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Question on the Pledge of Allegiance

Should we remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance?

Hages 7 Sep 10

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And to the Republic for which we KNEEL,


The words "under god" were added at the insistance of those who held to McCathyism and everyone else went along with it to appease them. []

"in god we trust" wasn't originally on the money either, It was added to appease religious fanatics. []

1 was added in the 1950’s during the red scare


Of course, but the many xians in Congress won’t remove it.

SCOTUS, in the first of the two circa-1940 Jehovah Witness Pledge cases, held that the Pledge’s purpose is to bring children into the political culture.

About five years ago I combined that fact with Paul’s Corinthians(?) admonition to give up childish things and persuaded a Toastmasters club’s members to no longer open their meetings with the Pledge. They still do not pledge.


Should we? Eisenhower had those words added during the cold war and our fight against "godless communism." If you are a Trumper none of this has changed. I'm ex-military honorably discharged from the Army and I'm not sure we even need a pledge. Other than building support for the military what exactly is it for? Do we deport people who will not say the pledge?



And then stop indoctrinating our children with a daily dose of it.

Leelu Level 7 Sep 10, 2020

@MissKathleen They still do here in lovely red/god/bible Oklahoma. They aren't technically forced to comply but they still have it. During the fight to force children to pledge to god and country we had several teacher/student incidents including a teacher striking a child and calling them a traitor. Got to love these Okies.

@MissKathleen I can believe it. 45 is not the only one sewing the seed of "destroy the others not like me". The other night I happen to see Jim Inhofe's ad for state senate: His theme was what Oklahoman's are AND are not. "There are some people that are socialists, liberals, progressives, they are not Oklahoma's." Also, earlier in the ad he states while other places are burning their cities to the ground Oklahoman's pray.

Made me want to puke. The they are the "enemy" idea was all over this ad. 😟


How about getting rid of the pledge entirely. Is it not just mass nationalist brain washing? Can we not like our country and each other without making some arbitrary pledge to it? I could see its use throughout history but it's a little silly now. But sure. Get it out of the pledge and off money.

And off police cars

@MissKathleen I guess my statement was inaccurate. I was thinking of in god we trust.


Yes god needs removed from the pledge and money.

2 mean the prayer of allegiance?

Having avoided it for so many years, and not all that impressed by the nation, get rid of it all - beginning with the god garbage added to fight godless communism..

Varn Level 8 Sep 10, 2020

Lose the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety. Recite it to yourself and ask yourself if it lives up to any of what it claims.Not one word of it is based on anything real we've had for who knows how long.


This is the 1956 version of the “Pledge of Allegiance”!!!

Next the one that has been forced upon us by the religious right obstructionist republican fascists!!!


It seemed to have worked well through world war l and with a slight change in 1923, world war II without it. 🤔


Absolutely! I remember when they added a response to the "GODLESS COMMIES!" I just leave it out but nobody should be forced to do that. Why do we even have the thing?


If I say it at all, I certainly do and I replace "under god" with "under the Constitution".

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