would you do with the information if you had it? There's so much to learn, if you're really curious, and you will be glad you tried. The science is not just-so bullshit as religion is.

Science is making more sense to me every day. That was some interesting things you said about matter. That helped me. Thanks.


Creationism = bullshit.


Of all the questions I may have for this. I really have one. well two really. Why? What exactly about the ways of the universe need some creator? and also, Which God, for that matter?



It can be hard to understand without taking shortcuts. Rather than do the hard work of trying to explain those things that we don't know and why we don't know them yet, it is much simpler to make up a god to just give credit and be done with it. The more we discover, the more questions we have and the answers keep changing. Easier to have an unchanging super being to just give credit for all that we don't understand.


A simple following of evolution and survival of the fittest will take care of that. Gods have nothing to do with it.


There were so many ancient desert gods. The more interesting ones lost to Bubba Yahweh, the jealous, “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I still love you” redneck of gods. Yawn.


Nature and the laws that govern it is quite capable of creating the universe without any help from supernatural forces or imaginary beings and there is no reason to think othewise. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Try Hinduism then. Plenty of gods there.

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