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Who's been the best President of the United States in your lifetime?

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Michelle Obama

Silly me. Thanks for the info.


@kenriley Wuv you too, buddy... lmao

@Redcupcoffee But,,, but.. you don't even know me... I'm guessing you would agree with me that anybody that would intentionally harm children should be put away, yes? Do we agree on that level?


I’m 44 and would definitely say Obama.


Probably Jimmy Carter.

I often think about where we'd be if we had listened to him about getting in bed with Saudi Arabia and other foreign entanglements among many other things. We could have easily sparked WW3 and didn't. We could have been a world leader in alternative energies too. Loved the solar panels on the White House.


Jimmy Carter. Hands down. Best ex-president, too.

Jimmy Carter was president when I was in High School. Wasn't very political myself but my parents were Republicans and so didn't like him.
I alway thought he made sense and was as honest as any president could be. Very sorry I waited 2 hours in line to vote for Reagan, thought my parents knew more about what we needed than I did, big mistake!
I think Jimmy Carter is a great example for all people, especially men as to what humans can achieve when they try. He and his wife have done more for humanity than anyone and they are still giving and doing for others, truly inspiring!

@Ktcyan goddamn right!


John F. Kennedy

I was born the day before JFK was assassinated. He was my president for only one day. I read that he was a good president.


I've only been alive since 1998, so I'm not exactly spoiled for choice. Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barack Obama and the infantile Wotsit, as I like to call him. Out of those, I must necessarily go for Obama; he took control of a country in recession and brought it back to being a respected international power instead of a bully.


Not satisfied with any of them.

cava Level 7 Apr 9, 2018

Bill Clinton. OK you can flame me

Not me, and have wondered who would ‘get it right’ 😀


Well each president has had to deal with different issues in their tenure. I think one of the most courageous acts done was for Lincoln to establish the act to abolish slavery. He had alot of pushback and in fact triggered a civil war which caused great destruction and loss of life. But slavery had to be abolished.

...boy're a lot older than you look 😀

i extended the context to a president that i admired the most in the history of america. So I didn't exactly answer your question. but it was a good question


Ronald Regan... At the time, I feared a hated him as I did and still do with Thatcher. However being bothered to study his style and how he attempted to transition not only America but the world into the next century, my admiration in the way he did it excells.
Regan was an actor and played the part of an 'everyman' very well. This kept the blue collar onside, but he was also film 'royalty', keeping the money people at hand too. He may have known how poor the USA and USSR were in reality, and found a way to break the Cold War deadlock without resort to nuclear armagedon.
He fought against the onset of Dementia during tha latter part of his term, whilst still allowing a transition to George Bush.
Regan saw the bigger picture, setting the stage for thinking POTUS such as the likes of Clinton and Obama.
Trump... well I can't really say anything nice, or good about what he has achieved so far. America is the political laughing stock of the world, but then outside of the USA, we cannot get how distrusted Mrs Clinton was/is.

Reagan did damage that is still being felt. He was the architect of the demise of the middle class. Among the worst in history.

Reagan ushered in the beginning of the end. No US president in my history gave more to the Religious-wrong than he. His having ‘faced down’ the Soviet Union had placed our advanced nuclear bomber squadrons on the runways of Europe - armed and ready more times than an ex-military friend of the time could remember.. He bulegerantly gambled with our lives then ‘lucked out’ that the Soviet’s though him dumb enough to actually attack … making ‘them’ the heroes of the cold war, not Reagan.

He was best described as an “Amiable Dupe,” and considering he’d ‘replaced’ one of the USA’s most intelligent and humanitarian presidents, a giant leap backward; comparable to the leap we’ve taken from Obama to ‘this.’ Reagan placed zealots in key cabinet positions, appointed the likes of Scalia to Federal Judgeships … then took naps with a full belly of jellybeans.. For all he gave the religious & far-wrong of this nation, and the trajectory he foolishly set in place, I consider him right there with the 3 worst presidents of my lifetime: Reagan, Bush Jr, and ‘this.’


Bill Clinton, then Obama

Same here 😉


I think Bill Clinton would been ranked the best, if he just could have kept his pants on!

Many of them had zipper trouble, but when you exude that much intelligence and charisma … I suspect you’re constantly fighting off opportunity.. But glad to see another ‘Clinton vote.’ His ability to be slick made him the master of achievement. He maintained a progressive momentum though trimmed (with the help of Albert Gore Jr.) government like never before. There’ve been kinder, more giving Presidents during my lifetime.. James Earl Carter comes to mind, as well as Barack Obama, but as far as someone doing the most with the cards he’d been dealt - that man’s Clinton ~

@Varn Oh, yeah. Voted form him in 1992 and 1996. Was very glad to see him win that first term. I agree with you, he really knew his stuff.


Mickey mouse

Good ol Mickey! I sure wish he was president now. If only the anti-politics ,anti-clinton ,anti-trump group would have gotten their heads together he could have been


Historians hold Abraham Lincoln in highest esteem for crisis leadership. He led the country through one of its most trying periods, the Civil War, and in 1863 signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves. Not in my lifetime, of course, but he is my favorite in history.


Obama. (but I don't really count as I'm English I shouldnt get a vote) I will be keenly intrested if any one says Trump.

@Redcupcoffee that is so funny I am laughing out loud!


Kennedy, clinton Obama


Kennedy, clinton Obama


Truman,Ike,Roosevelt All stood for principles and for the best in our country. They should be examples of what a president should be like. old are you 😉



Obama....Easy choice. Could have done more had the Republicans worked with him. They were more interested in making him look bad than working for the people. Had he been white it would have been a different story. If not for Vietnam Johnson would be number one for his work on civil rights.


Probably Carter.


The question asked "In your lifetime". The more senior of us have a wider view. At one time I had thought Carter was terrible. Kennedy and Clinton were my favorites. After a little learning about all these presidents Carter took a much better position and Clinton went down. I discovered Kennedy, despite his words, was terrible and would have been a disaster for the country. Obama is my favorite and he has been rated 8th best president by a historical group that does the official ratings ( After an initial rating Obama went up and Bush went down.

@Redcupcoffee From what I have read Bobby was as bad as his brother. I don't remember the exacts but the feeling of being shattered. I thought of something I am going to put out. It is called "critical thinking" not critical feeling. We don't have to like what we learn and sometimes accepting something we don't like makes it even more meaningful.


President Ronald Reagan

Count Level 5 Apr 9, 2018

I am more concerned about the worst.

Well, it had been Bush Jr, until now ~

@Varn until now.

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