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If we ever officially devolope time travel, when would you go to?

If there was a tech revolution that resulted in time travel becoming available, when would you go to? In all of time what even would inspire you to visit it and why? Or, would you travel to the future?

KingPeep 6 Apr 8

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I would go back just a little bit and visit my childhood home.


Oh this is easy because I say this all the time. Back in time to my child's birth so that I could do everything differently from there on in, of course with the knowledge that I have now. Not that I was a bad mother I just would like the chance to correct all that I could have done better.

Although meeting Jim Kirk might be fun too!


Chicago on the night of Martin Luther Kings assassination. Hendrix was due to play but he said that he could not go on. The police came to him and begged him to do the gig. There were thousands of people who were all set to riot if he did not. So he came on stage and said " This is for a friend of mine. " What came out next was by all accounts a most beautiful improvised piece, that nobody had heard before or has heard since. The gig was not recorded so unless you were there you would not know what it was like.

were you there? that WOULD have been too cool!!

@SeeCanU Alas no 1, Im a brit and 2, I was only 10 at the time but I have heard of it and this is my pick.


A couple hundred years in the futurem so I could meet Jim Kirk.

(The original or version 2.0?)


Plymouth rock, Massachusetts. Right before the pilgrams landed with my halloween costume on.


I would go back to see what it was really like in the medieval times. I love castles, knights, king, queens and such.

I think those castles would be cold

@btroje And bring toilet paper!


There is a theory that time travel is not possible because if it were, people would have come back and told us about it. However there is another theory that says it is possible. It`s just that it sends you mad and you end up in the park drinking cider, speaking in an unintelligible scottish accent
" arge yer fukin sen ye puko nestie wan ye "

Translates as
etal oot sti erofeb won pmurT lliK


I would soooo be like Bill and Ted and go everywhere... errr rather every time..


I'd like to keep a bunch of people's parents from conceiving them.


I'd go back about 120 years, hoping to hang around for a couple of decades at least I'd seek out some of my favorite, most admired personalities and pioneers like Mark Twain, H.L. Mencken, Zora Neale Hurston, Wilhelm Reich, George Schuyler and Clara Bow. (yum)

After that, If I could stick around even longer, sail to Italy and marry Sophia Loren before Carlo got a chance to meet her first. 🙂


I'd like to observe the beginning of everything. I'd also like to see Neanderthals, dinosaurs, the Roman Empire, etc.


A few months ago a package arrived in the mail; a t-shirt I had ordered. I cut the freaking shirt as I was opening the package.
I would desperately like to fix that act of stupidity. As a bonus, I would also be able to avoid dropping my cell phone on the tile floor, a few weeks ago, that resulted in the screen breaking.
Everything beyond that (in the past) I've already reconciled, and I don't think I want to know my future, not until it gets here.
Ask me this again in a year, decade, or whatever, I'm sure I'll have another answer.


We get this post pretty often lately. I live for today so I will pass.


In this hypothetical, is it a one way trip, or do I get to return?

Good question!!

You get to return. I don't think many people would go one way. Sure there are a few but most would come back.


It would have to be time travel in much the same way as featured in the cult British Sci Fi TV series Dr. Who, travel through time AND space, that way I could travel back to the time of the Old Testament and kidnap Abraham before he had the chance to spread his poison. I would bring him back to present day where he would be revered by some but considered a kook by the majority, he would probably move to the U.S and become a TV evangelist.


1969 Haight-Ashbury to watch our civilisation change from Abrahamic directed to something the world has never seen before (we're still working through that change).


i would like to go back to when i though apple stock was too expensive at $80 a share....or google was too expensive at its ipo.



mzee Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

Oh wow! That's a tough question. My first instinct is to say "future", but I might end up in the post-nuclear apocalypse or something. As for the past, it would be a tough call for me between the ancient Greco-Roman world and Tudor England. I'd love to see the dinosaurs, but that could be dangerous and I'm very risk-averse.

Wait, scratch that. I'd go back to see all of my dogs. That would be my first choice.


I dont' think I would.


Time it space time flows like a river, and is distorted by mass and slowed by the faster you travel. Physics does not allow time travel into the "past" but it does allow into the future so travel into the future is the only possible place to go. If travel were possible to the past I would like to see the contents of the Ark of the covenant, from how it is described to effect people I believe it must have been radioactive. I'm curious as hell to know if it came from Earth or elsewhere. Knowing what they put under the Sphinx would be another thing I would love to see.


The fng bank,


Yesterday to remind myself of the perils of that first step off the deck.


It'll never happen!

Based upon what?

@evidentialist Laws of physics.

@wordywalt -- Understood, but that did not answer my question. There are a few out there with serious grants for this research who would argue the point. I'm not saying I agree with them, just want to know precisely what it is that gives you the confidence to make the statement so bluntly.


Depending on the type of time travel, it might be more apt to mark it as travel across a second dimension of time. If one could secure travel back to one's own timeline, anything done in the adjacent timeline may be without consequence (unless time police exist).


I would take a look at 200 years into the future.

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